World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Beyblades you want for Collection Purposes
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Hey there bladers.

What beyblades are you interested in that you're not wanting to use in competitive scenarios? Maybe it's got an interesting gimmick, maybe it's rare - maybe you just think it's very pretty.

Whether you want it or already have it, tell us about the non-competitive beyblade(s) that you want/cherish.

Personally, I'd like to pick up Dranzer F, Jade Jupiter and Dark Leopard MS. Because they're all quite aesthetically pleasing.
Ultimate Dragoon. Even the super rare Black Ultimate Dragoon. 'Tis so cute.
Black Dranzer MS.
Gold Dragoon MS 1st Place Prize.
CoroCoro Burn Pisces ED145 WF. Thing looks sick af.