Nov. 24, 2012 5:35 AM
Well, I am taking a break from the Alive series and starting this. I got really tired, so the prologue isn't necessarily action packed.
Chapter 1: Where the Hell am I?
Spoiler (Click to View)
"Kuria, calling in, Kuria?"
November 2 2057, in the Divided Colonies of Japan
I am Kuria, I was disowned at 5. They told me I was an outcast. I have unnatural eye color which is a dark red, and the pupils are in the shape of a feline's. I have black hair, short, not as spiked hair. The spikes move to the side though. Anyways, now, I am forced to kill. I have no free will. I am mostly physically weak, but when it comes, my other ego comes and unleashes powerful force.
I think of this as I venture to my plane to fly to the 5th Colony to Japan, the unattended colony. Nobody rules the 5th Colony, so I will claim it as mine.
"10 hours, damn," I whisper to myself, "I guess I better change things my way."
I stand up.
"Sir, you need your seat belt on," The flight attendant says.
"Really?" I ask.
My crazy, true nature comes out and it seems nothing has happened. I race towards the flight attendant and punch him. He falls unconscious. I keep walking until I find the kitchen. I enter nonchalantly, and pull out a knife from the drawer.
"I am taking you hostage," I say to the Chef.
He appeared frightened, which was my time for an attack. I grab him by his neck, and hold my knife as if I were going to slit him. I open the emergency hatch. More and more flight attendants surround me.
"Is this a terrorist attack?" all of them wonder.
"No, this is only a basic procedure," I reply.
I take the chef, and throw him out.
"Now, bring me to the cargo," I tell them.
They obeyed me. I grab my bag. I get my gun, a basic 50mm pistol, and a parachute. I shoot down all of the attendants, and jump away from the plane. The truth was, that flight was going to a different colony entirely.
As to my calculations, there was land, and I released my parachute. I land into a tree and get stuck. Luckily, attached to my parachute was a knife, so I cut off the parachute. Now, I have a formidable bullet proof jacket. The rest of the 4 kings, they will die along with me.
November 2 2057, in the Divided Colonies of Japan
I am Kuria, I was disowned at 5. They told me I was an outcast. I have unnatural eye color which is a dark red, and the pupils are in the shape of a feline's. I have black hair, short, not as spiked hair. The spikes move to the side though. Anyways, now, I am forced to kill. I have no free will. I am mostly physically weak, but when it comes, my other ego comes and unleashes powerful force.
I think of this as I venture to my plane to fly to the 5th Colony to Japan, the unattended colony. Nobody rules the 5th Colony, so I will claim it as mine.
"10 hours, damn," I whisper to myself, "I guess I better change things my way."
I stand up.
"Sir, you need your seat belt on," The flight attendant says.
"Really?" I ask.
My crazy, true nature comes out and it seems nothing has happened. I race towards the flight attendant and punch him. He falls unconscious. I keep walking until I find the kitchen. I enter nonchalantly, and pull out a knife from the drawer.
"I am taking you hostage," I say to the Chef.
He appeared frightened, which was my time for an attack. I grab him by his neck, and hold my knife as if I were going to slit him. I open the emergency hatch. More and more flight attendants surround me.
"Is this a terrorist attack?" all of them wonder.
"No, this is only a basic procedure," I reply.
I take the chef, and throw him out.
"Now, bring me to the cargo," I tell them.
They obeyed me. I grab my bag. I get my gun, a basic 50mm pistol, and a parachute. I shoot down all of the attendants, and jump away from the plane. The truth was, that flight was going to a different colony entirely.
As to my calculations, there was land, and I released my parachute. I land into a tree and get stuck. Luckily, attached to my parachute was a knife, so I cut off the parachute. Now, I have a formidable bullet proof jacket. The rest of the 4 kings, they will die along with me.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Hmph, got lost... Whatever, I can find myself a road, and walk from there. It's in the middle of the night, so I should get some rest.
(The next day)
Alright then, lets hope I find a road soon. The forest was all bushy and itchy, but hey, this is how life normally is, right? Anyways, I walked about aprrox. 3 miles from the landing point. I make a crappy knife with a stone and a stick. And before I knew it, I was at a huge bush made of poison ivy. I take the knife, and cut down the bush.
(The next day)
Alright then, lets hope I find a road soon. The forest was all bushy and itchy, but hey, this is how life normally is, right? Anyways, I walked about aprrox. 3 miles from the landing point. I make a crappy knife with a stone and a stick. And before I knew it, I was at a huge bush made of poison ivy. I take the knife, and cut down the bush.