Made for my friend maasaamune ,Here will be my some of the signatures if you like it order i will make for you for free haha thank you!Jpg,Png&tiff only available any character render you want please specify its name which show and which kind of please wait for 1-4 days because i have only 1 laptop and specify which colour you want which kind of effect? sparkle sunburst fogged etc and do you want any sticker specify please and name or words written on it etc.. Thank you!
[Image: dexyos_zpsa5e4bd38.jpg]
Please insert a format.
Goodluck with your shop.
No problem

Also, you might want to put the big image in a spoiler... And you do know that it's too big for an actual signature , right?
Like Luck said, you should create a format to insert orders and stuffedy, because if you're GFX are as beast as the Deoxys then I'd be pretty interested in getting a sig from you.
Yeah, or a userbar

I think there is a bit to much contrast, and too much brightness on that Deoxys tag...
nevertheless, Have fun!and good luck to your shop!
Hey Karan got your shop superb! I need one more and little small as because of the rules please i need empoleon's render from pokemon you know haha!
please make it earlier
Wow adorable! awesome! nice work dude!
Isn't it
may be we should learn gfx too 
Please be reminded that we have a limit of 500x200 for signatures, and I believe that is way to big to be in a signature.
Hey Good Luck To Your Shop!
And Yeah,What Synth said is correct!
*Its You Karan,the CN guy from Facebook isnt it?*
Hey can you make me a signature with the halo guy?
Do what you think is best to it.
As far as I remember Syco, Kai-V once mentioned that GFXers are not allowed to request from GFX Shops, mainly because it's a bad idea, leading the GFXers to not improve, and instead rely on better ones to create their display for them.
But well, that's off the top of my head, jammed with other stuff, so don't think so.
Back on topic, your style is really nice. But yes, it's too large, so a reducing your canvas size is mandatory.
yes he's the one,he is my best friend and ya he's cn gfxer XD
true dude seriously too large haha...
Thanks Friend! nice one
Ya focus i am karan of cn rival of sai XD
No maasamune thank you for ordering and always remember in friends no sorry's no thankyou!
ya kujikato i will try my best!
Goten15:- your signature will be designed till tomorrow Take care
lol i forget your words everytime i tell you! and by the way I want a signature too with Masamune! green color any effect you want take your time....
@ syco here's your thing!
awesome signature Karan!!!! make 1 for me too i need with sasuke and itachi any color matches the render and ya with any effect... & it should written I Dissapointed You!
ok i will make for you nesh bro!
[b] Awesome Thank you!!! [b/]