World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Model Kits (plastic gen) vs. Ready to Play (Hasbro's Burst)
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So this topic recently came up when I was with some friends the other day. I thought the majority of people preferred the kit experience, however it seems a lot people also are more comfortable with the ready to play experience Hasbro offers with burst, since you don't even have to put stickers and every part is already assembled.

Personally I enjoy the kits much, MUCH more, because it made every purchase more meaningful and fun. Assembling the beyblade from scratch was so fun and it truly made it a more personal experience. The beyblade really felt "yours" if you know what I mean, there was more of a connection to the object itself. 

What do you guys prefer and why?

PS: I tried to make a poll, but for some reason it's not working. Am I doing something wrong?
My friends and I grew up with the Plastic Gen. These old tops are still a big part of my life. I got most of them in used condition, but also some NIB ones. Opening the package, getting all the parts out of the frame, assembling and putting stickers on... that feels great.
I love it to do arts and crafts and everything that requires fine motor skills. And Plastic Gen is perfect for that. Not only the official products, but every mod I've done so far... there are a lot of possibilities regarding the huge amount of parts which comes with every release.
Takara Burst is fine as well. The sticker quality is far beyond great and it's just awesome to put everything on the Layers. For Hasbro... I'm not a big fan tbh. I'm fine with the 3+ part system of Burst, even if there's nothing to "build". But I place importance on aesthetics. And  Hasbro is far away from what I - as a collector, not as a blader - regard as acceptable. Funky colours, dull plastic, not even stickers to decorate by myself what is already lost due to the laziness of Hasbro design studios.
There's no doubt about it: the Plastic Gen. for sure. Why? Well, it's not just a matter of beys; it's also a matter of anime: the original series are the best. You have to think about the quality of the episodes, - the first anime and the G-Revolution one, are two of the best commercial anime series ever seen - ; you have to think about the personalities of the characters, - Takao Aoki has been inspired by the original Pokémon videogames which means, that his own characters are all truly well characterized, especially the main ones - ; you have to think about the classic beys, - they all express the true nature and the different personalities of their own owners - . Just like a flying Dragon, Takao can surpass every obstacle during the hole story; that's why, he's the owner of Dragoon. Kai is smart, - maybe, even smarter than Rei - ; trough his personality, he never loses his mind and his soul. He always finds his own strength back again. Over and over again. Just like a Phoenix which returns back to life; that's why, he's the owner of Dranzer. Rei is calm, smart and wise, but he can also become the opposite of calm; just like a tiger which loses his temper and starts to become aggressive from one second to the next. That's why, he's the owner of Driger. Max is shy, but he can also count on a strong will; he's just like a turtle which hides the head against the aggressive waves of the Ocean and then, it resistes against them because of its shell. That's why, he's the owner of Draciel. And so on. So, those are other reasons which explain the supremacy of the Original Generation. And then, there are the other reasons: putting the stickers on; assembling the pices, - I like so much the amount of pieces of the plastics ones - ; thinking about all the different kind of combos, - the amount of pieces offer so many different ways to create them - ; the last reason is, experimenting all the different kind of combos. Sure, the nostalgia factor plays an important role either. And then, there's one other, personal reason: the bit chips and their bit stickers; they are one of the coolest things of the plastics. Sure, after the Pastic Gen., the third one is my favorite. But, as I and many of the fans think, the first one is unbeatable.
I actually prefer Ready To Play. I have pretty bad coordination and shaky hands, I never get the stickers right. Also trying to break off the parts from the pallet is pretty annoying.
Stickers are difficult to get perfect and popping off the frame leaves annoying traces of excess plastic sometimes. I have fond memories of the kits but they seem worse objectively.
Burst definitely has stickers, I do not know what you are refering to...

Anyway, Gundam builder all the way.
(Aug. 01, 2017  6:16 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Burst definitely has stickers, I do not know what you are refering to...

Anyway, Gundam builder all the way.

I know Takara's Burst has stickers, but I never found any stickers in Hasbro's Burst beys (unless I missed something?)
(Aug. 02, 2017  11:40 AM)Nuno Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 01, 2017  6:16 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Burst definitely has stickers, I do not know what you are refering to...

Anyway, Gundam builder all the way.

I know Takara's Burst has stickers, but I never found any stickers in Hasbro's Burst beys (unless I missed something?)

They're already applied on th Hasbro ones
(Aug. 02, 2017  12:06 PM)mj9 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 02, 2017  11:40 AM)Nuno Wrote: [ -> ]I know Takara's Burst has stickers, but I never found any stickers in Hasbro's Burst beys (unless I missed something?)

They're already applied on th Hasbro ones

It's mostly paint.
(Aug. 02, 2017  11:40 AM)Nuno Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 01, 2017  6:16 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Burst definitely has stickers, I do not know what you are refering to...

Anyway, Gundam builder all the way.

I know Takara's Burst has stickers, but I never found any stickers in Hasbro's Burst beys (unless I missed something?)

They're right: by buying the Hasbro ones, you didn't find them because the figures of the stickers, are like painted/engraved inside the energy layers.