World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Friend of a member
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So yeah, this is a friend of Ga's. I'm at his house right now after seeing Django Unchained (good movie. >>), and he asked me to join!

I did have some old beyblades, Driger and Draciel V (the ones with the magnets inside, I think that was it), but I lost the cores while Ga and I were fooling around in Orchestra. I also got back into Beyblade, and have some new metal blades like Screw Capricorn and Dark Cancer.

If anyone is friends with Alex on Facebook, I'm the person that took his profile picture and tagged him in the image of all the fake Beyblades in a vending machine for 2 CAD in Canada.

I talk with him sometimes about blades, but mostly we discuss other stuff irl. I'm also very much up to date with current events, and I like to memorize the flags and national anthems of random countries, such as East Timor or Nepal's (It's the only flag in the shape of triangles).

So yes, good to be here and all.
Django Unchained is a good movie.

Peer pressure has its advantages, I see. Hello there! I'm fine with you saying my actual name and all, but I'd prefer that you didn't unless I asked otherwise.

He won't be on often, because again I'm pretty much the only one that actively blades in my school. However, I did finally get him to join via his iPhone, which he is addicted to, and he also is a good listener for when I geek out to him about Beyblade and other things.
Another Ga referral XD Welcome! I hope you have as good a time as i have. Make sure to read the rules.
Oh hey, you got asked to join too!

It's Rohan, if you didn't notice yet lol.
Greetings, As!an. Welcome to the WBO. And enjoy your stay.
Thanks for the welcome, I guess.

Yeah, I have some questions anyway.

EDIT: It's a shame the boards don't allow political discussions, that's my thing. Ah well.