World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [New Request] Tournament Info. Graphic
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Like the title says, I am in need of a someone to design a graphic for me. The graphic will be used to promote 2 Tournaments that will be on May 25/26 on Facebook so it should be big and easily legible.
Deadline: By the end of March (preferably).

Dimensions: Big, easily legible (like 500x500 minimum)
Focus more on an eye-catching backround and easy to read text. The title should be the biggest "font size", and everything after that should be a bit smaller, emphasizing the Tournament names while the details being in a slightly smaller size.

Information that should be on the Graphic:

Torneos de Beyblade! (top of the graphic, 1 line)

Tournament Name: Dawn of Zero-G! (Omit "Tournament Name:")
Fecha: 25 de mayo de 2013 (As it is.)
Inscripción: $5 (As it is.)

2nd Tournament Name: Puerto Rico Beyblade Championship 2013! (Omit " 2nd Tournament Name:")
Fecha: 26 de mayo de 2013 (As it is.)
Inscripción: $5 (As it is.)

Habrán premios en ambos Torneos y se estarán vendiendo los Beyblades más recientes de Japón!
Beyblades permitidos: Metal Fusion (Metal Fight Beyblade) hasta Zero-G (Shogun Steel).
Solo Beyblades de Takara Tomy, SonoKong y Hasbro. (Put "Solo Beyblades de:" and add the logos for Takara Tomy, Sono Kong and Hasbro after that.)

WBO logo should be on the graphic.

*Note that this Flyer is mostly in spanish, please PM me before taking this request, for some specifics.*
If by next week no one wants to do this, I'll find time to fit it in my schedule.
I could try? I pmed you.
(Mar. 16, 2013  11:35 AM)Leone19 Wrote: [ -> ]I could try? I pmed you.

I haven't received a PM from you, Leone19. I need this to be a decent/nice job.

: Thanks, right now one has PM'd me.
Surely you could just request in a shop , rather than making a new thread .. ?
(Mar. 16, 2013  10:41 PM)Luck Wrote: [ -> ]Surely you could just request in a shop , rather than making a new thread .. ?

I would've but most shops only do Avatars and Sigs for the WBO.