World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Building stadiums
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Hi guys! I'm new to the forums, and I wanted to let you guys know that I am currently drafting out a design of a larger, custom stadium. Ideally, its supposed to give the feel that the hobby/sport(?) has evolved from it's childish origins. So, how do you guys feel like using stadiums larger than the hasbro produced? I'm not saying that they will be similar to the anime you know HUGE, but at least 3 feet in radius, with a slope of about 15 degrees.

Also, another one of our projects is mechanical amplification of RPM's when you rip, so you get more force and power coming out of the gate. So when you launch into a bigger stadium your blade will last in there longer.

What do you guys think?

MAJOR EDIT: I'm not using any of this for tourney play, think of it as supplemental to hobby fun
[I predict someone is going to talk about how they won't be tourney legal, but then that's so incredibly obvious, it barely needs to be said]

I would personally love to see your work
(Sep. 08, 2014  5:54 PM)Captain Wrote: [ -> ][I predict someone is going to talk about how they won't be tourney legal, but then that's so incredibly obvious, it barely needs to be said]

I would personally love to see your work

Oh I'm not talking about tourney play. Should have said something. My friends and I actually gamble on these things (shhhh!) it's quite fun when you're getting drunk and you're playing against someone with $50 on the line. Honestly, I've always thought that if they took beyblades, and put a little more time into making them a bit more real (mostly metal instead of plastic, scale up everything). You could totally expand it into a larger crowd, make it a spectator sport!
What do I think? I think AWESOME!

Welcome to the site. There's only a small following for custom blades and stadiums here at the moment - so you have to know where to look. Mostly topics like these (building homemade or custom stuff) are kept in the "Your Creations" sub-forum to avoid "official rules" confusion but there are exceptions to any rule: like this thread, apparently.

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Commence crash course to get up to speed:

Lowen93 built a colossal beystadium out of stainless steel as part of his custom Silver Tops line of laser-cut steel blades. Read through the linked thread to find the pictures... They're in there somewhere. I've been building blades exclusively for a few years now, I've bought Lowen's stuff and I can vouch for the entire Silver Tops line: top notch quality product.

TheMechanicPapa is renowned for his gear-multiplier launchers. According to his readings (with a budget laser tachometer) beyblades with his launchers can reach up to 24,000 rpm. That's 8,000 rpm faster than the wheel of a Formula1 sports car at top speed! It is also 12,000 rpm faster than a Hasbro Rev-Launcher, the most powerful official launcher to date. The trade-off is that you have to be quite strong to use them - and they don't reload the pull-string automatically like a beylauncher.

Other members are creating custom stuff on a semi-regular basis, including designs for new stadiums - but the two mentioned above are the only ones actually selling their gear, far as I know. My blog, Formula Bei is dedicated in part to custom blades and new stadium designs. As it's name suggests, the blog encourages a new form of Beyblade in a similar vein to what you're suggesting. You might enjoy the read.

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So please do keep us up to date with your progress. Good custom stuff is always applauded here - even if it's not tournament legal. Word of advice though: pictures go a long way when making new friends!