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My Character: Sakamoto Kazuma 

Kazuma is a protagonists no one have seen before. Rather than starting off relatively average or slightly above average kid, he is in his late teens having stopped blading for various reasons etc. Since, he's older and is not the typical shonen we see as the protagonist usually, Various reasons compelled him to start over again in Burst. Utilizing his experience and intellect rather than relying on the avatars, until he realizes what potential he was missing out on and begun to have more trust and faith in his Bey.

Bey: Draconis - A powerful attack type with fierce contact point and heavy weight with a driver that is like an awakened Variable. It utilizes the weight and the crazy speed of the variable, somehow controlling it somewhat and is able to smash his opponents

(real world equivalent for the first incarnation would be something like Lost longinus layer, Gravity , Variable)

Avatar: not revealed until much much later, it is a huge silver Dragon [Image: latest?cb=20170824224612]

Friends: Best friend/rival(think of the relationship between Ryu and Ken) Hattori Kazuki uses a Defensive bey, and was consistently playing(didn't have the gap like Kazuma) and is considered  to be one of the best Defensive style players. (Bey name To be announced, but real world equivalent would be Wild Wyvern, Gravity, Defense)
[Image: latest?cb=20121018133608]<--- its the huge bulky looking dude :D
**had to change his bey and design due to difficuty in filming... T.T
(Nov. 26, 2017  4:10 AM)Bersilus Wrote: [ -> ]My Character: Sakamoto Kazuma 

Kazuma is a protagonists no one have seen before. Rather than starting off relatively average or slightly above average kid, he is in his late teens having stopped blading for various reasons etc. Since, he's older and is not the typical shonen we see as the protagonist usually, Various reasons compelled him to start over again in Burst. Utilizing his experience and intellect rather than relying on the avatars, until he realizes what potential he was missing out on and begun to have more trust and faith in his Bey.

Bey: Draconis - A powerful attack type with fierce contact point and heavy weight with a driver that is like an awakened Variable. It utilizes the weight and the crazy speed of the variable, somehow controlling it somewhat and is able to smash his opponents

(real world equivalent for the first incarnation would be something like Lost longinus layer, Gravity , Variable)

Avatar: not revealed until much much later, it is a huge silver Dragon [Image: ZCjwcF]

Friends: Best friend/rival Kazuki hattori uses a Defensive bey, and was consistently playing(didn't have the gap like Kazuma) and is considered  to be one of the best Defensive style players. (Bey name To be announced but real world equivalent would be Arc bahamut, 6 bump, atomic)

Is this a synopsis of your series? Also, when will the first chapter be coming (no pressure)?
(Nov. 26, 2017  4:11 AM)Ayane_2355 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 26, 2017  4:10 AM)Bersilus Wrote: [ -> ]My Character: Sakamoto Kazuma 

Kazuma is a protagonists no one have seen before. Rather than starting off relatively average or slightly above average kid, he is in his late teens having stopped blading for various reasons etc. Since, he's older and is not the typical shonen we see as the protagonist usually, Various reasons compelled him to start over again in Burst. Utilizing his experience and intellect rather than relying on the avatars, until he realizes what potential he was missing out on and begun to have more trust and faith in his Bey.

Bey: Draconis - A powerful attack type with fierce contact point and heavy weight with a driver that is like an awakened Variable. It utilizes the weight and the crazy speed of the variable, somehow controlling it somewhat and is able to smash his opponents

(real world equivalent for the first incarnation would be something like Lost longinus layer, Gravity , Variable)

Avatar: not revealed until much much later, it is a huge silver Dragon [Image: ZCjwcF]

Friends: Best friend/rival Kazuki hattori uses a Defensive bey, and was consistently playing(didn't have the gap like Kazuma) and is considered  to be one of the best Defensive style players. (Bey name To be announced but real world equivalent would be Arc bahamut, 6 bump, atomic)

Is this a synopsis of your series? Also, when will the first chapter be coming (no pressure)?

It'll be coming along, i intend to do videos for the battles, so it'll take longer than just traditional writing.... thanks for the support!
(Nov. 26, 2017  4:24 AM)Bersilus Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 26, 2017  4:11 AM)Ayane_2355 Wrote: [ -> ]Is this a synopsis of your series? Also, when will the first chapter be coming (no pressure)?

It'll be coming along, i intend to do videos for the battles, so it'll take longer than just traditional writing.... thanks for the support!

No problem! I'll be subscribing to this topic, so, I can keep an eye on it! This is a very nice idea! I'm already invested, hah.
==**Writer's note**==
If i have to pick an Opening song it'll be this, the lyrics does fit it really well.

listen to it and enjoy!!
==**End of note**==

Chapter 1 : Revival??


The scene begins with the end of the normal polytechnic school day (like a technical university) , Kazuma tucks his engineering Textbooks into his sling bag and yawns, stretching himself as he casually greets his classmates and bids them goodbye, he then leaves the lecture theatre, making his way up the steps when he noticed a flyer on the steps....

-= NEW OPENING!!! =-

Grand opening of the latest BEYSHOP In Town!!!
Drop by today! and try out the latest design!!

Special Appearance by the Famous Blader!
=={ Hattori Kazuki }==

Photo Ops available!
posters for sale!
chance of winning an autographed set!!

Location: BeyShoppe Ultra
Beytown central Singapore, SG 600111


Kazuma thought to himself its amusing that beyblade's still alive all these years and chuckled to himself quietly. Then he is suddenly struck by a sudden surge of pain in his head, as he left the School, he makes his way to town.

seeing its still early he thought, maybe i can go to town for a drink and relax...

He made his way to the local snack shop and didn't realize that right beside that snack shop was the new Beyshop mentioned in the pamphlet earlier..

He bought his usual sugarless fizzy drink and proceeded to sit at the roadside seats watching the huge crowd at the shop.
In his first sip, as the drink hit his mouth, the fizziness, the sweet taste, memories started flooding back into him at a rapid rate.

Suddenly the crowd started to move, and seems to trail behind a figure that just exited the shop.

Kazuki spots Kazuma and gives him a wide friendly smile, Kazuma felt puzzled, he does felt like he met that "idol" somewhere before....

**more memory flashbacks, this time of beyblades and him, training hard, Kazuki appears in the memories this time as well..**

He suddenly remembers of his own Bey and the huge absence of time, wondering why he hasn't recalled any of this and never seen his bey for a long time...

He finishes his drink pronto, gulping it down, then dashes off in the opposite direction where Kazuki left, heading back home..


End of Chapter 1

This is a short chapter, hope you all enjoyed reading it thus far~
i'll include in some battle videos so stay tuned for future chapters!

this story is set in the Universe where beyblade Burst gen1 lasted for many years, so imagine the timeline of our own, but its stretched out..
hope you get a better sense of it as the story progresses..
(Nov. 26, 2017  4:57 AM)Bersilus Wrote: [ -> ]==**Writer's note**==
If i have to pick an Opening song it'll be this, the lyrics does fit it really well.

listen to it and enjoy!!
==**End of note**==

Chapter 1 : Revival??


The scene begins with the end of the normal polytechnic school day (like a technical university) , Kazuma tucks his engineering Textbooks into his sling bag and yawns, stretching himself as he casually greets his classmates and bids them goodbye, he then leaves the lecture theatre, making his way up the steps when he noticed a flyer on the steps....

-= NEW OPENING!!! =-

Grand opening of the latest BEYSHOP In Town!!!
Drop by today! and try out the latest design!!

Special Appearance by the Famous Blader!
=={ Hattori Kazuki }==

Photo Ops available!
posters for sale!
chance of winning an autographed set!!

Location: BeyShoppe Ultra
Beytown central Singapore, SG 600111


Kazuma thought to himself its amusing that beyblade's still alive all these years and chuckled to himself quietly. Then he is suddenly struck by a sudden surge of pain in his head, as he left the School, he makes his way to town.

seeing its still early he thought, maybe i can go to town for a drink and relax...

He made his way to the local snack shop and didn't realize that right beside that snack shop was the new Beyshop mentioned in the pamphlet earlier..

He bought his usual sugarless fizzy drink and proceeded to sit at the roadside seats watching the huge crowd at the shop.
In his first sip, as the drink hit his mouth, the fizziness, the sweet taste, memories started flooding back into him at a rapid rate.

Suddenly the crowd started to move, and seems to trail behind a figure that just exited the shop.

Kazuki spots Kazuma and gives him a wide friendly smile, Kazuma felt puzzled, he does felt like he met that "idol" somewhere before....

**more memory flashbacks, this time of beyblades and him, training hard, Kazuki appears in the memories this time as well..**

He suddenly remembers of his own Bey and the huge absence of time, wondering why he hasn't recalled any of this and never seen his bey for a long time...

He finishes his drink pronto, gulping it down, then dashes off in the opposite direction where Kazuki left, heading back home..


End of Chapter 1

This is a short chapter, hope you all enjoyed reading it thus far~
i'll include in some battle videos so stay tuned for future chapters!

this story is set in the Universe where beyblade Burst gen1 lasted for many years, so imagine the timeline of our own, but its stretched out..
hope you get a better sense of it as the story progresses..

I heavily enjoyed this first chapter! Keep up the good work! Also, if you want I can sing the theme song, if you decide on a final one and want a cover for the series (I can do it in many voices, so, don't consider my voice a dilemma, please).
Keep it up! This seems promising

And one question...but Draconis really resembles Dragoon in a way...

And can you put characters from the make your own character thread in here??...
Sorry if this request is annoying...

Btw, since that link isn't available anymore...

And how might you be doing videos for battles ? Since some of these bed don't exist??
(Nov. 27, 2017  6:47 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Keep it up! This seems promising

And one question...but Draconis  really resembles Dragoon in a way...

And can you put  characters from the make your own character thread in here??...
Sorry if this request is annoying...

Btw, since that link isn't  available anymore...

And how might  you be doing videos for battles ? Since some of these bed don't  exist??

I might consider having some appear as cameo, events or other special reasons.

The link I used still works for me but thanks for the alternative link

And if you notice I've been putting real world equivalent beys. So the fights would be using those!

My friend just bought a phone tripod, so we will probably start filming some fights and stuff!
I'll probably do another text/story chapter as work gets jn the way and i can only film on weekends..

Stay tuned!
Did miss something???

Seems like things r going to take more interesting turns...From now...
will this be updated at some point??? just really wanna see more...
Yea I've done the battle videos. It's with my friends pc. I need to do editing and stuff. I should believe it'll be exciting to watch(and hopefully read)

Sorry for taking so long but this method really takes more time..

I'll be doing a couple of text only before I embark on the ones with vid hopefully more story stuff to keep your appetite in check as I work on editing those... Grin

Thank you so much for the interest!!
Chapter 2 : Reunion??


Kazuma pants as he jogs home, the town's scenery flashing by him is seemingly like how the memories keeps flashing back at the same time.

Reaching the apartment block he pushes the lift button, as he stood there waiting he recalls what happened earlier today, trying hard to recall but as his memories float by and when it seems he almost got it, the loud ping! From the elevator's arrival broke his train of thought.

Walking into his home, he proceeded to set aside his sling bag, and begins to fumble around his belongings.

He went through his extensive gunpla collection in his cupboard, but to his dismay he wasn't able to locate any of his beyblades....

But that didn't stop him as he continued into the night searching the entire house, making quite the mess as one can imagine, only stopping to take small breaks from time to time, until he realises it's already 4am, and decides to take a shower to freshen up after cleaning up the mess.

After which he was so tired he just went straight to bed, flopping down face first and falling into a deep sleep. Where he dreamt of the events today and the resurgence of some of his memories.

*zzzzziiiiippp!*(sound of ripcords)
*whirling sounds*
*snap!, crack!* (sounds of clashing beys)
*sounds of bey bursting*
Picking up his bey, he tries to look at it but it's shining so brightly like it's the sun..

Until he realised that he was dreaming and is now looking at the sun shining brightly into his room.
He gets up, stretches himself and goes to take a shower and wash up.
Afterwhich he went to the kitchen to cook up some breakfast, he cuts up some tomatoes and proceeds to hard boil a couple of eggs. Then he goes to stir fry 2 chicken fillets, seasoning them using only paprika and cayenne pepper.
Then he tosses all those onto a heated up wrap (think burrito) and chomps down on it after adding a bit of mayonnaise to the hardboiled eggs.

As he eats the homemade food he recalls an important detail, he often wakes up to the sound of a rooster in his childhood and haven't heard of it for a long long time...

Suddenly everything made sense, as a kid he used to stay with his grandparents further up in the rural areas, which explains the roosters waking him up.

He then puts away his dishes and after changing he heads out to clear his mind.

As he wandered around town, he stopped by the arcades first and spent some time on the initial D machines there, hoping the race down the touge would let him clear his mind, but it only makes him unable to clear his previous lap record so he left after a few games.

He then goes to the local comic book shop to see if he can spot any latest comics or if any new issues of the comics he's been waiting for is released. Only to see Kazuki's promotional poster around. With both his usual haunts unable to be a distraction he left the comic book shop as well and just strolled around town...

"Hey there! Have you played before beyblade??"
A voice called out to him.

Before he knew it, he somehow made his way to the Beyshoppe Ultra in Beytown central, the usher looking expectantly at him, instead of replying he simply walked right in.

Kazuma walked around the shop looking at all the new beys and accessories around the shop, Along with the numerous new stadium designs...

Kazuma chuckled as he sees the stadium with spike walls.

"That can't be safe" he mumbled to himself.

He recalls as a kid how he is just drawn to the coolest designs paying no heed to the practicality Of the design of the bey.

He thought to himself he can simply just use his knowledge now to his advantage, and proceeded to buy some parts he thought would be useful or competitive, as well as he observed the duels going on in the shop, to see what are the popular parts and strategies.

He ended up buying the bey with heaviest disk he can find in the shop(gravity, ragnarok) as well as  a powerful attacker with a potentially interesting yet weird looking driver(Variable, Valkyrie) as well as the latest string launcher along with a grip handle. The shop was running a special promotion at the time and his purchases ended up giving him a free standard stadium. He took the bag and went to take a bus ride home.

After an uneventful day without funny memory flashbacks he's just glad he manages to find a small speck of his childhood back. That is until he reaches home.

As Kazuma opens the door he sees a small parcel on the table with a note on top of the box.

On the cover of the note it reads:

To: Kazuma
From: Grandpa


End of Chapter 2

Phew!! Finally a chapter 2!
Thanks for waiting!
Stay tuned!! :3
Another great chapter, @[Bersilus]! I can't wait to see what you do with this story as it goes on! And, I didn't mind the waiting, I understand that writing is hard. I'll be waiting patiently for the next chapter!
Nice chapter bersillus...Just as we expect from U
Can't wait to see how this turns out! Hoping to see a tune-up of his bey next chapter, but it sounds really good! Keep it up!
aaaaahhhh...sorry, I can't wait well, lol Grin

but a quick question for you...when will the next chapter be up?...
If anyone's interested I'll be making a 3d printable draconis, if there's a white variable please tell me
(Feb. 03, 2018  7:24 AM)K1D Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone's interested I'll be making a 3d printable draconis, if there's a white variable please tell me

nice Idea...All the best for that....
Is it dragoon f burst (gravity, variable)
When I make the layer my preferred combo would be 7 variable, 7 is both the heaviest and good for attack, variable is one of the fastest tips out there.
(Feb. 02, 2018  3:25 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]aaaaahhhh...sorry, I can't wait well, lol Grin

but a quick question for you...when will the next chapter be up?...

Sorry for the delay... I know a lot of you enjoy reading but work got in the way...
I have the videos but I've no time to edit them yet..

So sorry. I hope once I finish the next chapter you'll think it's worth it
(Feb. 03, 2018  10:25 AM)Beatlynx27 Wrote: [ -> ]Is it dragoon f burst (gravity, variable)

I have included the bey details in the first post Smile

(Feb. 03, 2018  7:24 AM)K1D Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone's interested I'll be making a 3d printable draconis, if there's a white variable please tell me

I' definitely interested! Also would be awesome if you know of a white or clear variable please please let me know
(Feb. 09, 2018  1:34 AM)Bersilus Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 03, 2018  10:25 AM)Beatlynx27 Wrote: [ -> ]Is it dragoon f burst (gravity, variable)

I have included the bey details in the first post Smile

(Feb. 03, 2018  7:24 AM)K1D Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone's interested I'll be making a 3d printable draconis, if there's a white variable please tell me

I' definitely interested! Also would be awesome if you know of a white or clear variable please please let me know

I'm pretty sure there's a white variable in the apex a attack set
(Feb. 09, 2018  1:42 AM)K1D Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 09, 2018  1:34 AM)Bersilus Wrote: [ -> ]I have included the bey details in the first post Smile

I' definitely interested! Also would be awesome if you know of a white or clear variable please please let me know

I'm pretty sure there's a white variable in the apex a attack set

Sadly it's hasbro... 
(Feb. 09, 2018  1:44 AM)Bersilus Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 09, 2018  1:42 AM)K1D Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty sure there's a white variable in the apex a attack set

Sadly it's hasbro... 

Yeah, it's what we HAVE to use, sadly 3d printed teeth break instantly