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Everyone makes a huge mess up sometime as a blader, care to share some of the stories? If so, let it rip on this thread. (yes, i know i suck at puns)
Pun? Chocked_2

Welp, once i stadium outed a beyblade, and it hasn't been found. That wasn't fun.

EDIT: Doesn't this belong in Bey General?
More EDIT: Thanks, Mystery Mod Grin
(Jan. 20, 2010  11:08 PM)firelord767 Wrote: [ -> ]Pun? Chocked_2

Welp, once i stadium outed a beyblade, and it hasn't been found. That wasn't fun.

EDIT: Doesn't this belong in Bey General?

I don't think so. This is more of a personal topic, not beyblade as a hobby, but I can understand what you mean by that. (Plus, it will probably be closed with my luck.) xD
I have a few stories. The funniest one was probably when i launched my Libra with a beylauncher and the string retracted faster than the beyblade fell then wraped itself a round the bottom wound around itself and got stuck in the prongs suspending the bey in mid air. Dont ask me how.
I remember one time at school (when it was originally out) I seriously missed launch 5-4 times in a row. Was really embarrassing.
To see the funniest one of mine that I can remember, check out the HPT video on Beychannel (at 3:30) lmao
haha did he pull the handle bit right off the grip?
one time i made this crazy wicked blade (but i forgot how i made it lol) but it somehow hit and stuck to the other blade i was fighting and kept grinding it but my blade didn't seem to lose any stamina even though it was grinding it like in the anime! it might seem lame now and it probably wasn't a mishap but it was awesome at the time!!!
Cool.Lol.That must of been awesome

I usually Dropped my beyblade when it attached to the launcher.
(Jan. 21, 2010  5:28 AM)Chaos Blader Wrote: [ -> ]I have a few stories. The funniest one was probably when i launched my Libra with a beylauncher and the string retracted faster than the beyblade fell then wraped itself a round the bottom wound around itself and got stuck in the prongs suspending the bey in mid air. Dont ask me how.

This happened to me earlier. I was goofing around with launcher grip configurations. I set up the beylauncher to be pulled forward. This never happens when it's pulled laterally.
How did it do.
Heh, I was messing around with my old plastic blades over winter break and launching them without attack rings. I launched my Draciel V2 with both support parts attached, and they both flew off along with the weight disk... I found one, and never saw the other again. I now have a Draciel V2 with one Fin Tector...
I was blading against my friend, and I pulled the ripcord, the laucher broke, and my blade just spun on the launcher. Then I pulled it back and it hit my foot.
mines is probably when i launch my dranzer ms in left spin and my bit protecter came off and the attack came off and the blade was still spining it was so funny
this happen just a day ago. i was use a custom HMS beyblade vs master draciel. my HMS hit draciel so hard the weight disk broke into pieces all over my room and the rest of the beyblade was half way across my room still with the rest in tack
well we used to have rankings in my neighborhood for beybattleing and 2 of my friends were battleing for ranks so they wanted met to judge and when my friend launched his someone accidently elbowed him and then the beyblade hit my other friend in the forhead and he started bleeding
me, at skewl we had a tournament (not made by the skewl) and i was in the last round with my best bey and thwe worst thing happened...... when i lauched the blade didnt come off instaed the parts all came off.. thank god the coach ( mt friend) didnt diquallify me i was so embarrased
* the blade didnt com off the launcher
Skewl? WTF!
i know but that was gr 2 and it was after skewl in our HIDEOUT LOL
WTF are you saying!!!!!
I got 2.

I was testing a Zombie against a Double Weight Disk (DWD) beyblade and after I launched both, they collided really quickly and the DWD exploded and shattered one of the weight disks. It cut my finger which hurt a bit. It also broke a piece of the stadium. Fortunately it was one of the edges, so it didn't effect gameplay. Unfortunately, it was my friend's stadium but he didn't care.

I was doing some Libra testing a long while ago and I launched too close to the stadium and Libra got caught in the String of the Beylauncher and whipped back up and get me in the knuckle. It broke skin and hurt for a while.
(Jan. 20, 2010  11:08 PM)firelord767 Wrote: [ -> ]Pun? Chocked_2

Welp, once i stadium outed a beyblade, and it hasn't been found. That wasn't fun.

EDIT: Doesn't this belong in Bey General?
More EDIT: Thanks, Mystery Mod Grin

I was just reminded t thank u for blasting my Wolf into a "Never to be found" Area....Angry

Also, launched(Fl did that) Dark Aries into stadium...bey go boom boom.... xD

See it on youtube, my account is GameFreak140
i know a funny thing that happened to me. i was testing out a few combos with my plastic beyblades when during a battle a blade flew out the stadium and hit me in my nutz. my grandma heard a noise and came in to check on me which was embrassing since i was still holding my pain area. #1 worst thing to happen to me while blading-w-
I was hit by my dragoon galaxy once it flew out and hit me in the knee and i was too focus on the battle that i didn't even know my knee was bleeding
i was having a small tournoment with my friends, and it was me against my best friend, and i kept trying to put my beyblade on my launcher, but it kept falling of, and when i finally got it on, it fell right off again!!!!!!!
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