I've been messing around with terribly outclassed metal wheels lately to see if I can find any hidden gems & I must say, Inferno annoys me more than any other wheel I own.
It has absolutely no purpose, its recoil is dreadful, and I just don't like the way it looks with a clear wheel on top. Anyone else own a metal wheel that they absolutely can't stand?
Fury wheel looks like a circle of nothingness, with any clear wheel. You'd think the base of the metal wheel would be chunkier because of the sloped curves.
My most hated metal wheel is probably Torch seeing as it's so bland in looks and it performs really badly, it's not even a fun recoil attack no no no it's a featherweight pushover.
Fury is extremely bland and it has no purpose whatsoever, at least with Midnight it's recoily fun and it looks cool but Fury is generic and I often forget it's there. It's up there with Torch.
Cyber I guess. It's not useful at all, not to mention just being a sort of remake of the classic Storm Pegasis.
(Aug. 31, 2014 9:06 PM)Echizen Wrote: [ -> ]Cyber I guess. It's not useful at all, not to mention just being a sort of remake of the classic Storm Pegasis.
pyrus10000 would beg to differ haha.
For some reason I always just hated Flame, for no reason.
I HATE Goreim. It's ugly and stupid and it sucks.
I have to say I strongly dislike the LDrago Destroy/.Guardian.
(Aug. 31, 2014 9:37 PM)Neo Wrote: [ -> ]I HATE Goreim. It's ugly and stupid and it sucks.
I have to say I strongly dislike the LDrago Destroy/.Guardian.
I find Goriem OK, it looks nice and at least it isn't a game breaker.
Though Torch and Fury are different.
Honestly, my least favourite MW (If Chome Wheels are included) is...well...before I say it, I know fanboys/girls are going to get their torches and pitchforks on me when I say this.
But here it is:
Genbu and Dragooon...your probably thinking "WHY? THESE WHEELS ARE ONE IF THE MOST USEFUL!" or "I don't see why you hate them so much, your just stupid". I'll tell you why...whilst they are very useful amongs wheels such as Wyvang and Balro, thats what kills it. They are gamebreaking when they are Synchromed together as Genbu Dragooon F230CF/GCF which is the problem, they are not fun AT ALL! I have seen Wyvang and Balro combos being tough to beat...but even they have some sign of weakness but Genbu Dragooon F230CF/GCF in the Zero G Stadium is garunteed a win and its so overrated that I hate it. I also hate it when people call this a 'revolutionary combo' that revolutionizes the gameplay when really it breaks it. I have seen Basalt, Libra and Duo break the game for the most part at the time of their release and I'm gonna tell you right now that I didn't even like it back then...but Genbu Dragooon F230CF/GCF is an overrated mess that deserves universal critisizm for making the gameplay such a bore. They should have really taken lessons from the Old Gens as they were a little more fun besides Wolborg MS (But even that can be beat much more easily anyway). Not to mention both Genbu and Dragooon have a mass amount of boring combos that break the game itself anyway.
I hate, HATE, HATE DRAGOOON AND GENBU! I'd rather use Inferno, Torch and Midnight.
(Aug. 31, 2014 10:03 PM)~Pharmist~ Wrote: [ -> ]Honestly, my least favourite MW (If Chome Wheels are included) is...well...before I say it, I know fanboys/girls are going to get their torches and pitchforks on me when I say this.
But here it is:
Genbu and Dragooon...your probably thinking "WHY? THESE WHEELS ARE ONE IF THE MOST USEFUL!" or "I don't see why you hate them so much, your just stupid". I'll tell you why...whilst they are very useful amongs wheels such as Wyvang and Balro, thats what kills it. They are gamebreaking when they are Synchromed together as Genbu Dragooon F230CF/GCF which is the problem, they are not fun AT ALL! I have seen Wyvang and Balro combos being tough to beat...but even they have some sign of weakness but Genbu Dragooon F230CF/GCF in the Zero G Stadium is garunteed a win and its so overrated that I hate it. I also hate it when people call this a 'revolutionary combo' that revolutionizes the gameplay when really it breaks it. I have seen Basalt, Libra and Duo break the game for the most part at the time of their release and I'm gonna tell you right now that I didn't even like it back then...but Genbu Dragooon F230CF/GCF is an overrated mess that deserves universal critisizm for making the gameplay such a bore. They should have really taken lessons from the Old Gens as they were a little more fun besides Wolborg MS (But even that can be beat much more easily anyway). Not to mention both Genbu and Dragooon have a mass amount of boring combos that break the game itself anyway.
I didn't like it all that much either, it looks really nice and it is useful, but I agree it's overrated and the Dragooons left spin is the reason it's so loved though I don't really like it that much.
Aw, come on, you guys hate Fury? ;_;
My least favorite non-4D wheel is Counter. I don't really like the low-hanging wheels to begin with, and the rounded design on Counter is ugly. Also, it's possibly the most laughably lightweight and recoily wheel ever.
My least favorite 4D wheel is Big Bang. The design isn't all that great IMO; it looks too big and kind of clunky. It's also pretty much useless. It also doesn't help Big Bang that I like pretty much every other 4D wheel, either.
My least favorite Zero-G wheels are Phoenic and Berserker. Phoenic looks kind of lopsided to me, and it's absurdly recoily. It does have one redeeming quality - the beautiful red recolor. The official Shrek Beyblade, the hideous Hasbro recolor of Goriem, takes first place in the ugliness contest, but it's not that bad in regular metal color. Berserker is pretty much useless and isn't very pretty.
Aw, I like Big Bang.
Dragooon and Ifraid are actually kinda bad in my opinion, only because they have weird shapes and don't look good synchromed with much. Vulcan looks awesome from the top, but the big wings look terrible from the side.
I quite love Dragooon.
It's "striped".
@[Cake] My least favorite chrome wheels would have to be Phoenic & Begirados too, because their shapes serve absolutely no purpose in customization, even if they look sort of cool.
I usually believe there's a use for every wheel but I hate screw with every fiber of my body. It's pathetic to me. Probably worst then Dark.

(Sep. 01, 2014 3:03 AM)The Supreme One Wrote: [ -> ]@[Cake] My least favorite chrome wheels would have to be Phoenic & Begirados too, because their shapes serve absolutely no purpose in customization, even if they look sort of cool.
Begirados is...useless? I never knew.But at least Phoenic and Begirqdos aren't overrated broken mess that breaks the gameplay like my two least favourite wheels, Dragooon and Genbu. I'm sure if here was a thread called "Least Favourite Tracks", I would easily pick F230 as I hate HATE HATE HATE Genbu Dragooon F230CF/GCF in the Zero G Stadium. Its 95% in winning and 0% on fun and at least Begirados was a fun wheel and is not an overrated mess like Genbu and Dragooon. If you want to know why I hate these two wheels then read my previous post.
The Dark, and hyper metal wheel truly annoy me, what is the purpose of making that metal wheel? Copyright reasons from takera tomy?
Hyper as well as the other Legend wheels were made basically so kids could customize Energy rings still.
Cyber, Counter, and Infinty (Thunder) were the only ones made by Takara. Others are notoriously weak, such as Torch.
Torch and one other wheel were made by Takara Tomy as well, after Hasbro.
I really wonder if there is some sort of copyright agreement between Hasbro and Takera Tomy for some of the beyblade parts that have been released by Hasbro.
(Sep. 01, 2014 6:05 AM)Dual Wrote: [ -> ]Torch and one other wheel were made by Takara Tomy as well, after Hasbro.
They were designed by Hasbro, though.
Cyber, Counter; and Thunder/Infinity were designed by Takara.
(Sep. 01, 2014 6:05 AM)Dual Wrote: [ -> ]Torch and one other wheel were made by Takara Tomy as well, after Hasbro.
Yeah, the other wheel was midnight (or cloud) which also sucks. What about night? The one from Night Virgo? If I remember right, it probably sucks like the rest of the legend wheels, but I haven't had a Night Virgo in a while... used to have one.
For Zero-G chrome wheels, I'd probably agree with Phoenic. I like all the other ones
4D wheels? Can't think of any... maybe Kreis.
Metal masters. I'd have to say Tornado (Cyclone) from herculeo.
Last but not least, Metal Fusion: EVIL.
(Sep. 01, 2014 3:01 PM)BahamdiaWyvang Wrote: [ -> ] (Sep. 01, 2014 6:05 AM)Dual Wrote: [ -> ]Torch and one other wheel were made by Takara Tomy as well, after Hasbro.
Yeah, the other wheel was midnight (or cloud) which also sucks. What about night? The one from Night Virgo? If I remember right, it probably sucks like the rest of the legend wheels, but I haven't had a Night Virgo in a while... used to have one.
For Zero-G chrome wheels, I'd probably agree with Phoenic. I like all the other ones
4D wheels? Can't think of any... maybe Kreis.
Metal masters. I'd have to say Tornado (Cyclone) from herculeo.
Last but not least, Metal Fusion: EVIL.
Why Phoenic? Phoenic is actually decent for attack!
I hate grand, it just seems like a terrible defense wheel because it feels lighter than STORM. It doesn't even make a very good stamina type fusion wheel. My least favorite 4D fusion wheel is Omega, #SCRAPESALOT I'm okay if omega is using a taller performance spin track, but otherwise, it's just terrible.
(Sep. 01, 2014 6:28 AM)Neo Wrote: [ -> ] (Sep. 01, 2014 6:05 AM)Dual Wrote: [ -> ]Torch and one other wheel were made by Takara Tomy as well, after Hasbro.
They were designed by Hasbro, though.
Cyber, Counter; and Thunder/Infinity were designed by Takara.
Hmm, we don't actually know if it was a team at Hasbro that designed the rest of the Legend series Metal Wheels, though. Takara-Tomy designed the Cyber, Counter, and Infinity/"Thunder" Wheels, of course, and released them before Hasbro, so it's possible Takara had also already designed the rest of the Legend Metal Wheels, and Hasbro simply decided to used them in a filler series. After all, Takara-Tomy did release their own variations of the Midnight and Torch Wheels later, maybe they just scrapped their plans for Fury, Night, and Inferno releases.
On topic, I don't think there's any particular Metal Wheel that I dislike, but maybe in terms of aggression, VariAres was bad for me when I got my first one. I remember playing with it in Attack combinations several years ago and getting scratches in the same places on my legs and hands from catching the VariAres combos as they flew out of the stadium. It got to be especially bad when those sharp, little deformed bits of metal started jutting out of the Wheel; Those really scratched me up, ha ha.