World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: What Might The Next Beyblade Spin-off Be?
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It has occurred to me that everyone seems to wonder what the next beyblade series is, but no one tends to talk about the next spinoff. Most beyblade spin-offs have been carp, Beywheelz, BeyWarriorz, BeyRaiderz. But if you have any good ideas for the next Beyblade spin-off, post here.

I expect you to post the name of the spin-off, the general idea, how it would work, the launchers, and the stadiums.

My idea is freakin' Bey-Copters, basically the fusion wheel has heli-copter blades, powerful launchers would allow the beyblades to spin in the air for a bit, and the stadiums are dome-shaped fans.
(Feb. 15, 2015  1:20 AM)King Carp Wrote: [ -> ]It has occurred to me that everyone seems to wonder what the next beyblade series is, but no one tends to talk about the next spinoff. Most beyblade spin-offs have been carp, Beywheelz, BeyWarriorz, BeyRaiderz. But if you have any good ideas for the next Beyblade spin-off, post here.

I expect you to post the name of the spin-off, the general idea, how it would work, the launchers, and the stadiums.

My idea is freakin' Bey-Copters, basically the fusion wheel has heli-copter blades, powerful launchers would allow the beyblades to spin in the air for a bit, and the stadiums are dome-shaped fans.

Bey-Copters was also my idea (from last year I think with the exact same name) I remember suggesting the idea for a joke although people said it was a good idea.

What about BEY-Cycles... get it? Nevermind hah.
I have had this idea since 2010. FrizBlades.

Frizbee, but, say, customizable. thrown in the air at each other. Last one in the air wins.

Five types: Flight, Rotation, Stability, Speed, Power.

Either way, It looks like flying Beys are the new thing.
Errr Frizblades? Way to think outside the box...
I sincerely hope we never have to find out
(Jul. 06, 2015  12:57 PM)flame0251 Wrote: [ -> ]I have had this idea since 2010. FrizBlades.

Frizbee, but, say, customizable. thrown in the air at each other. Last one in the air wins.

Five types: Flight, Rotation, Stability, Speed, Power.

Either way, It looks like flying Beys are the new thing.

Do you work for Hasbro ?
hah you want something easy to do this thing?! buy a trypio and put a Left Spin Gear and launch it as strong as possible and look at it it will fly!
My idea is stealth battlers that can be customized but don't completely suck. The same launching mechanism. The same stadium.
I'm guessing the name is "Beyblade: Mecha FX"?
(Jul. 06, 2015  4:51 PM)MissingNo. Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 06, 2015  12:57 PM)flame0251 Wrote: [ -> ]I have had this idea since 2010. FrizBlades.

Frizbee, but, say, customizable. thrown in the air at each other. Last one in the air wins.

Five types: Flight, Rotation, Stability, Speed, Power.

Either way, It looks like flying Beys are the new thing.

Do you work for Hasbro ?

I think he may own Hasbro.
I just got an email from Hasbro when I sent this:

Quote:Helow frenz! Eye gat yoor eemale en eye wontet tu tell yoo gies ower eyedeer strategee. Wee beysickally jus drieve tu eni streat en kinnap a randum mayle keed. Wot wee du neckst is elecktricute him forsing him tu giv us sum ideeyas, wee waz thinkin dat if das wat kids think off, itz clirly jeeneus!

Fank yu for reeding dis letter end GIMMY YOR IDEEYAS! Owkay, layta! SmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmile

Don't take my joke too seriously.
(Jul. 06, 2015  6:12 PM)J.I.N.B.E.E! Wrote: [ -> ]I'm guessing the name is "Beyblade: Mecha FX"?

that could actually be the next main series after burst. just with a more official name.
I kind of based the name from Battle Strikers Mecha FX, as the gimmicks seem similar to Stealth Battlers, only much MUCH better! Masumai FX is way better than Kerbecs blade blast, then again it's my #2 favourite, but that's beside the point, I think the idea is probably not too revolutionary and more of an add on to an existing revolutionary idea.
(Jul. 06, 2015  7:01 PM)J.I.N.B.E.E! Wrote: [ -> ]Don't take my joke too seriously.

I sense no attempted humor in your post.

I think it's pretty much guaranteed that we'll get something like this:
(Jul. 06, 2015  11:35 PM)Wizard Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 06, 2015  7:01 PM)J.I.N.B.E.E! Wrote: [ -> ]Don't take my joke too seriously.

I sense no attempted humor in your post.

I think it's pretty much guaranteed that we'll get something like this:

Beywheelz... are never something to joke about... my apologies.

Next Hasbro will make Beygliders, it's sort of like the new Ninjago stuff but you launch it into each other and whichever knocks one down or stays up longest wins.
Like I mentionned, (don't ask me when and where) Hasbro will switch the BeyLogger of Beyblade Burst for protective glasses/gloves. If it really happen, I won't be surprised at all.
(Jul. 07, 2015  12:01 AM)MissingNo. Wrote: [ -> ]Like I mentionned, (don't ask me when and where) Hasbro will switch the BeyLogger of Beyblade Burst for protective glasses/gloves. If it really happen, I won't be surprised at all.

Why would they replace it? They'd be more likely to just get rid of it and say that kid's shouldn't connect with each other on the internet.
(Jul. 06, 2015  11:35 PM)Wizard Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 06, 2015  7:01 PM)J.I.N.B.E.E! Wrote: [ -> ]Don't take my joke too seriously.

I sense no attempted humor in your post.

I think it's pretty much guaranteed that we'll get something like this:

I'm convinced there's a good toy idea in here. Considering trying to prototype it, but it seems crazy haha
Also, you guys are nuts. Hasbro will definitely use the BeyLogger, mark my words. (Unless it's a complete failure in Japan and the feature is dropped.)
I was obviously ironic. But, do you guys remember that Hasbro never released the BeyPointer ?
(Jul. 07, 2015  2:02 AM)MissingNo. Wrote: [ -> ]I was obviously ironic. But, do you guys remember that Hasbro never released the BeyPointer ?

Yeah, but the BeyPointer didn't really have a purpose here. In Japan it was for collecting points that could be exchanged for Quetz, and then any limited Beys that followed. The idea didn't flop in Japan, but they switched to the BeyPoint Cards which was better because you didn't have to worry about losing your points if the batteries died. Sure, the BeyPoint Cards sucked because you couldn't exchange points with your friends, but I feel like they really only existed because of the GanGan Hobby Machines anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I think the BeyLogger is certainly the perfect combination of the two as it allows you to exchange points with friends and not have to worry about losing them when the batteries die thanks to the cloud system, but I still can't see it becoming a thing outside of Asia. Maybe things have changed, but think about who the target audience is. Does every American or Canadian kid really have a smart phone?
No, but a lot of them have iPads and I'd bet my money that it works with that, too.

I just don't see Hasbro turning away suck box-sticker-able features like internet-connected spinning tops. They might completely reinvent the idea and integrate it with or something. Who knows? They could do anything.
(Jul. 07, 2015  3:24 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]They might completely reinvent the idea and integrate it with or something. Who knows? They could do anything.

I hope that site dies with Metal Fight Beyblade...

(Jul. 07, 2015  3:24 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]No, but a lot of them have iPads and I'd bet my money that it works with that, too.
You're right, and one thing I didn't consider was the amount of cheap, Android tablets marketed towards children that have been sold within the last few years. You are definitely right.
(Jul. 06, 2015  6:46 PM)Wizard Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 06, 2015  4:51 PM)MissingNo. Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 06, 2015  12:57 PM)flame0251 Wrote: [ -> ]I have had this idea since 2010. FrizBlades.

Frizbee, but, say, customizable. thrown in the air at each other. Last one in the air wins.

Five types: Flight, Rotation, Stability, Speed, Power.

Either way, It looks like flying Beys are the new thing.

Do you work for Hasbro ?

I think he may own Hasbro.

Yes, in fact, I DO own Hasbro. (Not).
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