World Beyblade Organization

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Before I begin I just want to say that this isn't a "Let's make Beyblade a sport!" type post. This is just for fun. Yes I think that would be cool, but with the way this game is would make it impossible at this point in time... Wait, what?

This thread is to discuss what we would want to see from Beyblade if it were to become an official sport. What do we think the game needs to reach that point? How would the sport run? Which iteration of Beyblade would be best? Etc etc. I was thinking about this a bit on my own and it's kind of cool in the sense that our little hobby could somebody become an actual sport if the right requirements were met, but at present that just can't happen.

The first thing Beyblade would need is an organization dedicated to the hobby that could work behind the scenes to make sure everything follows though. We already have that, it's this site. Secondly, Beyblade would need corporate sponsorship. Every sport does, it's what pays for advertising. However, I think the fact alone that a children's game from Japan became an official sport would be interesting enough to most that they might give it a look were it ever made a headline. People are curious, people like sports. They would want to know at least what it is. Beyblade would need an official rulebook and judges who can test and maintain those rules (We have that as well, but tweaks would probably be needed).

Next, I think the game itself would need some changes. Beyblade is a combination of two works, Beigoma, after the traditional Japanese game of which the hobby is based on, and Blade, for the crazy designs they gave us what seemed like so long ago. It's a fine name for a toy, but I doubt the public would take a sport of that name seriously, and we would get sued unless we were sponsored by or teamed up with Takara (Definitely possible, but I doubt it).

Basic things in the game would need to be changed as well. There is a traditional sport in Malay that is played every year just after the rice harvest, it's called Gasing Pangkah, and I think Beyblade would need to learn a thing or two form it. Currently, Beyblades are much too small and are too light to ever be used for an official sport. Beyblades weigh only 30~ grams. For anything serious I would imagine that Beyblades would need to be the size of a softball, and would need to weigh 4-to-5 kilos. At that weight it would be more like Gasing Pangkah, where the current record for the longest spin is two hours! At this size using a winder and shooter would likely no longer be possible (Unless we were to get some hi-tech goodness later down the line, but that would take the "sport" out of it, most likely) so the hobby would have to once again go back to winding the top with a string like we used to with Beigoma.

Gasing Pangkah

I think the iteration of the hobby that would likely work best would be Metal Fight Beyblade. I mean, it's metal and the customization options seemed easy enough. HMS would likely be fine as well, but there was more plastic. We want metal for this. Of course, the tops would have to be much bigger like I mentioned above, and there's a possibility that if we launched them with rope, the top would have to be rounded again otherwise the launch might not work properly. I really don't know. So hey, there's a possibility that it would just be Beigoma after all. Tongue_out Of course we could probably keep the customization option, but I don't think we would ever see anything like a Pegasis wheel for example. But hey, I could be wrong.

Lastly, how I imagine the game would be played. You know in the anime when they would do large knock-out matches where they would have like ten stadiums out and dozens of bladers battling at a given time? That's how I imagine Beyblade would have to be played.

What do you guys think?
I don't have anything to add to this topic other than that Gasing Pankah footage is INCREDIBLE. Never heard of this game before!
If Beyblade needs to be an official sport, the beys should be unified at a point where there are only one bey part per type, or they are manufactured by countries with specified weight limits/banned designs/unified materials so that they won't get overpowered or dominate the game by desgins.
Hmm I always told my friends that beyblade is a sport in its own kind of way because usually a sport is something with a ball XD, and beyblade is ( in my opinion ) a lot better than a ball. Tongue_out

Anyone agree or disagree?
(Jun. 22, 2015  4:40 PM)raiyanblader Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm I always told my friends that beyblade is a sport in its own kind of way because usually a sport is something with a ball XD, and beyblade is ( in my opinion ) a lot better than a ball. Tongue_out

Anyone agree or disagree?

The word "sport" is actually a pretty broad term. Some board games, such as chess for example, are considered sports.
(Jun. 22, 2015  5:20 PM)Wizard Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 22, 2015  4:40 PM)raiyanblader Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm I always told my friends that beyblade is a sport in its own kind of way because usually a sport is something with a ball XD, and beyblade is ( in my opinion ) a lot better than a ball. Tongue_out

Anyone agree or disagree?

The word "sport" is actually a pretty broad term. Some board games, such as chess for example, are considered sports.

Chess is an impossibly complex game. There are thousands, if not millions, of ways a single game can proceed, and to be able to achieve a level of mastery needed to play it well gives it all the qualifications to be a sport in my opinion. The only argument I'd have against Beyblade being a sport is the lack of structure we have. It's still considered a toy. Pushing beyblades to the sport level needs something with a more widespread reach. The WBO has made it very close to becoming a sport. Following the model we already have, but creating more of a widespread reach would be enough IMO. We're already doing that. Each generation is a different generation of the sport. It is not hard to split them, as we already have done. Limited is a great example of modified rules in a sport making a fundamentally similar game more diverse and interesting.

Edit: I don't even know what I'm saying.
I already made a thread like this, a while ago... :\
(Jun. 22, 2015  5:57 PM)UGottaCetus Wrote: [ -> ]I already made a thread like this, a while ago... :\
But your thread only talks about "imagining" how beyblade would look like as a sport; this is an actual sport thread.
I guess, but this thread is also about imagining it as a sport lol
(Jun. 22, 2015  6:35 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]I guess, but this thread is also about imagining it as a sport lol
lol, i didn't read the whole thread, i just skipped right to the video, so i thought it was about that type of sport...
Using ropes to launch wouldn't limit beyblade designs nearly as much as you think as you would only need something akin to a 230 track in the middle to wrap it around, leaving the entire rest of the bey free to be as out there as Kerberous or Blitz should the makers so desire.

Next up, while the "Bey" part of the name is indeed from "beigoma", it's also a word that refers to a turkish leader, often a general, derived from their word for "great". While I can think of it right now, I'm sure that translation could be used to derive a more serious name should you need it. I'm not convinced you do though.

And finally, consider While it hardly takes itself seriously, dreideling is officially considered a sport in some parts of america. If they can get it together like that, there's definitely hope for beyblade.
(Jun. 22, 2015  6:38 PM)1234beyblade Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 22, 2015  6:35 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]I guess, but this thread is also about imagining it as a sport lol
lol, i didn't read the whole thread, i just skipped right to the video, so i thought it was about that type of sport...

Meh, it was more so a discussion of "What does Beyblade need to become a sport."

(Jun. 23, 2015  12:13 AM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]Using ropes to launch wouldn't limit beyblade designs nearly as much as you think as you would only need something akin to a 230 track in the middle to wrap it around, leaving the entire rest of the bey free to be as out there as Kerberous or Blitz should the makers so desire.

Next up, while the "Bey" part of the name is indeed from "beigoma", it's also a word that refers to a turkish leader, often a general, derived from their word for "great". While I can think of it right now, I'm sure that translation could be used to derive a more serious name should you need it. I'm not convinced you do though.

And finally, consider While it hardly takes itself seriously, dreideling is officially considered a sport in some parts of america. If they can get it together like that, there's definitely hope for beyblade.

You wouldn't really need a tall track. In Beigoma a lot of players will grind down their tops for more attack power, and they can still launch it just fine (This is also where Attack types in Beyblade came from). You tie two knots on the bottom of the string and place that at the base of the top, and then wind the string around those knots moving up towards the edges of the top. But I was thinking more along the lines of the rope getting caught inside of the wheel for something similar to maybe Pegasis or Quetz. If a wing were to hook it, it would be a bad launch. I think something similar to Leone might work well though.

I don't think any turkish words influenced the name, but I'll take your word for it Tongue_out

That's crazy, I'l have to look into that a bit.
An alternative method used on kids' more standard spinning tops is to have a whole through the central shaft such that you can thread the rope through and the remaining rope holds it in place when wound. I said 230 partially because I wasn't clear on the scale of the rope and partially because of its perfectly rounded shape, I do not mean to imply that tracks would need to be tall compared to your hypothetical large beyblades.

Nor do I mean to imply that turkish connections caused their name. I merely mean to put forward an interesting coincidence that fits well with the original series' origin story and could potentially provide inspiration for a more serious name if you think we have to have one.

I should look further into MLD aswell.
(Jun. 23, 2015  12:41 AM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]An alternative method used on kids' more standard spinning tops is to have a whole through the central shaft such that you can thread the rope through and the remaining rope holds it in place when wound. I said 230 partially because I wasn't clear on the scale of the rope and partially because of its perfectly rounded shape, I do not mean to imply that tracks would need to be tall compared to your hypothetical large beyblades.

Ah, ok. And yeah, when I say large, it probably wouldn't even be that large. But it would definitely need to be bigger as it would most likely need to weigh 4-5 kilos (9-11 pounds). That's a good weight, but at their current size it would probably just make it impossible to have enough spin for a good battle, which is why I suggest a larger size. Probably the size of the tops for Gasing Pangkah.
If we are going down that route, the oversized in-floor stadiums of the original anime would fit in very nicely IMO.
(Jun. 23, 2015  12:48 AM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]If we are going down that route, the oversized in-floor stadiums of the original anime would fit in very nicely IMO.

Lol, that's what I had in mind. I figured that came across well when I described how I think tourneys would run, but it seems I was wrong.
I wasn't clear that you meant that. It was implied by your post I agree but never outright stated or even alluded to in a way that couldn't be mistaken for my imagination.
(Jun. 23, 2015  1:00 AM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]I wasn't clear that you meant that. It was implied by your post I agree but never outright stated or even alluded to in a way that couldn't be mistaken for my imagination.

Yeah it's fine, I should have directly stated it.
I've always wished Beyblade could reach the level of being a real sport, it's really exciting to imagine playing a game that I'm so passionate about against seriously skilled players in a true sport with big audiences who are just as intrigued and excited about the game. For a while now I've been terribly interested in learning how to play traditional beigoma, both because it looks amazing but also because it seems like it would teach me some fundamentals that I could translate to Beyblade as well, especially in terms of accuracy and control, not to mention that I respect the game far too much not to understand how to play with traditional beigoma.

The thought of having bigger, heavier tops and big stadiums is also very cool, normal Beyblades always felt a little too small to really feel right in a giant stadium with a big audience, and having more weight would really make battles even more intense. I think there is a happy medium between what Beyblade is and what beigoma is, if the tops were heavier and bigger, but were mixed with the designs and customization of Beyblade, as well has having launchers that used string but were spun at far higher speeds, I think the game would make an amazing sport.
I think there will always be a stigma towards Beyblade.
It's an amazingly successful toyline but it just won't be a sport how it is now. 1, the companies would need to change their MO, and as a sport? I don't know. It's not really something that's possible how it is.

Beigoma could be. Beyblade is a different beast.

But, who knows? I could be that idiot people will laugh at in 20 years saying it was ever unlikely to be a sport.
There's to much things to take into consideration if it were to become a sport.
(Jun. 23, 2015  3:10 PM)Meta madness Wrote: [ -> ]There's to much things to take into consideration if it were to become a sport.

Would you mind sharing some of those things? This thread is to share your thoughts on that matter Tongue_out
(Jul. 07, 2015  1:53 AM)Wizard Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 23, 2015  3:10 PM)Meta madness Wrote: [ -> ]There's to much things to take into consideration if it were to become a sport.

Would you mind sharing some of those things? This thread is to share your thoughts on that matter Tongue_out

Alright well here we go! Prepare for a "tl;dr" post or in some cases respond to something I answered already in the future.

If Beyblade were to become a sport one of the things to come into mind is that how popular(Very popular it's popularity and legacy is hard to ignore) If it were to be there is the ideal of forming teams which isn't hard but like all sporting teams there is a roster and a series of preliminary to world final events. This would mean sponsorship deals going on. Even the smallest teams stand up for something or in some cases someone!

Then would come registering and Team Logos and what not, with every sport comes cash and honestly Beyblade while it is seen as a kiddie sport if it were to go pro it would be a SUCCESSFUL money grabber and I'll explain why. In the spoiler
Though of course like this comes the time to pay, of course if there is a payment to be involved in a sporting event. If it is for there kids, family will pay out to assure they attend to the major family events.

Of course the ideals of it becoming a sport, I won't go into thee whole world tournaments thing because let's face it, not all sports reach that level(Like American football for example) so if things get to the international level. It would be a very...Testy performance.

It's a big thing to take into consideration though if there was a thing like the Bega League for example. I assure you I'd be a member.
Wow great idea. Beyblades that were bigger and actually shot with a string would be awesome. You could have big arenas and fight like they do on the anime. That current sport looks like it is in dire need of cooler "beys" and arenas. It would be tough to get going though I think because it couldn't really be marketed towards kids. Because kids would be getting hurt by those things all the time. Especially if they were more like metal fight beys. Count me in though for sure. It would be the coolest sport ever
(Jul. 15, 2015  8:09 PM)Zoroaste Wrote: [ -> ]Wow great idea. Beyblades that were bigger and actually shot with a string would be awesome. You could have big arenas

Pfft, Nice Refrence!

Quote:and fight like they do on the anime. That current sport looks like it is in dire need of cooler "beys" and arenas.

But people could already do special moves in real life! (By that I mean they launch there beyblade that goes really fast and they say it's a special move)

It's still considered a hobby to many if not all but I'm not speaking for everyone. Though as for the Stadiums part I do completely agree.

Quote:It would be tough to get going though I think because it couldn't really be marketed towards kids. Because kids would be getting hurt by those things all the time. Especially if they were more like metal fight beys. Count me in though for sure. It would be the coolest sport ever.

Based on our current advertisement abilities and to represent an older child to support those with a similar background isn't to difficult. I've said my thoughts on the children of this and I do know I'll need to speak of it again.

Just like how Kids got hurt with the plastic series?Doubt it, MF beyblades weren't that lethal (H145 is a different story, screw that spintrack)

<Spinning tops are considered a sport in different areas of the world
<When brought up to beyblade discussion it's quickly dismissed
<When evidence and possibility arises it becomes immediately invalid
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