World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Four Kings [Story] rated PG
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Well, I am taking a break from the Alive series and starting this. I got really tired, so the prologue isn't necessarily action packed.

Chapter 1: Where the Hell am I?
If there are 4 kings, don't you mean 3 in the last sentence?

Pretty cool nonetheless. KIU~
(Nov. 24, 2012  6:01 AM)Kujikato Wrote: [ -> ]If there are 4 kings, don't you mean 3 in the last sentence?

Pretty cool nonetheless. KIU~

They are four, not including Kuria.

Kuria isn't one, YET.
You kinda made it seem like that XD, oh well Tongue_out

Seems too rushed, I can't follow the flow, he just like, killed a couple of flight attendants and a chef?
(Nov. 24, 2012  6:27 AM)Kujikato Wrote: [ -> ]You kinda made it seem like that XD, oh well Tongue_out

Seems too rushed, I can't follow the flow, he just like, killed a couple of flight attendants and a chef?

I am half tired. Didn't sleep at all last night.

Thanksgiving is crazy in my household

Nice story I can't wait for more.