Feb. 28, 2013 7:48 AM
*This is a fan-fiction beyblade story I made up whiling taking an algebra final. XD
Beyblade: Generations
A Brand New HMS Beyblade Story!
The story takes place 100 years after the events of Beyblade: G-Revolution
Need some characters for future chapters! PM me, if you wanna help out!
Chapter 0 - Prologue to Battle!
Chapter 1 - The Reminiscent Dream
Chapter 2 - Triple Trouble!
Beyblade: Generations
A Brand New HMS Beyblade Story!
The story takes place 100 years after the events of Beyblade: G-Revolution
Need some characters for future chapters! PM me, if you wanna help out!
Chapter 0 - Prologue to Battle!
Spoiler (Click to View)
"When I was a boy, my father, Tyson Granger, told me the story of how he and his friends heroically saved the world of Beyblade from being consumed by the darkness. The #1 Beyblader accomplished many remarkable things in his life. But sadly, his time in the world came to an end, and like the cycles of the seasons, The cycle of a true blader's spirit, began anew..."
-Makoto Granger
This is the story of a new Blader's dream to become number 1, will he succeed and gain the glory and respect he deserves? or will he fail? A new legend of the blader is about to unfold....
*The following part of the story takes place sometime after BEGA is taken down in G-Rev..
Blader DJ: "Yo, yo, YO! Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls of all ages! Thank you for your patience! It's time to begin the final match of the Beyblade World Championships!" In the left corner, we have the cold-hearted, selfish, short tempered, bully who will say NO to a little girl selling Girl Scout cookies!
Audience: Booooooooo!! You stink! Meanie! Go back to where you came from, ya jerk! Get off the stage! Your a cheater! Boooooooo!
Bully Blader: "Ah, boo-hoo, yourselves losers! I'm gonna win this thing, whether you like it or not! hahahaha!"
All of a sudden, before the blader in the other corner stepped in, the crowd starts going nuts with excitement and joy seeing the man who arrived in the arena. The main event has finally here.
Blader DJ: Well folks! It looks like this man needs no introduction whatsoever! He's the strong-willed Blader who is not afraid to speak his mind! He's the blader who everyone wants to defeat! A former member of the Bladebreakers! The leader of the G-Revolutions! He's also the ho--".
A random kid from the crowd then shouts out, "You just said he didn't need an introduction!"
The crowd starts going crazy again, furious at the Blader DJ who stated "the man who needed no introduction."
Blader DJ: Er..I know, but..
You know what? Let's forget about what I said, right?
Crowd: NO!!!!!
Random Kid 2: You..you lied to us! Why? just..WHY!? Your a liar! He's a liar, She's a liar, Everyone's a LIAR!! I CAN'T TRUST ANYONE ANYMORE!! *runs out of the stadium*
Crowd: ...
Blader DJ:
o.........k? sorry?
...and there goes the crowd, loud and crazy. I don't blame them though, I'm usually like that too when I see a beybattle. RIP to the headphones users who had their mobile devices volume set to HIGH to so they can hear the match. It was an interesting day, too bad I wasn't there.
Bully Blader: HAHAHA, TYSON! I'M GONNA CRUSH YOUR BEY INTO LITTLE PIECES!! and then your going cry like a baby! like..like..YOUR GOING BE LIKE, "boo-hoo I lost! I'm a loser! I'm too weak! Your better than me!" and I'm going be like, "Hahaha, that's right! Who's the best? I'm AM! YOUR THE LOSER AND I'M THE WINNER!!!" Ohh man, That's the perfect picture of my victory!
Tyson: heheheh...
Bully Blader: What's so funny punk?
Tyson: Oh nothing, kid, I just have a feeling your going regret saying that. I just hope you can back up those words.
Bully Blader: You've got a lot of nerves, for a pipsqueak! It's time to battle!
Tyson: Well..it's about time! I'm going to teach you the true power of a true blader's spirit! LET'S GET IT ON!!!
Both Bladers get out their launchers and beys, they attached their bey to the launcher, inserted their ripcord, and were ready to engage into battle.
Blader DJ: It seems the time for words has passed, and the prologue to the final match of this battle is about to begin! Bladers! Are you Ready!?
I was so excited to watch the match, that I couldn't stay in my seat and got up close to the TV, as close as possible, to say the countdown and forgetting the warning what my parents used to say, "Never watch TV too close and make sure your in a well-lit room". Tsk, "Ain't nobody got time for that" I muttered to myself. I'm just glad to find this old DVD disc whiling I was cleaning the horrifying, dark, dusty, ugly, looking, attic. Wait, I don't ever remembering even starting. That place is so dark, I was convinced bats were living there. My grandfather excepted ME to clean up that junk? Nope, nope, nope, nope. Got no time for that.
Everyone (and that includes YOU! the reader!
Tyson: Come On! Gooooooo Shooooo--
100 years later...
At that second, the power just "shuts off". I'm like, "WTH just happen?" I then turned around, slowly, to find there was an old man, with a grey beard, a staff in one hand, and the power cord in the other. Ladies and gentleman, my grandfather.
???: ......I was watching that!
Sora: Nooooo...I was...taking a break.
My name is Sora. Sora Takahashi. I'm 13 years old and I'm a blader. Beyblade is my life. I fell in love with it ever since the day I launched one. My dream is to become the #1 Blader. Someday, I know I can make it.
-Makoto Granger
This is the story of a new Blader's dream to become number 1, will he succeed and gain the glory and respect he deserves? or will he fail? A new legend of the blader is about to unfold....
*The following part of the story takes place sometime after BEGA is taken down in G-Rev..
Blader DJ: "Yo, yo, YO! Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls of all ages! Thank you for your patience! It's time to begin the final match of the Beyblade World Championships!" In the left corner, we have the cold-hearted, selfish, short tempered, bully who will say NO to a little girl selling Girl Scout cookies!
Audience: Booooooooo!! You stink! Meanie! Go back to where you came from, ya jerk! Get off the stage! Your a cheater! Boooooooo!
Bully Blader: "Ah, boo-hoo, yourselves losers! I'm gonna win this thing, whether you like it or not! hahahaha!"
All of a sudden, before the blader in the other corner stepped in, the crowd starts going nuts with excitement and joy seeing the man who arrived in the arena. The main event has finally here.
Blader DJ: Well folks! It looks like this man needs no introduction whatsoever! He's the strong-willed Blader who is not afraid to speak his mind! He's the blader who everyone wants to defeat! A former member of the Bladebreakers! The leader of the G-Revolutions! He's also the ho--".
A random kid from the crowd then shouts out, "You just said he didn't need an introduction!"
The crowd starts going crazy again, furious at the Blader DJ who stated "the man who needed no introduction."
Blader DJ: Er..I know, but..

Crowd: NO!!!!!
Random Kid 2: You..you lied to us! Why? just..WHY!? Your a liar! He's a liar, She's a liar, Everyone's a LIAR!! I CAN'T TRUST ANYONE ANYMORE!! *runs out of the stadium*
Crowd: ...
Blader DJ:

...and there goes the crowd, loud and crazy. I don't blame them though, I'm usually like that too when I see a beybattle. RIP to the headphones users who had their mobile devices volume set to HIGH to so they can hear the match. It was an interesting day, too bad I wasn't there.
Bully Blader: HAHAHA, TYSON! I'M GONNA CRUSH YOUR BEY INTO LITTLE PIECES!! and then your going cry like a baby! like..like..YOUR GOING BE LIKE, "boo-hoo I lost! I'm a loser! I'm too weak! Your better than me!" and I'm going be like, "Hahaha, that's right! Who's the best? I'm AM! YOUR THE LOSER AND I'M THE WINNER!!!" Ohh man, That's the perfect picture of my victory!
Tyson: heheheh...
Bully Blader: What's so funny punk?
Tyson: Oh nothing, kid, I just have a feeling your going regret saying that. I just hope you can back up those words.
Bully Blader: You've got a lot of nerves, for a pipsqueak! It's time to battle!
Tyson: Well..it's about time! I'm going to teach you the true power of a true blader's spirit! LET'S GET IT ON!!!
Both Bladers get out their launchers and beys, they attached their bey to the launcher, inserted their ripcord, and were ready to engage into battle.
Blader DJ: It seems the time for words has passed, and the prologue to the final match of this battle is about to begin! Bladers! Are you Ready!?
I was so excited to watch the match, that I couldn't stay in my seat and got up close to the TV, as close as possible, to say the countdown and forgetting the warning what my parents used to say, "Never watch TV too close and make sure your in a well-lit room". Tsk, "Ain't nobody got time for that" I muttered to myself. I'm just glad to find this old DVD disc whiling I was cleaning the horrifying, dark, dusty, ugly, looking, attic. Wait, I don't ever remembering even starting. That place is so dark, I was convinced bats were living there. My grandfather excepted ME to clean up that junk? Nope, nope, nope, nope. Got no time for that.
Everyone (and that includes YOU! the reader!

Tyson: Come On! Gooooooo Shooooo--
100 years later...
At that second, the power just "shuts off". I'm like, "WTH just happen?" I then turned around, slowly, to find there was an old man, with a grey beard, a staff in one hand, and the power cord in the other. Ladies and gentleman, my grandfather.
???: ......I was watching that!
Sora: Nooooo...I was...taking a break.
My name is Sora. Sora Takahashi. I'm 13 years old and I'm a blader. Beyblade is my life. I fell in love with it ever since the day I launched one. My dream is to become the #1 Blader. Someday, I know I can make it.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Sora spent his whole afternoon watching many intense bey-battles on TV. Sora's Grandfather kept reminding him over and over for him to do his chores, but the blader wouldn't listen. Eventually he gives up, letting his grandson watch more bey-battles.
After the sunset and the moon had risen, the young blader goes to bed to replenish his energy for the next day.
While he sleeps soundly just like a baby his grandfather, in the other room, is snoring like a warthog.
Despite having to been driven crazy by his grandfather's snoring, Sora eventually falls asleep and enters his dream world where a friend waits for him every night....
Sora: Zzz...Zzz..Zzz..
Sora's Dream
Inside Sora's dream, a mysterious voice calls out his name..
"Hey Sora..."
There's no answer from him.
Still no answer.
Sora heard the voice the first time..He just hopes it goes away.
"If I stay still and silent, maybe she'll think I'm dead and go away" Sora thought.
Unfortunately for Sora the voice didn't go away like he hoped. Instead he gets hit on the head with a object.
"ARRAGHH!!!!! THAT FREAKIN' HURT U CRAZY PSYCHO!! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?!?" Sora exclaimed, rubbing his head for the pain to go away soon.
"Well, if you had woken up the first time I called your name that wouldn't happen!"
"I got it at local market. Traded my frying pan for it." said the girl
"Oh god why? I actually prefer getting hit by the frying pan better.." Sora exclaimed.
"Is that so? I can get another one if that's what you want.."
Sora: uhh..let's see.....hmm......NOPE.
"That's what I thought!" said the girl as she giggled. "Anyway, let's go to the beach today like you promised!"
"Ok! Let's go Krystal!" Sora said happily as he and his friend rushed towards the ocean.
Krystal is Sora's friend, only in his dreams though. She is a highly competitive tomboy and is Sora's highly energetic friend that loves to compete with others for fun. (There is a special chapter about Krystal, but that's for another chapter
The two friends eventually reached to the beach. Krystal was amazed to see how beautiful it was.
The shining light of the sun that reflected against the ocean, the warm breeze in the air, the climate was just perfect, and the dancing palm tress moving back and forth.
"Hey Sora, let's sit over there!" Krystal purposed.
"Alright, sure" Sora said as he followed her.
The two sat down and started talking. Although Krystal wasn't real, she was interested about life in the real world. She always asked Sora about how people looked like, What people did for fun, the food, the culture, daily life, everything. Out of all the the questions, the topic she enjoyed taking about, was Beyblade. They were having a great time, but she always asked a certain question Sora couldn't answer.
"(Please don't tell me your going ask me that question again) Sora thought, "Hmm..?"
"Is it possible..that I can become real?" Krystal said.
"..Uhh...(dammit) Yes....No...maybe...I don't know".
Sora felt uneasy answering this question. He didn't want her to think it wasn't possible, but Sora wanted to make that true. To cheer up his friend, Sora challenges Krystal to a Beybattle.
"What? A battle now?" Krystal said, who was surprised.
"Yeah!" Sora said with excitement.
"Well...because it's fun!" Sora replied back.
"Heehee..okay!" Krystal said, smiling again.
They both get out their beys, attached their top with the launcher, and inserted their ripcord.
Get ready...
Gooooo SHOOOOOOOT!!!!!!
Sora's wakes up from his dream
"Oh..it's Gramps...."
Sora looked suprised to see his Grandfather with a black eye, so he asked him a question.
"Woah, Gramps...what's up with your left eye? You trying cosplay Old Solid Snake or something? You forgot the bandana part..also isn't too early for that?"
Trying to retain his angry, Sora's Grandfather, sarcastically answers his question with a fake smile.
"Oh my eye? Don't worry, I just got in a fight with a crook and he punched me in the eye. I was left out cold and he ran away. However, he got caught by the police before I passed out."
"Huh..so basically lost in a fight and got your money stolen, eh?"
"Sucks to be you!" Sora said in a high pitched voice
"Hmhmm, cool story. Why are you in my room anyway!?"
Sora saw his grandfather put on another smile, Sora thought it was another fake, but this one was real.
"You do know what today is..right?"
"Today? Today is..."
Sora checks his calender on the left side of his room.
"Oh no. No, no, no, no, NO. You have GOT to be kidding me!"
"Ho,ho,ho it ain't no joke now is it?"
"Do you know what that place is? It's where we spend Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives!"
"..and that's why it's called school, Sora", Sora's Gramps said happily.
After the sunset and the moon had risen, the young blader goes to bed to replenish his energy for the next day.
While he sleeps soundly just like a baby his grandfather, in the other room, is snoring like a warthog.
Despite having to been driven crazy by his grandfather's snoring, Sora eventually falls asleep and enters his dream world where a friend waits for him every night....
Sora: Zzz...Zzz..Zzz..
Sora's Dream
Inside Sora's dream, a mysterious voice calls out his name..
"Hey Sora..."
There's no answer from him.
Still no answer.
Sora heard the voice the first time..He just hopes it goes away.
"If I stay still and silent, maybe she'll think I'm dead and go away" Sora thought.
Unfortunately for Sora the voice didn't go away like he hoped. Instead he gets hit on the head with a object.
"ARRAGHH!!!!! THAT FREAKIN' HURT U CRAZY PSYCHO!! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?!?" Sora exclaimed, rubbing his head for the pain to go away soon.
"Well, if you had woken up the first time I called your name that wouldn't happen!"
"I got it at local market. Traded my frying pan for it." said the girl
"Oh god why? I actually prefer getting hit by the frying pan better.." Sora exclaimed.
"Is that so? I can get another one if that's what you want.."
Sora: uhh..let's see.....hmm......NOPE.
"That's what I thought!" said the girl as she giggled. "Anyway, let's go to the beach today like you promised!"
"Ok! Let's go Krystal!" Sora said happily as he and his friend rushed towards the ocean.
Krystal is Sora's friend, only in his dreams though. She is a highly competitive tomboy and is Sora's highly energetic friend that loves to compete with others for fun. (There is a special chapter about Krystal, but that's for another chapter

The two friends eventually reached to the beach. Krystal was amazed to see how beautiful it was.
The shining light of the sun that reflected against the ocean, the warm breeze in the air, the climate was just perfect, and the dancing palm tress moving back and forth.
"Hey Sora, let's sit over there!" Krystal purposed.
"Alright, sure" Sora said as he followed her.
The two sat down and started talking. Although Krystal wasn't real, she was interested about life in the real world. She always asked Sora about how people looked like, What people did for fun, the food, the culture, daily life, everything. Out of all the the questions, the topic she enjoyed taking about, was Beyblade. They were having a great time, but she always asked a certain question Sora couldn't answer.
"(Please don't tell me your going ask me that question again) Sora thought, "Hmm..?"
"Is it possible..that I can become real?" Krystal said.
"..Uhh...(dammit) Yes....No...maybe...I don't know".
Sora felt uneasy answering this question. He didn't want her to think it wasn't possible, but Sora wanted to make that true. To cheer up his friend, Sora challenges Krystal to a Beybattle.
"What? A battle now?" Krystal said, who was surprised.
"Yeah!" Sora said with excitement.
"Well...because it's fun!" Sora replied back.
"Heehee..okay!" Krystal said, smiling again.
They both get out their beys, attached their top with the launcher, and inserted their ripcord.
Get ready...
Gooooo SHOOOOOOOT!!!!!!
Sora's wakes up from his dream
"Oh..it's Gramps...."
Sora looked suprised to see his Grandfather with a black eye, so he asked him a question.
"Woah, Gramps...what's up with your left eye? You trying cosplay Old Solid Snake or something? You forgot the bandana part..also isn't too early for that?"
Trying to retain his angry, Sora's Grandfather, sarcastically answers his question with a fake smile.
"Oh my eye? Don't worry, I just got in a fight with a crook and he punched me in the eye. I was left out cold and he ran away. However, he got caught by the police before I passed out."
"Huh..so basically lost in a fight and got your money stolen, eh?"
"Sucks to be you!" Sora said in a high pitched voice
"Hmhmm, cool story. Why are you in my room anyway!?"
Sora saw his grandfather put on another smile, Sora thought it was another fake, but this one was real.
"You do know what today is..right?"
"Today? Today is..."
Sora checks his calender on the left side of his room.
"Oh no. No, no, no, no, NO. You have GOT to be kidding me!"
"Ho,ho,ho it ain't no joke now is it?"
"Do you know what that place is? It's where we spend Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives!"
"..and that's why it's called school, Sora", Sora's Gramps said happily.
Spoiler (Click to View)
New chapter next week!