Welcome to Brave and Lucky Competition. Here we choose the Bravest and the Luckiest. And you need them together to win this.
Here is the Competition rules:-
- You can only post the answer.
- You can't give two answer.
- You can't tell others what to do.
- You can't post twice in this thread in a one round.
- You can't post in the during the Second round if you are not choose to it.
This is the game. You MUST read the story . And answer in given method. If Pick the right answer you will be choose to next round. I will send you a pm you, if you choose to next round. You have 50% chance of pass the First Round. But it can be harder when it goes to finals.
Method as follow:-
Quote:Answer :-
Reason fro the answer :-
Date and Time :- (you must post the date and time because I don't know when did you post it.)
Now here is the story.
Quote:Story : 1 -The EIBINIA Island
You have been chosen to go to EIBINIA island to discover about a mysterious creatures. There are for like this. And they all around EIBINIA island. Two of them are Dinosaurs, another one is a Dragon and the last is a giant sea monster. As the legends One Dinosaurs called T-rex live in the EIBINIA island. The dinosaurs called Pterosaurs (flying dinosaurs) is live in the sky around this island. The sea monster live in the sea around this island. The Dragon has fire on it's skin. And it lives in a mountain that has lava in it. So information is over. Now let this story begin.
Know you are ready to go you got every information you need. You must choose aeroplane or ship.What do you choose?
1. Ship.
2. Aeroplane
I'll give this a try:
Answer : Ship
Reason fro the answer : You never said the giant sea monster was dangerous. And if I went aeroplane, the Dragon with the fire can attack us, no?
Date and Time : ?? 9:43 AM
May as well -
Answer: Aeroplane
Reason for the answer: If you take a ship, the dragon can swoop down and both can attack you. If you take the Aeroplane, then only the dragon can attack you. Plus is I go around 1.00AM then the dragon might be asleep. It cannot sleep in the air, so I might actually get by, where as if you go by boat the water vibrations might wake the sea monster even if it was sleeping. plus if it's the first day of a new year, the dragon will be tired and hungover from partying the previous night XD. Also, and Aeroplane is faster, and has the slightest chance to avoid the dragon, -Plus I've decided it has missiles, so it will blow it up on sight

- , where as the boat has no chance IMO.
Time and Date: 1st january 1.00AM
Answer :- Ship
Reason for the answer :- First of all you didn't mention that there was any suitable place to land an aeroplane.
If the volcano happened to erupt or cause an ash cloud the plane wouldn't be able to take off and a boat could take safer refuge in the water.
There are two threats in the air, dragon and dinosaurs and only one in the sea.
The boat can be anchored off the coast to stop other dinosaurs from attacking the people, and providing a safer living/sleeping space once settled on the island.
A boat is more likely to survive an attack, as it doesn't have to crash land.
Depending on the type of boat it would make less noise approaching the island so less likely to attract attention.
If for some reason they run out of fuel it's still possible for a boat to leave the island then a plane.
Date and Time :- (Is this date and time for us to get there, or date and time I'm posting this? >.>)
Date and time posting: 12:19am 21/01/2013
answer : - ship
Reason for the answer :- ship because if the sea serpent attacks you could use any weapon to attack it then you have some time so then you dock the ship and make a run for it if the T-rex is there you hide then escape and if the dragon comes after me i would not worry because there are trees and the dragon is unable to come and grab me and same goes for the Pterosaurs he cannot catch me because of the trees and again if the dragon puts the place on fire i would run and dive into the sea where the sea serpent is not there and wait some time like 2-3 mins and and find a safe place....
posted date and time :- 1/23/2013 at 10.00 pm
Answer : ship
Reason for the answer: I choose the ship because Dinosaurs like the T-rex are really bad swimmer. The Dragon wouldn’t be any problems since it lives in the mountain. This should mean that the Dragoon rarely lives the mountain to go for a hunt at sea. Also choose it because a ship can take more loads for food and supplies that I would take to the eibina which are important to examinant the creatures. Ship doesn’t have to crash land which means it’s more dangerous to fly then to sail.
Posted date and time : 1/23/2013 at 17.30 pm
Answer :- Aeroplane
Reason :- I can go faster. before the That flying dino catch me
Date and time :- 2013/1/24 at 9:30 pm.
Answer :- Ship
Reason for the answer :- In a aeroplane If we been attacked. It can be exploded
Date and time :- 24th january 2013 - 9:40 pm.
OK. You missed it (except for seven who has entered by posting in this thread).
If you are selected for next round you can post more in this thread but ones for a one round. But if you didn't selected you can't post.
That Means Luck and Kavindu Isivara is out.
Ship is the write answer.
Quote:Here is the story if you select aeroplane.
You are going on the aeroplane with the pilot and secondary pilot. Suddenly the air goes crazy
And the plane goes out of control. And you are going to crash. You look out from the window of the plane. You see the Pterosaurs ! In a moment the Plane is exploding.
The end
Here is the Story if you select Ship. That means the next story.
Quote:Story : 2 -The EIBINIA Island
You are going on the ship. Your ship has hit on something. You run to the deck to see whats going on. You amazed! You been attacked by the sea monster. What Should you do?
1. Jump to the Sea and swim.
2. Go inside the ship again.
3. Take the emergency boat.
4. Jump to the sea monster and attack.
Good luck Guys.
Answer :- 3 Take the emergency boat
Reason for the answer :-
One big monster is going to be distracted by the one big 'prey' and most likely wouldn't bother with you on the smaller boat, for example why would a lion catch a rabbit when it could catch an antelope!
Emergency boats are usually stocked with emergency supplies, such as food, blankets and torches ect. So these would help you survive on the island after the event.
Being on an emergency boat means you may be able to help save some other people to later aid you in your adventure.
If you get past the big monster on the small boat, then you still have a chance to get back again, with it being a smaller boat there would be the chance that the big sea monster wouldn't pay any attention to it on the journey back for example.
There is a part of me that want's to say to attack the monster, but just 'jumping onto the sea monster' with no form of weapon apart from your bare hands, no idea of it's weaknesses and if you do manage to kill it there is always a chance (If it's a big sea monster) it could take you to the bottom of the ocean with it! Seems a tad suicidal ^^;
Also with the boat already having 'hit' the monster, it could already be damaged and sinking and wouldn't be worth attacking the monster to try and save it, instead get the small boat ready and pack it with what you can hold XD
Date and Time :-15:49 Jan 25th
answer :- Take the emergency boat
Reason for the answer :- if the sea monster attacks taking the emergency boat is the best.
the Reason for the answer is because there are food , first aid, gear you want and at least 75 % there is gonna be some kind of weapon in that boat . so when the sea monster is trying to destroy the ship i could go and i would not be detected because the sea monster is distracted by the ship so i will run into the island and pack some food and or just wait in a nearby safe place ...
posted date and time :- 1/25/2013 at 11.05 pm
Answer: Take the emergency boat
Reason for the answer: Emergency boats are building for emergencies.
I would call it an emergency if a huge sea monster attacks my ship.
Would not choose the other reason because there a simply too dangerous and the possibility that the sea monster kills me would be higher if I stay on that ship.
Date and Time: 12.45 Jan 26th
Here's an idea!
Use proper grammar, the idea makes sense (though is suspiciously like a Role-Playing Game) but the prompts and posts are detracted by the bad grammar.
Also, you really don't need to post the date and time of posting since it comes up in the bottom-left corner of every post. Even if edits occur, that will be displayed in the top-right corner of the post.
Can I just ask what the logic in this is?
You never stated why ship was the right answer.
They're weren't any hints in the question.
And the reason you chose didn't actually make a difference.
and what's actually the meaning of the 'time' bit?
Answer : The Emergency boat
Reason for the answer : Well if the sea monster is attacking the main boat, you can just escape while he devouring the other one. And an emergency boat pretty much has anything you need for emergencies... So that should be quite simple.
Date and Time : 6:38 PM
Answer :- Emergency boat
Reason :- Just a guess.
Date and time:- 28th jan 7:00 pm
answer - ship
reason - cuz dragon cannot attack in water as its body is on fire and even if sea creature attacks , u cn easily swim to the island without any problem
date and time - 28th Jan'2013 at 9pm
dude..this is round two. You cant post if it is still round one. READ!
BTW, round two is over since everyone posted..and if its wrong... that would be an epic fail
OK then, All of the Competitors are Post there answers.
Then special is Everyone is right.
The Third round will make no changes.
Quote:Story 3 EIBINIA Island
You are going in the Emergency boat. The sea monster see you but it doesn't care about you. You reaches the Island safely. You jump to the beach thinks what to do next. So what do you do?
1. Camp there.
2. Find the Creature before it find you.
3. Stay until it come.
4. Unload the foods and go to sea to rescue your ship.
Notice :- There can be two or three answers.
Good luck in Round three.
(Jan. 26, 2013 2:23 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]Here's an idea!
Use proper grammar, the idea makes sense (though is suspiciously like a Role-Playing Game) but the prompts and posts are detracted by the bad grammar. The issues are beginning to give me a headache, seriously...
Also, you really don't need to post the date and time of posting since it comes up in the bottom-left corner of every post. Even if edits occur, that will be displayed in the top-right corner of the post.
I agree with Luck. You did not post the logic behind your choice for who survives, so there is no particular explanation for your decision.
You also managed to somehow ignore everything I was saying, so I'm quoting it again in case you missed it.
Answer : find the creature before it finds you.
reason for the answer : because if you find the creature and locate where it lives you could find a safer place to stay right? and you could find a safe place from a distance and have you food and things...
posted date and time : 1/30/2013 at 5.30 pm
(Jan. 29, 2013 11:51 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan. 26, 2013 2:23 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]Here's an idea!
Use proper grammar, the idea makes sense (though is suspiciously like a Role-Playing Game) but the prompts and posts are detracted by the bad grammar. The issues are beginning to give me a headache, seriously...
Also, you really don't need to post the date and time of posting since it comes up in the bottom-left corner of every post. Even if edits occur, that will be displayed in the top-right corner of the post.
I agree with Luck. You did not post the logic behind your choice for who survives, so there is no particular explanation for your decision.
You also managed to somehow ignore everything I was saying, so I'm quoting it again in case you missed it.
Your right with date and time. And my bad grammar. But I don't agree with Luck. This is not a logical tournament. The story can go anyway, I am using a book for this competition. Don't ask for the name and author of that book. If I told you you guys can find it and read it. And there's no game.
(Jan. 30, 2013 4:06 PM)Dip Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan. 29, 2013 11:51 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan. 26, 2013 2:23 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]Here's an idea!
Use proper grammar, the idea makes sense (though is suspiciously like a Role-Playing Game) but the prompts and posts are detracted by the bad grammar. The issues are beginning to give me a headache, seriously...
Also, you really don't need to post the date and time of posting since it comes up in the bottom-left corner of every post. Even if edits occur, that will be displayed in the top-right corner of the post.
I agree with Luck. You did not post the logic behind your choice for who survives, so there is no particular explanation for your decision.
You also managed to somehow ignore everything I was saying, so I'm quoting it again in case you missed it.
Your right with date and time. And my bad grammar. But I don't agree with Luck. This is not a logical tournament. The story can go anyway, I am using a book for this competition. Don't ask for the name and author of that book. If I told you you guys can find it and read it. And there's no game.
So it has absolutely no logic behind, is what you basically said... So, what exactly is the point of this competition? And aren't all tournaments meant to be approved by Kaizer vearn or Insomniac. ? (was it?)
(Jan. 30, 2013 5:24 PM)Luck Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan. 30, 2013 4:06 PM)Dip Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan. 29, 2013 11:51 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with Luck. You did not post the logic behind your choice for who survives, so there is no particular explanation for your decision.
You also managed to somehow ignore everything I was saying, so I'm quoting it again in case you missed it.
Your right with date and time. And my bad grammar. But I don't agree with Luck. This is not a logical tournament. The story can go anyway, I am using a book for this competition. Don't ask for the name and author of that book. If I told you you guys can find it and read it. And there's no game.
So it has absolutely no logic behind, is what you basically said... So, what exactly is the point of this competition? And aren't all tournaments meant to be approved by Kaizer vearn or Insomniac. ? (was it?)
Kaizer Vearn approved it. Don't argue with me. If you think aeroplane is right why does 5 out of 7 choose ship. Think it this way , if you take the ship, in a attack you can escape from a emergency boat. if you take aeroplane the only thing you can do is jump with the parachute. If you fall to the sea that sea monster will kill you. Anyway if you fall to the forest how you can find food, water that can drink, a place sleep, weapons and how can you communicate with your headquarter. You will trapped in that island with mysterious creatures.
SPAM on this thread should stop, right now, or I will start to give warnings. Private messages are available, go and start conversations there.
Dip, you can continue, I'll open my eyes on this thread. That's it.