World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: (Story) DN-Plus: Data Warriors
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Its pretty good! I hope you do more with it! Grin
Ye-Gi-On, Bakigens, and Greenakai XD
Anyway, its pretty good! I already gave you a few suggestions over pm, but other than that, its pretty good!
Just a tip, you might want to merge the two parts.
(Mar. 26, 2013  10:43 PM)ΩµτήµшБεгεđ Wrote: [ -> ]Ye-Gi-On, Bakigens, and Greenakai XD
Anyway, its pretty good! I already gave you a few suggestions over pm, but other than that, its pretty good!
Just a tip, you might want to merge the two parts.

Couldn't resit. haha
Finishing up part 3 now Tongue_out should be up soon
[quote='Leone19' pid='1105388' dateline='1364331453']
I've wrote a corresponding story to my created tcg

However, I took parts 1&2 down for now, for editing purposes. If part three would,be wanted, please comment.