World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: ( Story) Beyblade Eviality ( Zero-G) ( CH 1 UP)
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Once upon a time, There lived Cho with a beyblade named Samurai Ifraid, He went to the Arts Mueseum to see who was using the bey before him. He asked the owner, '' I need to find out who was using my bey before me." The owner said '' Fifteenth Floor, To Your Left."
Okay! He found out it was Timmy Burns who used it before him.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 [spoiler]
On his way, Cho met a bunch of bullies who are threatening to take Samurai Ifraid away from him. Leave me alone! said Cho. 3.2.1. Let It Rip! You can do it Samurai Ifraid, said Cho ripping his bey last. Special Move, Gatering Destroyer! said the bullies. Hey, Jerks!, If you want to fight him, you have to get through me first
(Dec. 02, 2012  12:21 AM)Kyoyas Gal Wrote: [ -> ]cool
Thanks for that comment man! But please do not one-word post. You can get in a lot of trouble for that.