World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Does anyone collect images of Japanese event prizes?
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Well I just want to know all the versions of parts that have been released so I searched the prize lists of Japanese events. But each time the prizes changed the webpage content was replaced entirely (at least it seemed), so I wonder if anyone has snipped down the images of the prizes, or if anyone actually collected the prizes themselves.

Here is what I have come up with Google:
[Image: 2uk_w300_zps44db7ffa.jpg]
Man, I have some myself, but you would have to be precise, if you are looking for anything in particular. However, none of the pictures are bigger than the last rows of what you found; that was the size they were at on TAKARA-TOMY's website.

I may have two or three recoloured parts from those myself, but generally, at least a year ago, you could easily find most of them on Yahoo! Japan Auctions.
It would be seriously impressive if someone collected all of those. I haven't even seen all of the ones you've posted here before.

There was also some Zero-G ones, like the translucent orange W145 and CF which I have.
(Jan. 23, 2015  3:17 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Man, I have some myself, but you would have to be precise, if you are looking for anything in particular. However, none of the pictures are bigger than the last rows of what you found; that was the size they were at on TAKARA-TOMY's website.

I may have two or three recoloured parts from those myself, but generally, at least a year ago, you could easily find most of them on Yahoo! Japan Auctions.

I'm looking for 4D parts. If you have any could you please post their pictures.
The dark B: D is really great, such a badass looking.
The T125ES looks awfully similar to the one of Thermal Pisces, haha.
Thanks for sharing your collection エダルバイブ ! I had no clue that most of them actually existed.
These pictures were posted on Takara Tomy's event webpage when they were running. And there should be much more than this. I remember there were many FGrins of different colors.