World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Montreal, QC, Canada] - Clash of Featherweight (november 29th 2014)
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I got a new bladers for the tournament but I didn't think he has an e-mail. I check this with him and create him an account if possible.
Well if the wheater keeps up we will have a rainy turnament
probably more snow than rain hah it will start near friday for some snow but no big snow fall announced.
Actually, the probability of precipitations for Montreal on saturday is 0%.
great news hah! I have Update the confirmed list.
Well on my Ipod's weather app it says sunny on saturday Smile

Oh you noticed the name change Smile
effectively! I have some news for tomorrow!

CriCriCapricorn couldn't be there. some problem with the babysitter.

I would like annouced the official judges for the tournament and the second judges. if something is wrong with this list, please tell me I will check to modify it.

Official Judges:

Loyd87(Block A)
Master Rugi(Block B)
Kai-V(Block C)

Second JudgesUnhappyused when judges playing, you may judges in other block than yours.)

|BeyBouncer| (Block C)
KrustyBurger05 (Block B)
m0onLightBlader (Block A)

if you have any question feel free to ask!
Cant wait for tomorow

Edit: fYI me and Adrian are going to arrive 'bout
excellent! I have one registration for the contests but some of you cannot see this little add-on on internet so I will Let some to participate at this when we get to do contest after the tournament Wink I wish good luck to everyone! se e you later.
Cool, I hope judging enough for the DJ face. By the way I hope to not get lost this time, hah.
We should be there on time, but the Tunel Ville-Marie and related 20 and 720 highways are blocked this weekend apparently, so we will do our best. If anyone planned on going through those routes too, perhaps try other ways.
Good luck to everybody today!
Sorry guys in the end I wont be able to go. I hope you all have fun!
Welp that was a amazing turnament and congratz to the people that won and better luck next time for tho who lost or didn't get a prize XD
hah! great tournament! congratulation to the placers!

1st: m0onLightBlader
2nd: Master Rugi
3rd: |BeyBouncer|

Tomorrow I take time to submit all needing things to the WBO.

BTW |BeyBouncer| can you check to make an account for your brother. it would be easier for me to submit the results.
Yes, I will look for it. Anyway thanks for the prize, that was a cool tournament, in every sense of the word.
awesome prize thanks to loyd87 and everyone who participate in the tournament good luck for the next one
Some of you wanted to me where they finished during the tournament so I take some times to complete a little ranking for the tournament.

Block A:
1- m0onLightBlader
2- TheGalaxyKing
3- Loyd87
4- Adrian29

Block B:
1- Master Rugi
2- (Ties) GrandAquario, KrustyBurger05 & Gaby05

Block C:
1- |BeyBouncer|
2- Bu|ld0g
3- Kai-V
4- Marielys07

Now i'm working to submit the results corectly for the BeyPoints system. Many of you will change their ranks with this tournament! stay tuned up on the "Classements Bladers Qc" in the french forum for update.
"Gabriel" have been registered as @[Gaby05] today.
great thank you again! i'll submit the results 2d to the staff.
This tournament is officially processed. Now for the video ...
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