World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Face Contest: Design a new Beyblade accessory! - Results in!!
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Welcome World Bladers!

With the lack of new accessories (and releases, in general) from Hasbro and TAKARA-TOMY, it's time to receive some inspiration! Leone19 got curious and created this contest, but it's being turned into a Face Contest!

For this contest, participants must design a Metal Fight or Zero-G Beyblade accessory. It could be a grip, type of launcher, or other gear. It must be brand new and (for the most part) original, so please don't enter just a recolor of a string launcher. The accessory may be designed by hand, on the computer, or in reality (model, 3D print-out, etc.). Post the entries right here. It should generally be realistic, nothing like a "thought controlled Beyblade".

Seeing as this contest used to be hosted by Leone19, a new judging formula will be used: the original judges, including Leone19, will count for half of the scores, while the Committee will account for the remaining half!

Our winner will receive their choice of:

The current received entries will be sent to the Committee, so do not worry about creating another accessory design.

Here are the global rules:
  • You must give some sort of explanation of your accessory, like how it works, where it gets attached on the Launcher Grip or on the Blader, etc.
  • Try to stay as realistic and reasonable as possible.
  • Limit one entry per person! Your first entry will be the only one that's considered, so work hard on it!
  • The WBO Committee and the judges aren't eligible.
  • You have until 11:59 PM EST Monday May 12th 2014 to submit your series. Any entries after that will be disqualified!
  • Post your entries in this thread! (You can also talk about the contest, ideas, or whatever in this thread as well!) However, you cannot post drafts of your entry and ask for feedback!

Go on and put your Blader's Spirits into your entries!
I had already sent an entry to Leone19 for the contest in the Your Creations. Can I make a new entry or will you only take the one I already sent?

I mean, since this is a face contest I want to try harder.
Thanks for posting this, I still can't believe it's a face contest.

To all previous participants; I'm a bit busy this afternoon and week, in general, but I'll be sure to send your entries before the deadline of the contest. Tongue_out

(Apr. 21, 2014  9:32 PM)Tri Wrote: [ -> ]I had already sent an entry to Leone19 for the contest in the Your Creations. Can I make a new entry or will you only take the one I already sent?

I mean, since this is a face contest I want to try harder.

I guess this would be Kai-V's area to respond to now, but I'd assume not, since first entry counts. Tongue_out
I sure I can at least improve on the one I sent. I'll be honest, I didn't try very hard since it was just for fun. Yes this one is for fun as well, but a FACE BOOSTER IS ON THE LINE.

Lol just realized this is different than my post near the bottom of the page but yeah I finished it quickly.
So just to be sure, this is only for accessories to launchers, not actual launchers themselves? Just makin sure.
(Apr. 21, 2014  9:44 PM)UGottaCetus Wrote: [ -> ]So just to be sure, this is only for accessories to launchers, not actual launchers themselves? Just makin sure.

Quote:It could be a grip, type of launcher, or other gear.

no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I agree about letting people redo they're entries since there's more at stake here. I literally used crayons on mine. Please.
Agreed, I forgot to explain about part of my design. Would be nice to polish it a bit.
Since the only designs I received were you're three, I guess I'd personally be fine with letting you redo them, since I haven't sent them in, yet.
I can understand the lack of explanations as that was not in the original rules, but I am disappointed that some of you would send basically mock entries even if it was not a Face Contest ... You should always enter with your fullest. In any case, if Leone19 is OK with it, we will allow you to re-enter.
I have no plans to change anything. When I pm'd my entry I neglected to add the text that was to go to the graphic explaining some of the parts. I just figured if it was a restart I would try and get that in.
(Apr. 23, 2014  2:50 PM)username2130 Wrote: [ -> ]I have no plans to change anything. When I pm'd my entry I neglected to add the text that was to go to the graphic explaining some of the parts. I just figured if it was a restart I would try and get that in.

Cool then, there is no problem in your case, but just to clarify, anyone who submits an entry from now on must include the explanation at the same time as the picture(s), not later on.
I was a bit disappointed myself that people either wanted to redo or add to their entires (aside from a description), just for the sake of winning a Face Booster. It shows that you weren't necessarily trying your best.

But, for the sake of the contest and considering I only got 3 entries at that point, I'm not going to cause an issue over it.

"Put a virtual Facebolt into a contest and everyone loses their minds"
(Apr. 23, 2014  8:04 PM)Leone19 Wrote: [ -> ]I was a bit disappointed myself that people either wanted to redo or add to their entires (aside from a description), just for the sake of winning a Face Booster. It shows that you weren't necessarily trying your best.

But, for the sake of the contest and considering I only got 3 entries at that point, I'm not going to cause an issue over it.

"Put a virtual Facebolt into a contest and everyone loses their minds"

Tbh mine looked cool to me, but I'm pretty sure not to everybody else. It was just for fun and I enjoyed making it, I wasn't necessarily trying to win. But for respect for you, I'll just post my original entry. I gotta find the PM and I'll edit this post.

P.S. Will 3 winners be chosen like originally planned?



If the writing isn't clear enough in the photo, the label near the straps says "watch", the label pointing at the middle of the watch says "Generator", the label pointing at the yellow stuff says. "Lightning" and the label pointing at the beyblade says "BEY".

I was gonna draw lightning on the watch, but that would probably be to unrealistic so I used a mini-generator instead. If you didn't notice from the pic, I used a hasbro ripcord launcher as the outline for the straps. The idea is that the generator watch will shoot electricity into the bey and speed it up. The idea would be very flawed in real life, but it's just for fun, am I right?!

EDIT 2: link is fixed.
I did try my best. So to be fair, just keep the entry I sent already I guess.

Saying I didn't try my hardest isn't true. I thought originally the first 10 to send entries were going to be the ones added so I wanted to finish mine as quick as possible which was probably an hour and a half or so.

leone19 Wrote:"Put a virtual Facebolt into a contest and everyone loses their minds"

Yeah so many minds were lost when all we said was we wanted to add a few things haha.

Those things are cool, I consider them more than a virtual face bolt. They represent why you went through to gain in, with the pow--

LOL JK they're virtual faces.
I believe this new part will bring us all one step closer to performing the infamous Waterfall launch.

We have the technology.

We have the means.

We just need to use them!

I call this instrument... (Click to View)
(Apr. 23, 2014  10:26 PM)ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Wrote: [ -> ]
I believe this new part will bring us all one step closer to performing the infamous Waterfall launch.

We have the technology.

We have the means.

We just need to use them!

I call this instrument... (Click to View)

When I saw Waterfall I knew it was going to be a good one.

My sister used to have one of those water things, haha.

In anycase, good job- this really made my day.
(Apr. 23, 2014  10:26 PM)ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Wrote: [ -> ]
I believe this new part will bring us all one step closer to performing the infamous Waterfall launch.

We have the technology.

We have the means.

We just need to use them!

I call this instrument... (Click to View)

I want one.
Wow this is interesting. Grin
(Apr. 23, 2014  9:46 PM)Tri Wrote: [ -> ]I did try my best. So to be fair, just keep the entry I sent already I guess.

Saying I didn't try my hardest isn't true. I thought originally the first 10 to send entries were going to be the ones added so I wanted to finish mine as quick as possible which was probably an hour and a half or so.

leone19 Wrote:"Put a virtual Facebolt into a contest and everyone loses their minds"

Yeah so many minds were lost when all we said was we wanted to add a few things haha.

Those things are cool, I consider them more than a virtual face bolt. They represent why you went through to gain in, with the pow--

LOL JK they're virtual faces.

Just quoting The Dark Knight, haha.

Hoping we get more entries.
Great work, Angry!

Hopefully it wouldn't explode, while gripping on to it, hah.
This didn't get nearly as big as I thought it would.
No one answered this:

Quote:P.S. Will 3 winners be chosen like originally planned?
To be honest, I think we did not even receive three entries ... This is rather disappointing.
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