Vote in the poll please! It’s a bit easier to count.
A is pretty cool. My vote goes to it. The way the beys are placed make it look good.
A obviously. The other photos are unfocused (excluding B).
Photo A - I love the ide of showing the Beyblades in action! Afterall it's what they're made for ^^
Photo B - I LOVE the way the person thought about the look of the beyblade, and found the time to place it on a backing that matches the bey, almost like camouflage.
Entry C - The colours look really nice and vivid, tis also quite an interesting picture ^^
Entry D - The setting really suits the Beyblade, almost an industrial look, kinda as though they Bey is just chilling XD
Entry E - Kind of blurry tbh ^^; but hey! Not everyone has a top o the range camera. I like that you went to the effort to lay your blades out symetrically.
I like entry D, the photographer was able to capture the.. essence of the bey.
You did great Joseph!
I agree with Alicia D in my opinion, is the best on here.
D is disgustingly boring, and distasteful.
(Dec. 11, 2012 3:30 AM)xXJCherzXx Wrote: [ -> ]D is disgustingly boring, and distasteful.
All of them are. Really boring.
alright listen up everybody is entitled to their own opinion but right now you are being an inconsiderate jerk my friend worked hard on that picture and right now the world does not need a person like you so bugger off!
(Dec. 11, 2012 3:30 AM)xXJCherzXx Wrote: [ -> ]D is disgustingly boring, and distasteful.
It sort of reminds me of a perfume advert for some reason o.0
I keep expecting to see some text appear saying something like
"Steel... the scent for men..." XD
P.S. Please don't tell me I'm the only one thinking this,, or I may have to call the men in white coats to take me away
I don't hate it. It's artistic, modern, the formal Beyblade ^^
That's what I was going for.. I come from a very proper and formal family, therefore I try to incorporate that into my photographs.
(Dec. 11, 2012 4:09 AM)Damaged Wrote: [ -> ]That's what I was going for.. I come from a very proper and formal family, therefore I try to incorporate that into my photographs.
Yey ^^ I'm glad it came through in your picture! Everyone has a personal style.
(Seriously, if they do ever bring out 'a scent of beyblade', that picture wins hands down, nice and moody)
Seriously guys, if you are going to give criticism, give
contructive criticism. Thought that should be obvious... -.-
EDIT: BTW Damaged, it was sorta supposed to be anonymous... But oh well. Just make sure not to do it again.

my photography is too bad copared too thisones
Anyways i like entry A my vote goes to A
(Dec. 11, 2012 3:27 PM)BladerPegasis Wrote: [ -> ]Seriously guys, if you are going to give criticism, give contructive criticism. Thought that should be obvious... -.-
EDIT: BTW Damaged, it was sorta supposed to be anonymous... But oh well. Just make sure not to do it again. 
Okay sorry it wont happen again.

Ops alicia forgot to sighn out.
My vote goes for A because others are not that effectively good compared to A

A all the wAy