World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: (Story) Beyblade: Brotherhood
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Hello everyone! This is a story i will be working on continuously. Please provide feedback and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading!

If that prologue was enough to bring out part of my dark spirit, you'll become the J.K. Rowling of Beyblade. But, you misspeled came in the 2nd to last line.
This is a great story. Please keep writing when def stamina and china pare retire its going to be bad. You might be the 3rd best writer on the wbo
Great story. Your one of the best in the WBO for sure.
Hmmm, trying to steal my Bey K. Rowling title, are we?
Lol, just kidding.
Good luck with this story.
Nice, I'm liking it Smile Better than mine by far.
Thanks so much guys! and yeah, theres alot of typos, i was tired lol. this took me like, hours on end to get done. I hope you guys will continue reading. thanks once again

Changed my mind lol, im too eager to continue writing in order to wait till Monday. Chapter One is in progress!
nice story man
its excellent better then any i could make. you my friend are as good as chinablade. and nice one china bey k rowling, boss!
It's great! A few typos and grammar catches here and there but... It's great! Just make sure to fix those typos. Keep it up!
the next chapter should be up tonight, ive been busy recently and havent had too much time to work on it but it will be finished either tonight or tomorrow evening. thank you for your patience
(Dec. 09, 2012  3:06 AM)Astrality Wrote: [ -> ]It's great! A few typos and grammar catches here and there but... It's great! Just make sure to fix those typos. Keep it up!
Follow this advice. It may come in handy. Good Vocabulary and nice plot but fix the mistakes of grammar. When in the second line you wrote "Alomst," I though it was some word I haven't heard of. Later I understood. Overall Good story. I recommend that you add a poll so you know how many people like it. But don't be offended by the annoying haters who post, "This SUCKS."
Sorry for the serious delay on Chapter 1 guys, this last week of school is rough so i havent had too much time to get it finished. I will upload it asap