World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, USA] Moving to Pittsburgh
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Alright guys, I just thought I'd let all of you know that I am moving to Pittsburgh, PA. I will be there no later than October first.

I am going there to study Entertainment Design at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I'll be bringing blades with me. If anyone is in the immediate area, I'd like to have a battle! It doesn't seem there are many people there, but it would be cool to have tournaments.

Just letting you know.

Good luck in your new home Wink
Good luck Anubis i hope you will have fun on your study since that's why you chose i would have thought.
wait Im not good with initials so is it Pittsburg , Pennsylvania or Philadelphia?
Read the name of the thread. Tired
Noo0o0 i Meant he said Pittsburgh, PA does PA stand for Pennsylvania or Philadelphia
who cares

not me
Philadelphia isn't a state, Pennsylvania is. I would guess that is what it stands for...

Good luck Anubis. Smile
Ooh okay Its cuz I often visit pennslyvania cuz ma sister live der
Thanks everyone. I'll do fine! I'm strong.
I just want to let everyone know that I write to you now from the library of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I've settled in fine, and I'm ready for action.
Glad to here your all settled in. Wink
Anubis hows the Art Institute of Pittsburgh...? Eee
And Yay you settled in. XD
It's great. I love my classes... I'm excited about everything! They have such a wonderful machine shop here. Many of the students don't really seem to.. care, but I can't do anything about that. The instructors certainly do.
The best thing is... your happy. XD
Hey, my dad's friend Robert lives there!
I remeber when he gave me some blades, though I don't think he collects or battles them...
i live around pitsburg i live north of pitsburg it takes me an hour 2 drive down there.
Well, if you wanna fight me, come on down here. I don't have many blades, but I can play MFB easily. I don't have a stadium yet either. All this will change when I visit home later this month.
We need to have a PA/MD tournament cause in those states alone it would probably be enough to have a good sized tournament
especially with anubis being in PA now that would be epic to play against him
Hey, maybe I'll run into you if a PA tourney pops up in the future! Good luck with the move!
Hey I'm from Erie Pa, I know it's not close, but you're the closest active blader to me. Uncertain
im from pittsburgh im new to beybalde though i plan on buying some beys on ebay
i live in/around Pittsburgh
hit me up with a PM if you want to battle sometime
how do you make a group
hey there fellow bladers. im from lancaster pa and would love to find others from lancaster and/or close by areas cuz it seems like the pickings are slim in PA Uncertain