World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Thankyou very much. I plan to add all of my members, but first I need to call those that gave me their numbers. But @[Aerial Libra] and @[DrCool13] have joined so far.
Sorry to double post, I was ale to get three more members to sign up @[Irtaza5], @[Blitz Boss], and @[Ediolosa] have signed up. Two more until I can have tournaments. I have a friend who says he might even buy a BB-10 to hep me out. More people are asking me to buy buy beyblades for them(with their money) but I'm asking them to try and order online to see what hey might want that isn't in stores. I really need to get my secretary to actually attend and help e out.

And my phone died before I could take pictures, so that will be in the works for a while. How has everyone else's attempts gone?
I'm sorry for the triple post now, but this is important.

I finally got a picture of a few of my members! And I also got enough of them to sign up for me to start hosting tournaments(I'll talk to them about it next week). There is also an event called kindness fair, and I plan on having s advertise our club by letting others play against us.
Has anyone else had any luck with starting up a club? Questions perhaps?
7 people is good!

Keep it up! As of now you have enough people for a tournament including yourself, and hopefully you'll host a WBO official tournament and get the members already on the WBO to come to the tournament! You'll have a bunch of participants!
I would love to, but I live an hours drive away from L.A., I'll still recommend it to the CA bladers though.
I'm going to figure out how to pitch a club idea.

My school said that I can keep it as long as I maintain a 3.0 average IIRC, I don't see why any other school would be different.
Failing Biology and two A's so far!

Where's the picture?
that is the second time today I sent a post and forgot the link. Here you go:
I'll place it in the OP as well.
And please ignore the comments, Imgur is a cruel and uneducated place.
34 people!!! Wow that is crazy! I have my own crew of bladers of 16 that I have participating in my Non-WBO tounreys, trying to make my own. But I should make a sat meet up every weekend at 1 to 3!!? But earthwolf1414, that's a great idea though. Btw I'm in middle school and I'm not sure if i can make my own BB club there lol. Keep it up my friend! Grin
I laughed at that imgur comment, "the land where girls aren't" Wow, people on there have nothing better to do, so they bash that. Good job on creating a club, I'd go but I live an hour away from where the club is at.
Lots of jerks on imgur, huh? Next time you see them, ask them for a medium cheeseburger.
(Sep. 05, 2014  5:08 AM)Dual Wrote: [ -> ]Lots of jerks on imgur, huh? Next time you see them, ask them for a medium cheeseburger.

I'm ROFLin' at that comment. OMFG.
More members today! We desperately need more stadiums. WE have a large number of students of varying years, but these guys stayed long enough to prove my point to imgur.

EDIT: What does that cheeseburger thing even mean?
EDIT2: I forgot to post the link in this post. I had my own comeback in the description.
It's basically saying that their close minded, bitter attitude will land them a job in a fast food restaurant. Not the most accurate statement, but it wasn't meant to be.
I did send something food related though. Yeah, I actually found a WBO member who has several plastics in my club! Before Tuesday have never I imagined the joy off making a Strata Dragoon explode with a Wyvern Dragooon Combo. I'm planning on having a tourney in two or three weeks.
You could add me to it, I'll go. (Hopefully it isn't hot)
Then you have false hope. Fontana is the embodiment of heat. But we need more stadiums. I'll provide water.
(Sep. 12, 2014  3:09 PM)earthwolf1404 Wrote: [ -> ]I did send something food related though. Yeah, I actually found a WBO member who has several plastics in my club! Before Tuesday have never I imagined the joy off making a Strata Dragoon explode with a Wyvern Dragooon Combo. I'm planning on having a tourney in two or three weeks.


please...for the sake for Gaia Dragoon.
(Aug. 29, 2014  3:54 AM)KirbyRobot Wrote: [ -> ]I'm too scared to try to unite all my beyblade friends in school, I'd be known as the weird kid, and I'd lose all my current friends...

Dude always remebers this:

"It's better to be you,to be the weird kid,than to be someone your not"
I had started my beyblade club in my school and I was the chairmen it consisted of 251 members but I had to leave it because I was going to change my school.
Cool, Did you start another one in your new school? Oh, And and any other CA clubs or teams would be widely appreciated. So Far, this tournament is on the Fourth, is this fine with everyone?
A bit of a necro here but I remember that around this time last year, I brought my entire Beyblade collection to school (two toolkits full) and let the "anime club" have a bit of a go with them. It was really rowdy and hard to get everyone under control and organized. At the end of the day, I think I might have lost a couple pieces and felt really drained. At least WBO members at actual tournaments are more civilized and respectful because they understand the value of these "toys" and know better than to spin them down the hallways ...

As a side note, that club was "disbanded" (thankfully) and nobody has started it back up again this year. That one time I went last year was one of the two times I ever did.

You'd think the atmosphere would have been calmer with them being high school kids, but nah.
It's really been a while since I posted here. The club isn't as booming with people, but our dedicated members still give support. I've been selling sodas for club funds, but since that isn't working as well as I thought, I'm planning on selling chips some time soon. Does anyone have any experiences with Beyblade and school clubs?
My club, Beyblade Squad, actually started in my school. But now we don't do it at school and rather we come to my house on Wednesdays from 4:00 till 5:00, and on Sundays from 2:00 till 5:00, speaking of which, I should have a new video uploaded to my channel tonight, expect some fish slappin' Beywarriors vs a normal MFB.
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