World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Which episode is your favorite so far ?
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The one were Doji battles Kyoya
ep 49 where Kyoya battled Ryuga. best season 1 fight in my opinion. Then ep45 where Tsubasa battled Ryuga.
Hmm, I like the episode's with Sora the best.
Ep 49/51 TTTHHHHEEEE BBBEEESSSTTT Season 1 was better >_>'' I just wish the old school comes on DVD or back on TV
I have a new favorite episode since I last posted that episode is 68 Reunion! Wang Fu Zhong. Tsubasa was just so cute in this episode.
It is very tough to say but I like Episode 13. Its really amazing and wonderful. I liked all the things from Episode 13. It is my favourite and others are very well. No doubt about that.
episode 13
the episode one gingka looses
(Aug. 05, 2010  3:10 AM)Axel Phantom Wrote: [ -> ]episode 13
Could you elaborate and give your post more content.

Heart_Of_Lion Wrote:and the episode when kyoya gets counter leon ^-^
Counter Leone has not appeared in the anime ...
(Aug. 05, 2010  3:15 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 05, 2010  3:10 AM)Axel Phantom Wrote: [ -> ]episode 13
Could you elaborate and give your post more content.

Heart_Of_Lion Wrote:and the episode when kyoya gets counter leon ^-^
Counter Leone has not appeared in the anime ...

well they made a galaxy pegasus so i was thinking he would come in some time in explosion ^-^ like how it did in the old series tyson would get a upgrade then sooner or later his friends would ^-^
(Aug. 05, 2010  3:19 AM)Heart_Of_Lion Wrote: [ -> ]well they made a galaxy pegasus so i was thinking he would come in some time in explosion ^-^ like how it did in the old series tyson would get a upgrade then sooner or later his friends would ^-^
The topic is "Which episode is your favorite so far ?". That means that you have likely not even watched most of the episodes, and what you posted was really nonsense.
(Aug. 05, 2010  3:26 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 05, 2010  3:19 AM)Heart_Of_Lion Wrote: [ -> ]well they made a galaxy pegasus so i was thinking he would come in some time in explosion ^-^ like how it did in the old series tyson would get a upgrade then sooner or later his friends would ^-^
The topic is "Which episode is your favorite so far ?". That means that you have likely not even watched most of the episodes, and what you posted was really nonsense.

the second half was nonsense ^-^ so for non-nonsense it would be the episode when gingka gets beat by Ldrago(inst it everbodysTongue_out_wink)first post changed
Currently my fav episode within the Metal Fight Beyblade anime has to be Episode 29 Kenta and Sora. This is due to the fact that it gives a fitting introduction for Sora and it teaches him that he should beleive in Cyber Pegasis' own power instead of trying to copy every action of Ginga.

My second fav episode tied is currently with episode 62 of Metal Fight Beyblade Explosion and also Metal Fight Beyblade episode 37. This is due to the fact that Da Xang battling against Ginga was good to watch and Ginga had to remember that a bladers spirit is the key factor to a battle. Episode 37 i enjoy due to the fact that it marks the return of Sora and that he finally develops his own special attack for Cyber and prevails against Escolpio and Busijima.
I like Episode one: Pegasus Has Landed
Episode 13 is my favorite
(Aug. 08, 2010  2:24 PM)Orisinal Wrote: [ -> ]Episode 13 is my favorite

Oh my, wow... You stole the joke right from my fingertips; there goes my quippy post. Pinching_eyes_2
sorry Pinching_eyes_2
Haha, I thought I was going to be sooo clever. DJ - Sad.
My favorite episode is Chase the Wolf! I want to join the 'party' too!
Episode 90 was my favourite in the metal fight beyblade explosion saga.It really showed how Damian/beyblade can change someones life.I was so sad for Julian Konzern he never deseved to be treated like that.But in other way he realised he is not as strong as he thinks.
My other favourite is Episode 146 on the Metal Fight Beyblade 4D saga.It was one of my favourites because I got to expirience an intense battle between the stronges characters and beys:Ldrago Destroy!!Ryuga and Diablo Nemesis!!!Rago.This will always be the best episode and battle of the history because we see a strongest charater reffering to Ryuga fell nd new one reborn Rago.Btw I hate Rago nuff
The best episode that i saw was when Gingka finally beats Ryuyga in a battle. My most favorite episode was when Team GanGan Galaxy beats Team Brazil. It was Awesome. Tsubasa doesnt let down any remorse for the other team. He might be as strong as Gingka some day.
when sora battled busijima its my favourite by far second is when kenta gets flash sgto
Horuseus vs. Striker. Just so awesome and both Bladers keep fighting until the very end so its a good battle, right?
Lol difficult to decide but i think nemesis vs ldrago
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