Feb. 26, 2017 10:46 PM
[Image: GdAeAQN.gif]
[Post or PM Me to Reserve 1st Edition]
unending dream a Film Photobook by Scott Williamson
Limited 1st Edition: Signed, Numbered & Hardcover (Print Run of 20-30)
148 pages, 107 black/white photographs with original poetry
8.25" x 5.25"
$40 USD + shipping (March 2017)
View Photos of the Project Here
[Post or PM Me to Reserve 1st Edition]
unending dream a Film Photobook by Scott Williamson
Limited 1st Edition: Signed, Numbered & Hardcover (Print Run of 20-30)
148 pages, 107 black/white photographs with original poetry
8.25" x 5.25"
$40 USD + shipping (March 2017)
View Photos of the Project Here
Some of you might remember that a few years ago I released a photobook titled "wavering light" with Chicago-based photographer, Phuong Nguyen. I'm happy to announce that I have now completed my first solo photobook and first edition copies are available for pre-order!
unending dream is a photobook three years in the making; it traverses a wide range of themes related to human connection, reality, meaning, and conviction, as represented by the things I’ve seen, people I’ve met around the world, and poetry I’ve written over that span of time. It is therefore a very personal–almost diaristic–work, but ultimately is relatable universally on a human level.
I’ve been shooting film for over three years now with the idea that one day I would craft a loose narrative and compile a selection of it into a photobook. unending dream is that book. Although it contains photographs from the past three years, I have been working on the concept, writing, design, and production of the book myself for almost two years. And now–finally–reservations for the limited first edition are open!
For the first edition, I plan to produce an exclusive signed, numbered, and hardcover version of the book with a local printer here in Toronto (pictured here is a test softcover copy). A limited run of approximately 20-30 copies will be produced, most of which have already been sold. I am targeting a mid- to late-March release and shipping.
If you are interested, please post or PM me and I will send you the details!