World Beyblade Organization

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this was a beyblade idea of my own creation, i call it "medusa" as it was of a a few unused greek mythology terms i could think of at the time, i decided to make a custom metal wheel perfomance tip, and of course the facebolt, i went with a vortex type wheel design i like to call the "damnation wheel" and it uses the vortex design to keep stamina, but the wheel is also thick to provide good or at least a decent amount of defense as well, it uses a tip i was think of called the "metal rubber defense tip" it uses the same shape as the wide defense that earth eagle is famous for using, but it also has metal at the bottom, to provide it the ability to not have it ware down so much during battle, but the rest of the tip is rubber so that when they bey looses enough stamina to start to get into a "wobbly" motion, it has attack power, so i guess here is the link:

please tell me what you think, and p.m me with any suggestions
Pretty much like the idea,especially the performance tip
(Mar. 05, 2013  11:59 AM)zeneo Wrote: [ -> ]Pretty much like the idea,especially the performance tip
thank you, though I am yet to figure out how i want the plastic wheel to look
Just try to put symmetry in it-
nothing fancy,keep it simple.
And it would be good if you could upload new photos with the bey coloured.
it'll be well appreciated.
Does it say D***ation Madbus? Anyway, pretty cool idea.
(Mar. 05, 2013  3:16 PM)Shaun the Sheep Wrote: [ -> ]Does it say D***ation Madbus? Anyway, pretty cool idea.

yes it was the word "damnation" but as you would think, takara also uses hell in their names, but its still permitted, but thank you for the idea

(Mar. 05, 2013  2:33 PM)zeneo Wrote: [ -> ]Ah....
Just try to put symmetry in it-
nothing fancy,keep it simple.
And it would be good if you could upload new photos with the bey coloured.
it'll be well appreciated.
i am aware to use symmetry,, though i still just do not know the design itself, but when i am done with the entire design i will post it with color
No no, I know that, and that wasn't what I was referring to (I just don't swear). I meant that I read it as "Madbus" and was wondering if that's what it was, and if it was that, what is it based off of? (Angry magic school bus?)
(Mar. 06, 2013  2:23 AM)Shaun the Sheep Wrote: [ -> ]No no, I know that, and that wasn't what I was referring to (I just don't swear). I meant that I read it as "Madbus" and was wondering if that's what it was, and if it was that, what is it based off of? (Angry magic school bus?)

no no no no, that is madusa (muh-doo-suh)
I really like your idea! It's very unique, and it looks amazing too! And like Zeneo said, could you upload pictured of it colored?
Your Idea is great. You have a great future dude. You can do some thing diffrent.
thank you guys for enjoyng my idea, though if only there were a way to make these using a cnc machine and have em come out and good Tongue_out