Dec. 04, 2012 5:01 AM
Hello everyone! This is a story i will be working on continuously. Please provide feedback and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading!
Spoiler (Click to View)
The night air was cold, and moist. The deathly cold breeze shook the trees around the area of their leaves. It was silent and dark in Bey-City, not even the tiniest of creatures were scurrying about. Alomst in a instant, dark clouds began to gather above the city, swirling overhead. Small flashes of lightning began to fill the dark cloud, lighting up only for a moment before the vicious roar of thunder broke the silence. Eight large columns of lightning fell simultaniously into the local park, bringing down with them eight shadowed and sinister figures. The eight dark figures stood in a cirlce, silent and still, their heads were held down and their bodies stiff. They were dressed in black robes with blood red trim, and sinister markings covered the sides of their hoods and sleeves, that signified the beyblade they battled with. One of them began to speak, "Brothers, we must find those who possess the eight mystical blades. For they are the guardians, the ones who stand in the way of our goal, to open the gates of chaos once more, and to seek out our revenge on the mortals of this world."
He spoke with a deep and raspy voice, always sounding serious. His robe bore the mark of a great dragon, one with destructive power beyond comprehension. Its power had no equal.
"Mas-ter, how can we find these eight 'Guardians'? We do not know where they reside, and legend has told of their great power," said one of the other shaded figures.
This one carried the mark of a serpent with a lethal bite like no other. One whose venom could cripple the mind and devour the soul, destroying all beyblade spirit in its path. He spoke with a voice like that of the sanke that posessed his blade
"The answer to you question is simple, we find them, we destroy them. Its not rocket science, besides, i think we should be able to handle a few 'Guardians'."
He spoke with an egotistical and confident tone, almost as if in a mocking manner. He carried with him the mark of a mighty wolf, whose howl could shake the earth to its very core, and whose bite could crush the sturdiest of materials.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself, your ego seems to always overtake your thoughts... Its not as easy as you make it out to be, in order to acheive our main goal, we must take them down seperately. We must destroy them before they have a chance to group up and defend their world with their true abilities."
She spoke with an intellectual, and calm voice. She was very calm, and never tense. With her, she wore the mark of a once great, fossilized alligator, whos speed could be matched by none and whose brute strength could crush mountains.
The leader with the mark of the great dragon spoke up, "She is correct, you must not underestimate the power of these divine guardians. We can not accomplish our goal alone. You must work in groups of two, tracking these bladers one by one, until the last one is destroyed. They MUST NOT be allowed to group together. Then, our goals of opening the doors to the realm of chaos, will be fulfilled, and the great blader, Sekai no kuchiku-kan, will bring an end to this pathetic human world."
The group cheered in unison at the wise words of their leader.
"Now go my brothers, find these 'Guardians' and devour the very essence of their beyblade spirit!"
The group gave a battle shout in unison, then, just as quickly as they cam, vanished with eight large bolts of lightning. And with this, the story of the eight bladers who will fight to save all of humanity, begins.
He spoke with a deep and raspy voice, always sounding serious. His robe bore the mark of a great dragon, one with destructive power beyond comprehension. Its power had no equal.
"Mas-ter, how can we find these eight 'Guardians'? We do not know where they reside, and legend has told of their great power," said one of the other shaded figures.
This one carried the mark of a serpent with a lethal bite like no other. One whose venom could cripple the mind and devour the soul, destroying all beyblade spirit in its path. He spoke with a voice like that of the sanke that posessed his blade
"The answer to you question is simple, we find them, we destroy them. Its not rocket science, besides, i think we should be able to handle a few 'Guardians'."
He spoke with an egotistical and confident tone, almost as if in a mocking manner. He carried with him the mark of a mighty wolf, whose howl could shake the earth to its very core, and whose bite could crush the sturdiest of materials.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself, your ego seems to always overtake your thoughts... Its not as easy as you make it out to be, in order to acheive our main goal, we must take them down seperately. We must destroy them before they have a chance to group up and defend their world with their true abilities."
She spoke with an intellectual, and calm voice. She was very calm, and never tense. With her, she wore the mark of a once great, fossilized alligator, whos speed could be matched by none and whose brute strength could crush mountains.
The leader with the mark of the great dragon spoke up, "She is correct, you must not underestimate the power of these divine guardians. We can not accomplish our goal alone. You must work in groups of two, tracking these bladers one by one, until the last one is destroyed. They MUST NOT be allowed to group together. Then, our goals of opening the doors to the realm of chaos, will be fulfilled, and the great blader, Sekai no kuchiku-kan, will bring an end to this pathetic human world."
The group cheered in unison at the wise words of their leader.
"Now go my brothers, find these 'Guardians' and devour the very essence of their beyblade spirit!"
The group gave a battle shout in unison, then, just as quickly as they cam, vanished with eight large bolts of lightning. And with this, the story of the eight bladers who will fight to save all of humanity, begins.