Oct. 06, 2017 2:32 AM
London Beyblade Burst Tournament Report : “The Sesh 2.0”
The Sesh 2.0 was a really last minute tournament that Ultra organised in London. We managed 10 players in the end despite a few regulars being absent. I was pretty apprehensive about playing since I didn’t have Seig Xcalibur or Twin Nemesis but over the course of the tournament a lot of my fears we alleviated as the new releases didn’t effect the game as much as I had anticipated.
As usual I’ll go through my group stage run round by round following onto my experience in deck format and final thoughts.
Round Robin stage
Deck Format Finals
Final thoughts
Overall this was a great tournament. It was good to play burst after a small break from burst tournaments in London. Despite playing competitively since last year this was my first official 1st place finish! There tons of sX play during the round robin stage of the tournament which was countered by mG, aC and dF. Suprisingly despite only recently being released Galaxy Zeus didn't see much play and from what I saw wasn’t terribly successful when used. Again mG stood out as the combo to beat and honestly I’m not sure if anything can consistently. I’m happy to see more attack types introduced to the game but it’s upsetting that they can’t really hold a candle to mG. I would still put my money on gK if I had to pick one bey to stop mG, hopefully it’ll peak soon and everyone will move on to something else. Burst never seems to be able to separate stamina and defence. The real MVP of this tournament is Beybread though, he managed second place and is only 7! Despite mG looming over the current metagame Burst has some really refreshing variety at the moment, something I hope will continue to grow as more parts are released.
Thanks for reading if you got this far ! If you have any questions feel free to post below.
The Sesh 2.0
London, UK - 30/10/2017
1st Basedsamuraij:
Metal mG.4G.At
2nd Beybread
gZ.7M.R (Deck Format Finals Only)
3rd Balance Blader
Metal mG.4G.At
sX.1S.At (Deck format Finals Only)
The Sesh 2.0 was a really last minute tournament that Ultra organised in London. We managed 10 players in the end despite a few regulars being absent. I was pretty apprehensive about playing since I didn’t have Seig Xcalibur or Twin Nemesis but over the course of the tournament a lot of my fears we alleviated as the new releases didn’t effect the game as much as I had anticipated.
As usual I’ll go through my group stage run round by round following onto my experience in deck format and final thoughts.
Round Robin stage
Spoiler (Click to View)
Vs Chimera
dF.7G.At v sX.7.Ir
I was quite salty my first match was a loss. Pretty much everyone was lending parts to newer players and so I expected sX and wanted to test the dF matchup. I was actually 2-1 at one point in the match and just as sX looked to be falling over in round 4 Beybread accidentally tripped and moved the beystadium voiding the round. Following this a Knockout from sX and a mislaunch sealed the match for Chimera. I was upset to lose but had learned dF could stand up to sX in a competitive environment.
Vs Balance Blader
Metal mG.7G.At v Metal mG.4G.At loss
I knew Balanceblader was going to use either mG or sX in this matchup but I didn’t want to risk using gK if I made the wrong call. I used 7 as it was bursting less for me in testing but 4 has more stamina in my experience and that's proabably why I lost the match 3-1. This loss was a lot easier to swallow but I knew if I wanted to make it to finals I couldn’t really afford to lose any more matches.
Vs Ultra
Metal mg.4G.At v sX.1.Ir
Ultra had some success with sX in his earlier rounds and everyone seemed to be using it so I went with mG. Iron has a surprising amount of stamina but towards the late game it doesn’t have enough force to burst mG.
Vs Josh419
aC.7M.At v sX.7.R win
I was pretty sure I was up against sX again and so I tried aC to see how it compared to dF. I stalled aC so by the time sX made contact it didn’t have enough force to KO aC. The off balance nature of sX doesnt really favour stationary attack.
Vs Syphon
dF.7G.At v sX.7.Ir
Notorious for his Xcalibur it was pretty obvious what Syphon would opt for. I was sure that my match with Chimera was just a mistake on my part so went again for the same combo. Atomic made it quite easy to avoid sX especially if they stall accidentally. 7 agasint some heavier combos and prevent KOs.
Vs EA Sports
dF.7G.At v SX.7.R
The same combo as Josh419 and the match went similarly. If you can avoid sX in the early game you're almost assured to OS especially on stationary setups. I think sX is suited to more mobile drivers. I’m still not sure if I prefer aC or dF in this matchup honestly. Both seem to have good burst resistance maybe dF is less susceptible to KOs but that needs more testing.
Vs blitz dragon
lS.7M.X v gK.4G.R
I knew Balanceblader was helping blitz and was expecting my mG so I took a risk and went with lS expecting gK. Paid off and burst gK all rounds. lS is still just as good as it was prior sX I guess players wanted to use newer parts. gK is pretty much reserved for countering mG in my opinion as in my own testing it didn't have a very convincing aC matchup whilst gZ and lS/sX can burst it consistently. If there is a combo that lets it keep the high stamina but with added defence it could still be a safe combo in general.
Vs Yblader1
Metal mG.4G.At v df.P.At
I didn’t really know what Yblader would go for but I knew he didn’t have any burst beys and would be borrowing so I went with the standard garuda combo. Hard countered dF especially with polish.
Vs beybread
Metal mG.4G.At v dF.4G.At
This was the final round of the group stage and I had no clue what beybread would go for so just went with the banana. Slightly worrying mG was so safe to use this tournament with all these new attack types floating around. The only time I lost with mG was in the mirror match. Although I can recall mG losing to sX in the tournament it was definitely not the norm.
Overall I managed to redeem my two early losses and get some valuable info on the mG mirror and how to deal with sX. Surprisingly didn’t see much aC in response to sX and it seems lS was pretty much forgotten outside the time I used it in favour of sX. From my perspective it seems sX does no better against mG and aC than lS does but take that with a grain of salt as this is only from my experience at this tournament.
dF.7G.At v sX.7.Ir
I was quite salty my first match was a loss. Pretty much everyone was lending parts to newer players and so I expected sX and wanted to test the dF matchup. I was actually 2-1 at one point in the match and just as sX looked to be falling over in round 4 Beybread accidentally tripped and moved the beystadium voiding the round. Following this a Knockout from sX and a mislaunch sealed the match for Chimera. I was upset to lose but had learned dF could stand up to sX in a competitive environment.
Vs Balance Blader
Metal mG.7G.At v Metal mG.4G.At loss
I knew Balanceblader was going to use either mG or sX in this matchup but I didn’t want to risk using gK if I made the wrong call. I used 7 as it was bursting less for me in testing but 4 has more stamina in my experience and that's proabably why I lost the match 3-1. This loss was a lot easier to swallow but I knew if I wanted to make it to finals I couldn’t really afford to lose any more matches.
Vs Ultra
Metal mg.4G.At v sX.1.Ir
Ultra had some success with sX in his earlier rounds and everyone seemed to be using it so I went with mG. Iron has a surprising amount of stamina but towards the late game it doesn’t have enough force to burst mG.
Vs Josh419
aC.7M.At v sX.7.R win
I was pretty sure I was up against sX again and so I tried aC to see how it compared to dF. I stalled aC so by the time sX made contact it didn’t have enough force to KO aC. The off balance nature of sX doesnt really favour stationary attack.
Vs Syphon
dF.7G.At v sX.7.Ir
Notorious for his Xcalibur it was pretty obvious what Syphon would opt for. I was sure that my match with Chimera was just a mistake on my part so went again for the same combo. Atomic made it quite easy to avoid sX especially if they stall accidentally. 7 agasint some heavier combos and prevent KOs.
Vs EA Sports
dF.7G.At v SX.7.R
The same combo as Josh419 and the match went similarly. If you can avoid sX in the early game you're almost assured to OS especially on stationary setups. I think sX is suited to more mobile drivers. I’m still not sure if I prefer aC or dF in this matchup honestly. Both seem to have good burst resistance maybe dF is less susceptible to KOs but that needs more testing.
Vs blitz dragon
lS.7M.X v gK.4G.R
I knew Balanceblader was helping blitz and was expecting my mG so I took a risk and went with lS expecting gK. Paid off and burst gK all rounds. lS is still just as good as it was prior sX I guess players wanted to use newer parts. gK is pretty much reserved for countering mG in my opinion as in my own testing it didn't have a very convincing aC matchup whilst gZ and lS/sX can burst it consistently. If there is a combo that lets it keep the high stamina but with added defence it could still be a safe combo in general.
Vs Yblader1
Metal mG.4G.At v df.P.At
I didn’t really know what Yblader would go for but I knew he didn’t have any burst beys and would be borrowing so I went with the standard garuda combo. Hard countered dF especially with polish.
Vs beybread
Metal mG.4G.At v dF.4G.At
This was the final round of the group stage and I had no clue what beybread would go for so just went with the banana. Slightly worrying mG was so safe to use this tournament with all these new attack types floating around. The only time I lost with mG was in the mirror match. Although I can recall mG losing to sX in the tournament it was definitely not the norm.
Overall I managed to redeem my two early losses and get some valuable info on the mG mirror and how to deal with sX. Surprisingly didn’t see much aC in response to sX and it seems lS was pretty much forgotten outside the time I used it in favour of sX. From my perspective it seems sX does no better against mG and aC than lS does but take that with a grain of salt as this is only from my experience at this tournament.
Deck Format Finals
Spoiler (Click to View)
The four finalists were Balanceblader, Beybread, YBlader1 and Myself. My first match was against Balance blader.
Vs Balance Blader
My deck:
Metal mG.4G.At, lS.7M.X (Right spin), L2.2C.O
Reasoning here was mG because mG lol. Legend Spriggan to try and get a lucky burst on his mG and handle aC or gK. The L2 was in case lS couldn't get over his dF. I was confident enough in mG to not bring dF or aC into my deck to beat sX.
Balance Blader’s deck:
lS.4M.T, Metal mG.8G.At, sX.1S.X
BalanceBlader’s deck seemed a little intimidating initially as he had a lot of options against garuda and I really didn’t want to chance my lS v his lS/sX. The first round was an mG mirror as expected. What I hadn’t realised was that he put his 4 disk on Legend Spriggan and the 8 disk on his mG and I think this was definitely one of the weak points of his deck. I won the first round by outspin and then took the next 4 rounds with mG as he tried to burst my garuda with lS in both stationary and attack mode and then sX to no avail. I was super surprised the mG didn’t burst at all over those 4 rounds. He switched back to mG but the stamina difference was noticeable and that sealed the match 5-0.
Vs Beybread
My Deck:
Metal mG.4G.At lS.7M.X aC.2C.O
Only changed L2 layer for aC here as I was more worried about sX and lS than dF.
BeyBread’s Deck:
gK.4G.R, dF.P.At, gZ.8.X
I was surprised BeyBread didn’t used Garuda since that’s what he opted for in his previous round. I used mG in the first round to outpsin his dF. I forgot he had gK in the fourth round which made it 3-1 but the proceeded to outpsin his dF and gZ when he switched to finish the match 5-1.
Vs Balance Blader
My deck:
Metal mG.4G.At, lS.7M.X (Right spin), L2.2C.O
Reasoning here was mG because mG lol. Legend Spriggan to try and get a lucky burst on his mG and handle aC or gK. The L2 was in case lS couldn't get over his dF. I was confident enough in mG to not bring dF or aC into my deck to beat sX.
Balance Blader’s deck:
lS.4M.T, Metal mG.8G.At, sX.1S.X
BalanceBlader’s deck seemed a little intimidating initially as he had a lot of options against garuda and I really didn’t want to chance my lS v his lS/sX. The first round was an mG mirror as expected. What I hadn’t realised was that he put his 4 disk on Legend Spriggan and the 8 disk on his mG and I think this was definitely one of the weak points of his deck. I won the first round by outspin and then took the next 4 rounds with mG as he tried to burst my garuda with lS in both stationary and attack mode and then sX to no avail. I was super surprised the mG didn’t burst at all over those 4 rounds. He switched back to mG but the stamina difference was noticeable and that sealed the match 5-0.
Vs Beybread
My Deck:
Metal mG.4G.At lS.7M.X aC.2C.O
Only changed L2 layer for aC here as I was more worried about sX and lS than dF.
BeyBread’s Deck:
gK.4G.R, dF.P.At, gZ.8.X
I was surprised BeyBread didn’t used Garuda since that’s what he opted for in his previous round. I used mG in the first round to outpsin his dF. I forgot he had gK in the fourth round which made it 3-1 but the proceeded to outpsin his dF and gZ when he switched to finish the match 5-1.
Final thoughts
Overall this was a great tournament. It was good to play burst after a small break from burst tournaments in London. Despite playing competitively since last year this was my first official 1st place finish! There tons of sX play during the round robin stage of the tournament which was countered by mG, aC and dF. Suprisingly despite only recently being released Galaxy Zeus didn't see much play and from what I saw wasn’t terribly successful when used. Again mG stood out as the combo to beat and honestly I’m not sure if anything can consistently. I’m happy to see more attack types introduced to the game but it’s upsetting that they can’t really hold a candle to mG. I would still put my money on gK if I had to pick one bey to stop mG, hopefully it’ll peak soon and everyone will move on to something else. Burst never seems to be able to separate stamina and defence. The real MVP of this tournament is Beybread though, he managed second place and is only 7! Despite mG looming over the current metagame Burst has some really refreshing variety at the moment, something I hope will continue to grow as more parts are released.
Thanks for reading if you got this far ! If you have any questions feel free to post below.
The Sesh 2.0
London, UK - 30/10/2017
1st Basedsamuraij:
Metal mG.4G.At
2nd Beybread
gZ.7M.R (Deck Format Finals Only)
3rd Balance Blader
Metal mG.4G.At
sX.1S.At (Deck format Finals Only)