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Hey Bladers,
Some of you may remember this thread about the weight limit the WBBA adopted. The WBO is now considering a similar method to deal with the dominance of the Libra Wheel, and otherwise, help balance the MFB competitive combo meta game. These changes, if implemented, will come in the form of a restricted part/combination list.
Recent discussion has yielded the following options:
1. Keep the rules the same as they currently are.
2. Restrict the use of the Libra Wheel in combination with a Metal Face or any Track in the 145 height range except for DF145 and 145. It will allow Libra Wheel combo's to see use however they certainly won't be anywhere near as heavy as they used to be.
3. Ban the Libra Wheel entirely. This is the more extreme side of things, but part of the discussion has been that the pre-HWS Libra Wheel is simply too dominant. Rather than fiddling with balancing potential combo's that Libra could appear in, oust it all together. This will mean that under the WBO rules, the Libra Wheel will no longer be a legal part for use in combo's.
Just to be clear here, this poll is a bit of a community survey from which the WBO Committee will base their decision on the changes necessary to fix issues with the MFB Competitive Gameplay. What the results are of the poll when it's over won't necessarily reflect the final decision, but it will be an influential factor when and if rules are changed.
Simply voting and not providing a reason for your choice in the thread will not get very far. Obviously, if you don't have a position, or are not entirely familiar with how any of these changes may or may not affect Competitive Gameplay, you do not have to vote.
I don't think Libra should be outright banned. But I think that it needs to be severely cut down.
So yes, it shouldn't be allowed to be used with Metal Face.
But I would almost say that banning it with DF145 would be another step.
Don't allow Libra usage with any track heavier than 1g (D125, DF145 and the other 145 tracks)
That would limit Libra down to 6 tracks (90, 100, 105, 125, 135 and 145)
Dude, dont ban any parts. thats like saying bearing core is banned!
Ban Libra entirely. It's not worth the trouble to work around it, Tomy obviously regrets releasing it in the first place, and it's more broken than even Bearing Core was.
bearing core didnt exactly break the game cause bearingcore games were easy to knockaround with a decent attack type combo and atm libra is pretty much to heavy to beat consident with most combos.
Just to be clear here, this poll is a bit of a community survey from which the WBO Committee will base their decision on the changes necessary to fix issues with the MFB Competitive Gameplay. We need to know what you guys are thinking, and why, I'm seeing lots of votes but no opinions to back them, and that is a little counter productive.
If you could, make a decision, vote for it, and maybe provide a bit of an explanation. For instance, why should we keep the rules as they are? Those who voted for option 1 legitimately don't see any issue? Why not ban Libra?
(Dec. 22, 2009 4:18 AM)Hiro Ayami Wrote: [ -> ]If you could, make a decision, vote for it, and maybe provide a bit of an explanation. For instance, why should we keep the rules as they are? Those who voted for option 1 legitimately don't see any issue? Why not ban Libra?
That's the problem with having the poll.
To many users will click an option and leave it at that.
And as for the votes for "Don't ban Libra", it may be due to the sheer power of Libra, so they enjoy having a beyblade that is just so powerful. Not wanting to ban something that wins them battles.
But to be honest, after really thinking about it, Instead of limiting the parts it can be used with, it really is easier to just outright ban it.
For a while it'll cause RF to be even more powerful, but who knows what parts will work together. (GB145 may prove useful in RF neutralization)
I don't think we should ban anything yet. MFB is still new. You don't know what Takara Tomy plans to release.
It's been out for over a year, and as of right now a part they released last october is still dominating every single tournament.
Ugh, I don't have a problem with having a seperate restricted format where Libra is banned entirely, because I definitely see the reasoning behind it, but banning it entirely, I disagree with. Mainly because MFB are still being produced and we don't know what else will come yet (and it's the only decent part besides Virgo I'll probably ever have of the MFB). *Don't ban my winning part argument* lol
I thought we had better stamina parts..?
I think people are under the impression that once something gets banned it will never be allowed again. Bans are set in place until such a period it becomes unnecessary. Should future parts be released which would allow the game to be better balanced then obviously it would be removed.
While I don't play Yu-gi-oh anymore I am familiar that cards get added and removed from the restricted list as it is seen fit to 1) keep things balanced and 2)spice things up a little.
EDIT: Guardian we're proposing this to make attack type feasible. Due to the slight unpredictability of RF people are hesitant (including myself) to use it at tournaments. Other attack bottoms are not effective against Libra, and by removing it the game will hopefully be balanced a bit better.
Simply put watching stamina fest after stamina fest gets very boring after a while.
Okay, that makes sense. It's why I didn't use my attacker at War Room...
Ban it entirely. Like Brad said, it isn't worth it to try to work around it. If TT ever decides to release something of comparable strength, we can unban it.
yeah its probley best to ban it,then alot of other parts might become usefull,and if TT realses something to balence it out more then unban it
i vote to keep the rules the same, though i'm am kind of biased since i don't own a MFB blade yet. The reason i vote not to change the rules is because the fact the problem is their. I mean don't you guys find it fun finding combos and techniques to to defeat a blade that seems impossible to beat? i know i do.
the problem is there hasnt been any real decent parts that could help win against libra consistenly
(Dec. 22, 2009 9:09 AM)Cyberloard Wrote: [ -> ]I mean don't you guys find it fun finding combos and techniques to to defeat a blade that seems impossible to beat? i know i do.
We have nothing left to find when it comes to beating Libra at this moment. Stamina combos beat it outright and top-tier attack combos can beat it around half the time. Even then, it takes RF to beat it and that's unreliable with self-KOs. Anything else will lose.
I say ban it outright. I feel that restricting its use isn't worth it since it will still be dominant even with the proposed restriction. If we're looking for balance, then banning is best and open the door for other potential defense combos and more attack types instead of stamina fests.
(It was hard not talking about Duel Masters here because the situation is so similar)
(Dec. 22, 2009 9:20 AM)Dirge Wrote: [ -> ]the problem is there hasnt been any real decent parts that could help win against libra consistenly
well what part of the combo(s) are we primarily looking at? the wheel from my understanding. so use it in the combo to beat it. Now like i said i don't have any MFB blades yet so i'm just trying to use what i've read to form a theory. I think i read that theirs a 90 track, and use a flat sharp. Then again i don't a MFB blade so i guess i should just be not talk at all
(Dec. 22, 2009 9:29 AM)Cyberloard Wrote: [ -> ]Then again i don't a MFB blade so i guess i should just be not talk at all
Could be for the best.
Aggh I voted for the wrong thing. I think that it should be banned entirely because it's to much of a game breaker.
I think people should choose option 2, as people who don't have libra's but they have a e.g. vigro, they could get a better advantage against their opponent!
i voted for the 2nd option, i think it should only be restricted or not change the rules at all.
Why ban parts? Libra isnt unbeatable, the idea is get the best parts to try and win with, its not like everyone can't use it. And like most defence combo's it is beaten fairly easily by a good Stamina combo.
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