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Been searching for these and haven't found anything as of yet and I reckon it would be cool to get (as the title suggests) Translations of boxes of Takara Tomy eg. photos of each side with english translations along side them. Also for the 2 combos on the two little tabs on the bottom of the Starter Zero-G boxes behinds the warning/safety label.

This will probably take awhile but benefit people in the end for those looking for these translations.
Do you need anything in particular translated ? Most of the time, it is really nothing of interest and TAKARA-TOMY just writes sensationalist sentences so that kids will buy the items more.
Just thought of the idea for anyone who would need it in future, mainly those combos I mentioned on those two tabs of the Zero-G starters and the obvious combo on the back, the big yellow writing on the front of BBG-26/27, also accessory items would be nice eg. BBG-15/14/19 and translation of their packaging too.
Show me clear, big pictures of the packaging, and it will be very easy for me to translate that for you.
For BBG-26 and 27

There's the magnifying glass to zoom in if you can't see it.
Yeah I'll take pictures and upload what I'm talking about when I find the time.
Speaking of translations, I would love to have a list of all the suggested combos that TT puts on the inside tabs.
(Dec. 21, 2012  6:55 PM)Kain_Highwind Wrote: [ -> ]Speaking of translations, I would love to have a list of all the suggested combos that TT puts on the inside tabs.

I'm sure those aren't that difficult to read, but which ones?
(Dec. 21, 2012  6:55 PM)Kain_Highwind Wrote: [ -> ]Speaking of translations, I would love to have a list of all the suggested combos that TT puts on the inside tabs.
Same here on this...

Actually, I can make out a ZG few combos for you.

Guardian Revizer Box: Ifraid Revizer 230WB (230WB from Thief Saramanda), Ifraid Revizer SW145SD.
Dark Knight Dragooon Box: Killerken Dragooon A230JSB, Gryph Dragooon E230GCF.
(Dec. 21, 2012  7:11 PM)Crab Commando Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 21, 2012  6:55 PM)Kain_Highwind Wrote: [ -> ]Speaking of translations, I would love to have a list of all the suggested combos that TT puts on the inside tabs.
Same here on this...

Actually, I can make out a ZG few combos for you.

Guardian Revizer Box: Ifraid Revizer 230WB (230WB from Thief Saramanda), Ifraid Revizer SW145SD.
Dark Knight Dragooon Box: Killerken Dragooon A230JSB, Gryph Dragooon E230GCF.
Is the box different between the TT and Sonokong ones? My Sonokong Dragooon shows Gryph Dragooon SA165WSF on the back and my bro's TT Reviser box shows Orojya Reviser SW145SD...
UGottaCetus, you're just looking at the main one.

The other combos are found on the tabs on the bottom of the box.
Wow, I have never seen them on mine before. Herp derp. Anyway, I think the combo on the back of the Phoenic box is Ifriad Ifraid E230GCF.
(Dec. 22, 2012  3:52 AM)UGottaCetus Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, I have never seen them on mine before. Herp derp. Anyway, I think the combo on the back of the Phoenic box is Ifriad Ifraid E230GCF.

Pretty confident that it was Saramanda Ifraid E230GCF, not Ifraid x2
(Dec. 21, 2012  3:49 AM)Zero_JT Wrote: [ -> ]Just thought of the idea for anyone who would need it in future, mainly those combos I mentioned on those two tabs of the Zero-G starters and the obvious combo on the back, the big yellow writing on the front of BBG-26/27, also accessory items would be nice eg. BBG-15/14/19 and translation of their packaging too.

For BBG-26 : the gold writing litterally says "pegasus roaring attack", but it just goes back to what it says on the official website, which is that it is the evolution of Pegasis and that it supposedly has the most attack out of them all.

For BBG-27 : "colossal rotation attack", simply referring to its extra diametre on one half of its design.
Whenever I buy a takara tomy bey I always wanted to know what it says on the box. I tried google but I can't find anything... Kai-V you can translate japanese?...
Sure, most things in Beyblade are easy to read since they address kids, so as long as you provide a high-quality and high-resolution picture or scan of the box, I will be delighted to translate it.