Hello everybody, I am Viridi Lover, I am 14 years old and I like to draw. Someday, I will become a manga artist. But I need others thoughts and opinions about my drawings, so I can see what the publicity thinks. So please take a look at them, and tell what you think of them.
I do have to say that for a 14 year old you are a very good manga artist
I would recommend reading Bakuman and trying to draw one chracter that you like many times doing different things to help you improve
Mabye we can team up some time, your drawings and my stories

I will, but I already read the manga. its epic! One of my favorite manga in the world!
Wow these drawings are amazing and way,way,way,way,way better then any of my drawings.
These are awesome! You should add a poll.
These drawings are awesome! The only thing I dont know how to do, is do the shade (like the little gleam in the hair).
Wow, these are excellent! I am also aspiring to be a hobbyist manga artist, but I'm far from being as good as you, quack!

The shading and detail is incredible! And you're only fourteen, quack? Wow! I applaud you!
You really should append a poll, too, quack.

lol Wow. Thank you, so much people. Ive tried my best becoming a manga artist.
Can you give me ideas of what should i draw next???
I say this is awesome for anyone regardless of age and I suggest maybe any other Anime characters you like to draw next?
Whoa!! sweet!! even better than me...... 5 stars!!

You probably rock my friend, you really are a very good artist. Hah, people could use you to draw their manga books for them, i love your drawings....especially the third one...Good Job.

Wao, I new I was not that bad. But I didn't think you guys could have been so impressed of me. Thank you
Wow these drawings are incredible! you are a manga artist anybody will want you to draw manga comics!
I said it before and I will say it again, Thank you so much guys....
we must team up some day my stories and your drawings i can draw good but carp not as good as you PLEASE TEAM UP WITH ME SOMEDAY!!!!! lol they are good drawings
You are amazing. Your drawings look like the actual manga. Those drawings are so much better than mine. Great job.
Yeap! Awesome is (perhaps) a good word. I just wonder if those are by memory or something, but out of that, it's actually pretty nice. Regardless of age.
Ah, a hint based on personal experience: try creating your own characters. Based on something or not, it's may prove as some fun, interesting challenge~
These are very good, but they look suspiciously like tracing. Especially that third picture...
no you cant tell these are NOT traced at all they definetly arent traced
They aren't traced. Ive practiced really hard in becoming a manga artist. That's my life's goal.