Hi! I have a Nintendo dev license and I am hoping to make a Beyblade game for the switch, where you can use burst beys AND MFB beys! But... I need ideas! so, please post your ideas here, and I will include you in the game's credits! Thanks!

I will move this to the Your Creations forum.
You could make a beyblade character and have them pick a bey to start with and train with by practicing and entering tournaments. Make sure that they can go to different places.
the problem with both burst and metal fight is you would need different story-lines because of the fact of the two being too different. sure we could get say, a plastic gen, metal saga, and burst games and a collectors edition with either a gold dragoon, gold Pegasus, or a gold Valkyrie.
Prehaps it takes places in some area completely void of the anime and manga stories, and most the beys were made exclusively for that game?
Or, why not keep the MFB story but include Zero G beys as part of the main line so that the new system of the future arc could be Burst?
Then have the two story arcs playable from the start but what you do in the MFB era affecting what Burst beys can be obtained, linking the two in a thematically appropriate manner.
I would then like to suggest a final battle against Brooklyn from the original series as a post-game boss where, because it all takes place in his mind, you can fight any generation of beyblade against his Zeus, regardless of logic. Maybe even including cross-series combos.