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Full Version: LOL-y Rancher's Beyblade Burst - Pixel concept renders
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I have no idea what to say...

Well, I guess this thread is like TrainiacJ's Beyblade Burst concept thread except with my pixel art instead. Yeah, that's all I need to say :3

After seeing how amazing TrainiacJ's drawings are, I decided to do my own ones because they looked fun. However, rather than speculate and draw upcoming beys that are getting released sometime soon, I've decided to make some up by drawing Dual Layer beys (that have yet to get a God Layer bey) into... well, God Layers. Like for example, things like Y2, P2 and B2 have yet to get a God Layer upgrade and probably won't get one. I may do some made up ones too where I would make some completely fan made ones too.

And yes, my art will be pixelated because I did these on Paint (I'm so cheap... :'( ) and because I wanted to maintain my own style so some might be hard to grasp in terms of the amount of detail.

Spike Unicorn 5C.St

 [Image: 2ziwmsk.png]

I know, I know... it looks too much like the first Unicorn. Well TBH, this was my first attempt at this whole thing and I had no idea how to upgrade the looks without making it look too ridiculous. Well anyway, yeah the gimmick is kinda like tW except it has a metal weight on one side for a focused attack when lined up with the horn. The driver is like Guard except with rolling balls and it does not move up and down... actually, y'know what? This is nothing like Guard.

Pierce Odin 7T.Hn

[Image: 2qbcbbp.png]

This is probably my least favourite one just because the design is ugly. The layer's gimmick would probably not work IRL and would most likely break but oh well, burst. Eventually we'll probably get a T disc that's likely nothing like my made up one but for now, Tempo.

Colossal Gaia 6T.Cn

[Image: 29vl9u9.png]

If the one above is my least favourite, Colossal Gaia is my favourite one. I like designs that look explosive whilst not being too silly. I'll admit the layer and driver gimmicks are lazy and I know people are going to suggest using a 4 disc or a Cross frame but eh, they never screamed Gaia to me honestly. They layer has springy metal balls to deflect attacks and the driver is a mix of Planet and Jaggy, lazy I know.

Also, plz no Reece's Pieces jokes :P
Nice concepts, especially sU
(Sep. 24, 2017  6:41 PM)DaJetsnake Wrote: [ -> ]Nice concepts, especially sU

Thanks Smile
These are awesome! The god abilities make a lot of sense and the new parts are cool! I'm looking forward to seeing what you make next.
For my next concept, I'll be doing a God Layer version of P2 and the "true" gK (What I mean is that I'm gonna give it a driver) Grin
These are pretty good! My favourite looking one is the Unicorn one, but Gaia's god gimmick is cool!
Whoa that's awesome! I think this will be perfect for beyblade wiki as it help to understand things that just text can't do as well

BTW I haven't checked out TrainiacJ's concept yet as I'm not very active on this fourm but will do now!
Wow sU is truly my favourite out of all of them! Keep making more they're awesome
They’re awesome, man! I’m already a big fan of your pixel art concepts project! I’m looking forward to the next ones! Great job!
I like the tempo frame and the drivers. Can't wait to see what's next!
[Image: k2h4qx.png]

Here is my God Layer version of P2, Mist Phantom 0F.Nt. Now before anyone points this out, I am aware TrainiacJ did his own version of what a "0 Disc" might look like and this one is just my own version.

So yeah, here it is. It's not the most interesting one as the gimmick is kinda lazy and predictable but I just went ahead and decided a POM gimmick would be something for Phantom. I dunno why I gave it the Flow Frame, it just looked cool.

As for the driver, I'll get that out of the way. I can probably see people asking "Why couldn't it have a Planet Driver?". Well honestly, Planet would've been a bit too predictable and cliche, plus Nothing just suits the ghostly theme IMO and I just felt like giving a random driver.

Anyways, the "true" gK (gK with a Driver) will be coming real shortly.
disgustingly round indeed. :p

This looks pretty cool. I don't know if a Zero disc should be notated as 0 though, since it looks so similar to O, but I guess there have been worse blows dealt to Burst's etymology, haha. Another great concept!
I like the layer but maybe switch nothing with yielding so the driver matches the gimmick.
(Sep. 27, 2017  1:25 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]I like the layer but maybe switch nothing with yielding so the driver matches the gimmick.

Thanks. I may consider it but I'm not sure yet.

(Sep. 27, 2017  12:48 AM)TrainiacJ Wrote: [ -> ]disgustingly round indeed. :p

This looks pretty cool. I don't know if a Zero disc should be notated as 0 though, since it looks so similar to O, but I guess there have been worse blows dealt to Burst's etymology, haha. Another great concept!

Yeah, that might cause some confusion haha. Thanks!
The reasoning behind yielding with mP is that (with the exception of dF, kD, and currently gK) all god beys have drivers that match their gimmicks in some way.

But other that that all of your ideas are great.
Mist Phantom's gimmick is the better version of gK's. I'm looking forward to the true gK
(Sep. 27, 2017  10:24 PM)SUGOI-KONICHEWA Wrote: [ -> ]Mist Phantom's gimmick is the better version of gK's. I'm looking forward to the true gK

It's not gonna be that spectacular honestly, it's just gK if it came with a new driver haha.

Sorry to double-post this immediately but here it is, my gK.6G.Gn.

[Image: b9az4i.png]

By now, you're all aware of what gK, 6 and Glaive are so I don't really need to explain them. They're the same parts but pixelated. I chose 6G because @[Jinbee] suggested it to me outside of the WBO.

Gn stands for Ground and is just some weird concept of making a heavier version of a Press driver and with rubber.

This isn't very exciting but I wanted to give something to people who wanted gK to have something different.

But anyways, for my next pixel render, I'll be doing one for I2.
Nice idea! That is probably what TT should've done instead of the old HR combo
Can I suggest an idea? A god minoborus. How would that work. More importantly its driver has to be the burst equivalent to m145Q. I mean. What else could it be. It could be called tremor. I can see it now. Fury minoborus one tempo tremor or fM.1T.Tr.

Sorry I got carried away...
(Sep. 27, 2017  11:16 PM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]Can I suggest an idea? A god minoborus. How would that work. More importantly its driver has to be the burst equivalent to m145Q. I mean. What else could it be. It could be called tremor. I can see it now. Fury minoborus one tempo tremor or fM.1T.Tr.

Sorry I got carried away...

Haha, it's okay. That sounds like a cool idea, we'll see what happens though.
(Sep. 27, 2017  11:05 PM)DaJetsnake Wrote: [ -> ]Nice idea! That is probably what TT should've done instead of the old HR combo

I agree. This is the kind of upgrade I would've loved to see. I have that 1% of hope that gK will get the combo it deserves but I doubt it.

The combo I use for gK is gK.6G.P, or Loop, which I see as the true upgrade.
Ground is a cool idea! Kind of like a more defensive Unite, haha.
Unintentional function of ground. As it is used the rubber stabilizers will wear down changing movement patterns and decreasing stamina lost when off balance.
i lov your idea of ground i actually when i think in guardian kerbeus i think in a driver like that
Would ground also be able to counter attack, kind of like Lp's counter attack fail thing.
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