World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Face Contest: Beyblade Burst Redesign Winners, and ...
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Finally, after several weeks of painstaking deliberation, the results are in!

Before we announce the winners, we'd like to thank everyone who participated in this year's HMS & Plastics Remembrance Face Contest: Design a Plastic or HMS Beyblade in Burst! There were so many creative, original, and simply beautiful entries to choose from, we had a terribly difficult time narrowing down our selection to just three winners...

So we increased that number to five! Yippee!

A reminder, all five of these winners will get to choose one of the following Face Boosters:

… oh, and there’s something else. To celebrate the revival of Dragoon, Dranzer, Draciel, and Driger in Beyblade Burst, we decided to create a brand new Face Booster for those famous four: Face Booster RISING.

This Face Booster is also available for all five winners to choose from.

Without further ado, the winners are...




Beyblade Beyond!









Congratulations, you all! Your entries really stood out and left an impression on us! As usual, let us know which Face Booster you'd like in this thread!

But we're not done yet, oh no! Let's not forget that of these five winners, one of them will be receiving the S-Series Beyblade Burst remake of their choice!

Ultimately, the one sitting upon the Iron Throne of Sword Launchers is none other than...

Beyblade Beyond!

[Image: m9wDQJj.jpg]

Congrats! We all loved your choice of a relatively obscure Beyblade from the original generation's anime, but the comprehensive descriptions you wrote for your entry's parts, plus all the other details ranging from boxart to teeth shape to Layer design, are what put your entry over the top for us! To claim your prize, PM @[Kei] your shipping info and which S-Series remake you'd like! Feel free to let everyone else know which one you'll be picking in this thread too!

Once more, thanks again to everyone for submitting their many awesome entries; it's you guys who make these contests such huge successes! We'll sure be looking forward to the next one, so we hope you'll be too!

And for those of you hoping for a Face Booster RISING of your own — they'll be around again. Wink
Awesome! Those new Faces (Bit Chips?) are stunning. Definitely choosing Face Booster Rising. Congrats to Beyblade Beyond for winning the whole thing, too!

I wonder what the "and ..." is. Eee
I honestly loved the designs. Simply stunning
DANG ITTTTT!!! at least i tried lol
Congrats to all the winners! I can't wait for the next Face Contest, I had fun making my entry. :P
A big GG to everyone who participated! Can't wait till the next one.

but i really wanted the dragoon face :p
Congrats to everyone who won! Joyful_3 Really proud of all of them! Grin Looking forward to the next contest!
(Sep. 10, 2016  6:32 AM)Wombat Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome! Those new Faces (Bit Chips?) are stunning. Definitely choosing Face Booster Rising. Congrats to Beyblade Beyond for winning the whole thing, too!

I wonder what the "and ..." is. Eee

It's Face Booster Rising Tongue_out And glad you liked them! They were fun to make.
Congratulations to all of the winners! Our Beyblade design contests are always so much fun to judge.

@[Beyblade Beyond], please be sure to send me your full address, name, and phone number via PM. Thanks!
This might be off topic but shouldn't this be in the news section?

And congrats to the winners!!! wish i got a Face Booster Rising.
I don't know what to say other than THANK YOU, Beyblade will always be my favourite hobby whether it be for video editing or just plain GO SHOOTING it on my own, everyone who submitted a design blew me away to be honest, creativity is an amazing thing and everyone in the contest proved it, either way I thank everyone again and I'm gonna have to choose Dragoon S.W.X as my prize simply because Dragoon was the 1st bey I grew to love so I gotta go with that decision Smile Go Shoot WBO!

Before I forget, I choose the RED face Booster, it's my favorite color Smile and the Dragoon Face Booster Rising.
(Sep. 10, 2016  9:43 PM)Beyblade Beyond Wrote: [ -> ]Before I forget, I choose the RED face Booster, it's my favorite color Smile and the Dragoon Face Booster Rising.

Hey Beyblade Beyond, sorry for the misunderstanding, but you can still only select one Face Booster and Face Booster RISING is random like the rest. Those Faces are just the possible outcomes.
(Sep. 10, 2016  6:32 AM)Wombat Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome! Those new Faces (Bit Chips?) are stunning. Definitely choosing Face Booster Rising. Congrats to Beyblade Beyond for winning the whole thing, too!

I wonder what the "and ..." is. Eee

Thanks man, congrats to you as well Smile and everyone else! You guys submitted some awesome designs that deserve to be Real!

(Sep. 10, 2016  10:00 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep. 10, 2016  9:43 PM)Beyblade Beyond Wrote: [ -> ]Before I forget, I choose the RED face Booster, it's my favorite color Smile and the Dragoon Face Booster Rising.

Hey Beyblade Beyond, sorry for the misunderstanding, but you can still only select one Face Booster and Face Booster RISING is random like the rest. Those Faces are just the possible outcomes.

Oh lol whoops, thanks for telling me that
(Sep. 10, 2016  6:32 AM)Wombat Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder what the "and ..." is. Eee

Added dramatic tension :p. I could argue that it makes my win more exciting than all of yours but, in reality, I'm sure it doesn't mean a thing. Congratulations to you and everyone else.

Beyblade Beyond's disk seems worryingly off-balance, perhaps accentuated to showcase how significant of a feature it is, but the rest does seem very well thought through and themed. Plus, how can one not aplaud all the effort that went into that? There is no doubt in my mind that the right choice was made.

I'll take purple. It calls to me for some reason.
what about the beylotto
Well this is unfortunate, frankly Zeus was painstaking to redesign and getting detailed reference was surprisingly difficult. Personally I do find one or two of the choices here slightly arbitrary, I am not trying to discredit anybody's work that's just the way I see it. Next time I'll manage my time better so I can be more descriptive with my entry and how it was intended to work as a real Beyblade, it turned out a lot less in-depth than I wanted, though I do think that the work it took to re-engineer it accurately should have made up for less verbally described details.

Nonetheless, 1st place certainly deserves it, credit to those that entered and put so much effort in.
Hey Alta, we all really liked your design, too, and it was definitely a part of the final deliberations. We have a ton of different criteria, including art quality, level of detail, and creativity. However, these aren't strictly "art" contests since we don't want the outcome of everything to be decided solely by artistic skill level.

We spent way longer than usual and even added winners because we were overwhelmed by the number of great entries. We probably could have even done a top 10. Everyone really brought their A-game, and it certainly makes me want to see more design contests on the site (if people are interested).
(Sep. 12, 2016  2:48 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Alta, we all really liked your design, too, and it was definitely a part of the final deliberations. We have a ton of different criteria, including art quality, level of detail, and creativity. However, these aren't strictly "art" contests since we don't want the outcome of everything to be decided solely by artistic skill level.

We spent way longer than usual and even added winners because we were overwhelmed by the number of great entries. We probably could have even done a top 10. Everyone really brought their A-game, and it certainly makes me want to see more design contests on the site (if people are interested).

I understand, that is why I'm going off of the levels of observable effort and creativity, and I do genuinely think that 1st place deserves it's spot regardless of skill. I won't make mention of the entry I think I objectively should have placed over, but the reason I say it seemed arbitrary was mostly due to another entry (not mine) of very similar caliber that actually showed more about the design and did not re-use any existing Burst parts.

That said, I don't have any intention of changing these results, everyone worked hard, and if I manage things better next time I may place, these contests are appreciated and I realize judging is no easy task.
If you all enjoyed this contest and would like more art-related contests (and would actually enter them), please let us know.
I love these contests but they don't happen too often x_x I would enter if I had time.
i asked this before but what about the beylotto
i want face booster rising (dz)
To be specific, finally lol, I choose face booster Rising Smile
You are sleeping comfortably when a loud knock at your door jolts you from your visions of Bits. You answer the door to be greeted not by a face, but by a drone! Hanging from it, the object of your dreams...

(Sep. 10, 2016  6:32 AM)Wombat Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome! Those new Faces (Bit Chips?) are stunning. Definitely choosing Face Booster Rising. Congrats to Beyblade Beyond for winning the whole thing, too!


Dragoon! [Image: 01-Dragoon-Rising-Face.png]

(Sep. 11, 2016  3:47 AM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]I'll take purple. It calls to me for some reason.


Horogium! Uncommon, nice! [Image: HorogiumFace.png]

(Sep. 17, 2016  4:23 PM)Faizan Wrote: [ -> ]i want face booster rising (dz)


Dranzer! Woah, are you lucky or psychic? [Image: Dranzer-Rising-Face.png]

(Jan. 24, 2017  6:52 AM)Beyblade Beyond Wrote: [ -> ]To be specific, finally lol, I choose face booster Rising  Smile


Draciel! [Image: 03-Draciel-Rising-Face.png]

And @[Serotonin], don't forget to post your choice of Bit Booster here! Congratulations again to all the winners!
Awesome! Can't go wrong with Draciel, thanks again Angry face! And congrats everybody Smile