World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: What would your beyblade be made to represent?
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What would your beyblade represent? You could choose creatures and other things from books, movies and mythology, but not other animaes. You must give a description of the creature or other thing you chose.
Could you be more specific? Do you mean if you could have a mystical/mythical beast as a bey? Well my bey would represent Draco or Hercules?

The first bey (Draco) would be a chinese long dragon with red and black on it The flames coming out of it would be black.

Second bey (Hercules) would be basically a husky muscular man that looks like he's been chugging steroids with lion pelt or fur idk. And a club.
Mine would depict my ex-wife. She would draw you in with her beauty and demeanor then crush your soul when your not looking.
(Jul. 17, 2014  6:22 AM)username2130 Wrote: [ -> ]Mine would depict my ex-wife. She would draw you in with her beauty and demeanor then crush your soul when your not looking.

That's deep.
Sorry bro.
We'll... She just sounds great! Smile Just kidding, I lied. At least she probably has a good special move!
(Jul. 17, 2014  6:41 AM)Nionis Wrote: [ -> ]We'll... She just sounds great! Smile Just kidding, I lied. At least she probably has a good special move!

She's like a Medusa.
Yo...username, you should do that...a medusa bey.
Ya, I think that he should make a medusa bey. I also have some beys that I am working on that depict some creatures and other things from books, movies and mythology! Actualy if you guys ever have a suggestion on a creature or other thing from a book, movie, or mythology that should be depicted as a bey. Just say it on this thread, and if I like the idea, then I will make it and post a video of it against another bey!
I guess my Bey would be a Digitized Dragon, kinda like Dragoon. Not like Cyber Dragoon, mine would be all pixelated and stuff. Dark Blue for sure.
Here is a video of one of my custom beys... Earth Durins Bane (Phoenix) Which was made to represent Durins Bane, a Balrog shown in Lord of the rings. However I did not put the custom face sticker on it yet.. Unhappy