World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [Jakarta] [01 December 2012] Bey Bash: Here Comes The Bey
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Bey Bash: Here Comes The Bey

Date : Saturday, December 1st 2012

Time : Arrive @10:30a.m. for registrations, introductions, rules overview, free play.
The tournament starts @12:00 p.m. - finish

Venue/Location : Pantai Indah Kapuk - Metro Broadway Jl. Pantai Indah Utara 2, Pantai Indah Kapuk - Jakarta 14460, Indonesia Google Map :

Format : 28 Participants : Round Robin Block System
More than 28 Participants : Double Elimination
Kompetisi menggunakan stadium BB-10

Fees : USD. 5,- for entrance OR USD. 10,- to purchase a WBO passport (valid for 1 year). Current passport holders are free. (All fees must be settled before the event date). If paying in Rupiah, it is Rp. 100.000 for a passport OR Rp. 50.000 for a one time entrance fee.


*NO FAKE PARTS (Don't bring them to the event)*

1. wpardin
2. RDF3
3. Mystery13
4. Tyoprabowoo
5. michael.j
6. Real Madrid
7. Sentinel Prime

Wait List:
1. Magic Blader
Have lots of fun okay! I have a basketball tournament that very same day, so I won't be there~
formatnya zero-g atau MFB?
saya ikut juga dong...
Pake bb-10. OP uda di update dgn informasi stadium.
HADIR!! btw hadiah nya apa tuh?
Zero G beyblades. Belum nentuin apa aja hadiahnya.
luar Biasa Pegasis_Wink
mungkin ikut aku Grin
Selamat kepada para pemenang:

Juara 1: wpardin
Juara 2: Sentinel Prime
Juara 3: Mystery13
wpardin pakai combo apa? Good job Wink
Utk kombo, bsk akan dipost disini:
wpardin udh menemukan ritme pertandingan nih, padahal cuma latihan sekitar 2 jam sebelum tanding. Mantap! Pegasis_Wink

Btw, kombo juara udh diupdate ya! =)