World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Wyvang Dragooon SA165 R2F
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I know, I agree with you, plastic seems to have less recoil.

I was mainly just pointing that out to Diblee123.
Question, would you vouch that this combo works better VS defence beys than Flash does?
Yes, I would.
Just got my SA165, is the disc supposed to face up or down?
Down. I believe that is clarified in the OP.
It says "Zero G Attack Mode" but I had no idea what that meant xD. Thanks though :D
Just received my Wyvang in the mail, tested this today for nearly half an hour and I'm disappointed to say that after 20 rounds of battling it with extremely outdated Earth Bull GB145 RS, it KO'd Earth only like... twice.
Won by outspin a few times, but otherwise lost more than 10 times.

What's going on... D: I have Wyvang on the bottom, Dragooon on top. SA165 with the disc down, and R2F.
Um.... how are you launching?
Sliding shoot.. it's doing the flower pattern but it breaks really quickly (i guess it's too heavy) and when it does make contact, it's not strong. The times it does manage to KO, it's just barely by tipping Earth off balance while it's near the tornado ridge.

Tested it with plain RF, CS, and other bottoms and get the same result; Wyvang Dragooon seems to be lacking in actual smash. It's different with Flash, you can tell there is a solid impact, but not so much with this combination. Even in solid hits there is not much knockback of the defending bey and apart from its weight I feel like it doesn't have much going for it. It's more like "unbalance the bey in hopes of tipping it over the TR" than anything.
(Apr. 24, 2013  10:51 PM)alucardZ Wrote: [ -> ]Sliding shoot.. it's doing the flower pattern but it breaks really quickly (i guess it's too heavy) and when it does make contact, it's not strong. The times it does manage to KO, it's just barely by tipping Earth off balance while it's near the tornado ridge.

Tested it with plain RF, CS, and other bottoms and get the same result; Wyvang Dragooon seems to be lacking in actual smash. It's different with Flash, you can tell there is a solid impact, but not so much with this combination. Even in solid hits there is not much knockback of the defending bey and apart from its weight I feel like it doesn't have much going for it.

is RF worn? because I KO more heavy and defensive combos with it
RF is prime, Flash does well with it. Maybe it's too worn for that heavy carp to maneuver properly in, and R2F is in good condition too. I just don't understand, the bey is hitting Earth at full force and there's no KO.
You are probably launching too deep. Do not bank very deep at all. It needs to do a wide flower pattern. Not the standard launch you might be used to with Flash. Cause no offense, but if it can't KO Earth then its not this combo's fault, just practice more or its that your Tip is worn too much.
I got it to KO earth rather consistently now, but I certainly wouldn't say that this combo utilizes smash attack at all. It just uses its weight to cause Earth to move towards the TR, and then pushes it out.

Well I saw Meow's video of him launching and it looks like a regular flower pattern.. not particularly wide at all. But even in his video, you can see none of the KO's are real impact knock-outs, they're just little pushes over the tornado ridge.
Wyvang Dragooon SA165(normal mode)R2F vs Killerken Reviser BD145RDF
3- Segment Launcher Grip
BB-10 Attack Type Stadium
BeyLauncher R
Hasbro Launcher L

Here is Revisers Win Rate:
And Dragooons Win Rate:
Reviser's Win Percentage: 45%
Dragooon's Win Percentage: 55%
Wyvang Dragooon SA165(normal mode)R2F vs Diablo Kerbecs BD145R2F
3-Segment Launcher Grip w/ BeyLauncher R
BB-10 Attack Type Stadium
Hasbro Launcher L

Here is Kerbecs's Wins:
Dragooon's wins:
Dragooon Win Percentage: 25%
Kerbecs Win Percentage: 75%
Why Kerbecs Won:

Wyvang Dragooon SA165(normal mode)R2F vs Flash Lacerta S130R2F

3- Segment Launcher Grip x2
BB-10 Attack Type Stadium
BeyLauncher R
BeyLauncher L

Dragooon wins:
Flash wins:
Dragooon Win Percentage: 70%
Flash Win Percentage: 30%

I'm an idiot XD I used SA165 in the wrong mode this whole time! XD I'll edit it later on.

I have mastered this combo... it's the same results for Dragooon. Amazing combo!
You might want to put those all in one post next time. Tongue_out
Maybe, maybe not XD Just got the Ultimate DX Set. Gonna test out Duo next! Grin
Wyvang Dragooon SA165(Zero-G Attack Mode) vs Reviser Reviser BD145RDF
3-Segment Launcher Grip x2
BeyLauncher LR x2
BB-10 Attack Type Stadium

Dragooon wins:
Reviser wins:
Dragooon Win Percentage: 70%

Reviser Win Percentage: 30%
(Feb. 23, 2013  6:01 PM)Luck Wrote: [ -> ]Nice tests .
Would RF work just as well ?

Almost squid well, but not quite. It's still great though
I seen on the MEOW WBO youtube channel . It's a killer Beyblade combo. I really recocmmend trying out this combo.
is ad145 an alright sub for sa165 or should i use lw160
Sorry, but SA165 is really the only thing that works. You could try LW160 I guess, but SA165 will be wayyyy better.
Ughhhhhhh even more money, ok thanks
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