World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: The new system
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Ok let's get one thing straight, the shogun steel Beyblades SUCK!!! They lack so much stamina and they auto mauticly go out in the cyclone stadium! The new characters suck, I mean Ben Kay would have a better chance living on a farm and taming bulls then a hamburger guy. And subasa is just like more creepy peace guy then he ever was like when earth eagle battle saggitario he was so weird standing on those poles just because his bets name was earth. Anyways I for one think that the second system is best and I'm trying to call takara tomy/tomy to tell them that hasbro was NOT meant to make a generation of beys, think about the first one the anime was terrible and you had these dents in the pieces so it would be awkward for customizing and if you put the stickers in it would look like 2. So if you know anyone at takara tomy/tomy then help me and email me at[/size]
Grammar. And its oj but you didn't. Have to make a thread for this.
That has nothing to do with Beywiki. Just use the Beyblade Anime and Manga Random Thoughts topic for posts like that.