Hi there,
when looking at footage of MFB tournaments and battles, I can't help but feel like there were way more available options for building your own launcher.
In Burst, it seems like launcher grips aren't that handy because of the protection cover on top of the stadium, regular launchers are even worse for attack types than they used to be, etc..
In MFB, I saw people with beypoints counters, the sticker prize card holder, an L/R launcher, a regular one, different grip rubbers (red/black/white), grip extension (the red one) and even more.
Does anyone else feel like a few more launcher customization products would make this more exciting? (So that you see a lot of different launchers, instead of the typical 3 options we see right now)
This is not a rant or pessimistic post btw
I'm loving Burst. I just feel nostalgic towards the launchers from the MFB era. What are you thoughts?
The Karabiner Grip was recently released and apparently there are a lot of fans of it, so you should start seeing it used more from now on. However, also keep in mind that Beyblade Burst has only existed for slightly over one year so far, and I personally find that it has released many grip accessories already in that limited time period.
Personally, I use either:
- BeyLauncher + BeyLogger
- Sword Launcher (alone of course)
- Light Launcher + Long Winder + Launcher Grip + yellow Weight at the end, vertical
I think that is a lot of diversity already hah.
There's actually a lot of customization for launcher grips, for example
-3 different assists for your launcher (Deafult, Rubber and Metal)
-Many different colour-themed launcher grips
-Angle compass(Like in MFB)
-weight damper(Balances weight)
-Carabiner Grip(Smaller than a regular Launchergrip and can bey a cool keychain)
-Beylogger(beypointer of burst)
-Rubber assist
And more to come
With the Karabiner Grip recently being released, I think we'll see this shifting a bit in the future, like Kai-V said! As mentioned above, there are still quite a few accessories that exist for your launcher in Burst. I think the major difference is that people just don't prefer to use most of them right now, rather than them just not existing.
(Aug. 24, 2016 8:51 PM){YT}EnderBlader Wrote: [ -> ]There's actually a lot of customization for launcher grips, for example
-3 different assists for your launcher (Deafult, Rubber and Metal)
-Many different colour-themed launcher grips
-Angle compass(Like in MFB)
-weight damper(Balances weight)
-Carabiner Grip(Smaller than a regular Launchergrip and can bey a cool keychain)
-Beylogger(beypointer of burst)
-Rubber assist
And more to come
I thought the metal assist isn't released yet? (The orange+black one, right?)
(Aug. 24, 2016 8:51 PM){YT}EnderBlader Wrote: [ -> ]There's actually a lot of customization for launcher grips, for example
-3 different assists for your launcher (Deafult, Rubber and Metal)
-Many different colour-themed launcher grips
-Angle compass(Like in MFB)
-weight damper(Balances weight)
-Carabiner Grip(Smaller than a regular Launchergrip and can bey a cool keychain)
-Beylogger(beypointer of burst)
-Rubber assist
And more to come
Aren't the different color launcher grips only given in the big expensive sets? (with stadia, etc..)
Kinda wish they had 4 different launcher grips in separate boxes. Would be interesting to let a lot of players have options
The metal assist hasn't been released yet but it will be and I would like to see other launcher grip colours released in individual packages but there's still customization.
(Aug. 24, 2016 10:23 PM){YT}EnderBlader Wrote: [ -> ]The metal assist hasn't been released yet but it will be and I would like to see other launcher grip colours released in individual packages but there's still customization.
I'm definitely picking up the metal assist when it's released haha
I just really hope that they create different versions. Like, I loved what they did with the grip rubbers. Just giving people 3 options in that regard really mixed things up. Sadly, those other blue rubbers don't really cover a lot of space.
A lot of people talk about not liking the Launcher Grip, but I still see a lot of variation at events in Toronto with people using many of the different grips and accessories. There's probably a tendency currently among the top players in Toronto to stay away from the Launcher Grip, but there's still some variety nonetheless especially with the release of things like the Karabiner Grip and Sword Launcher.
And actually, in Japan a lot of WARIBEY members use the Launcher Grip + BeyLauncher to great success.