World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: New blader with old skills
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Hey everyone! I was so hyped to find out that Beyblade was still popular! I'm a first gen blader and loved denying my opponents victory with Draciel! I've fallen off the map a bit and haven't been up to date on any of the new gen stuff, but I've been binge watching everything Beyblade for the last week after a buddy told me about the new Burst line. I'm really excited to get back into the mix and maybe do some tournaments! Anyway I just wanted to introduce myself and maybe get some help with the new gen basics. Thanks!

Oh! P.S. 26 y/o from CA and I favorite the Defencive style blades
Hey Speedy Hatake! If you live a decent ways away from LA, we have tournaments there and would love to see new members. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions want to know where in LA you can get the new beyblades, or even if you just want to chat. Enjoy your time here on the WBO!
Thanks Earthwolf1404! I live in the Pasadena area and for sure want to know where I can get my hands on some new beys. I'm learning the different types: attack, defense, stamina and balanced but the harder part is knowing the combos. As in Kerbeus central defense or Kerbeus wing fusion I'm not quite sure what all the "lingo" means haha
Welcome to the WBO! Smile As for combos, yes, this can get quite a little confusing for newcomers, but once you get the hang of knowing basic knowledge, you'll get there.
I'll give you a few examples.

Central is a Disk from Kerbeus - however due to its weight, it is now outclassed. Therefore, not very good for Burst combos.

Wing is a Disk from Valkyrie - It's a six bladed Disk that doesn't usually come in contact in battle.

Fusion is a Driver from Spriggan (and other Burst beys as well), with a flat base and a sharp tip protruding in its center. However, it works well in Balance but doesn't have any Attack, Stamina or Defense qualities - this makes Fusion not good to use competitively as there are now much better Drivers.

Check out the Beyblade Wikia or the Mentors' Circle on here for more info! Let us know if you have any questions. Smile
Welcome to the WBO Smile The learning curve is a bit steep at first but you'll get the hang of it soon!