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Full Version: Kyoyatategami's Writing Tournament Finale
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It is the finals
aqua roxas vs astraity

Judges are me and Silver Chronos and snakeblade tm
I will post round two's themes soon
A writing tournament? Could you explain a bit more, like how long the writing segment will be?

Can I enter, please
(Nov. 09, 2012  4:02 PM)DrigerKai Wrote: [ -> ]A writing tournament? Could you explain a bit more, like how long the writing segment will be?
i will post the rules of the first round when we get our competitors

and yes you can join
Hmm....... may I be a judge? I'm hoping this will actually turn out to be a good opportunity for writing cnC and a wonderful turnout for a tournament. If you are not accepting judges, then
1. I think that it is an unwise choice because you have an even number of judges, so what happens in the case of a tie? And
2. may I enter?
(Nov. 09, 2012  9:59 PM)ukdl123 Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm....... may I be a judge? I'm hoping this will actually turn out to be a good opportunity for writing cnC and a wonderful turnout for a tournament. If you are not accepting judges, then
1. I think that it is an unwise choice because you have an even number of judges, so what happens in the case of a tie? And
2. may I enter?
i actually am making an exception because i still havent seen snake post yet
so we will have three judges
Yay! I hope there is a good turnout Smile
(Nov. 09, 2012  10:04 PM)ukdl123 Wrote: [ -> ]Yay! I hope there is a good turnout Smile
yeah i hope some of the authors that have showed off their stories here will enter
It doesn't really seem that there is much popularity here though :-(
Hehehe, a writing tourny!
You can count me in.
: You might want to add yourself into the entrants list, since I assume that you'll be entering? (?)
good another person joins
ive seen youre grafic skills lets see if you have writing skills

it wouldnt really be fair if i entered and am a judge now would it
(Nov. 10, 2012  12:06 AM)kyoyatategami Wrote: [ -> ] good another person joins
ive seen youre grafic skills lets see if you have writing skills

Oh, so you haven't seen my story?
Haha, you'll be amazed.
I'll join, then.
I'm guessing it starts when the slots are full?

we will see about that

sure i will put u on the list
and yes
(Nov. 10, 2012  1:08 AM)kyoyatategami Wrote: [ -> ]
We will see about that!

Sure, I will put you on the list.
And yes.

Ok, thanks! Before it starts, I'd like to know about how long the writing segment needs to be.
Cool,some good writers are joining! I can't wait to judge, this will be fun Smile
(Nov. 10, 2012  1:19 AM)DrigerKai Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2012  1:08 AM)kyoyatategami Wrote: [ -> ]
We will see about that!

Sure, I will put you on the list.
And yes.

Ok, thanks! Before it starts, I'd like to know about how long the writing segment needs to be.
there are different lengths for each round
i think i will keep a surprise until we start round one
I'm bored... so yeah. Count me in. Rules will come following all participant's arrivals right?
(Nov. 10, 2012  7:37 PM)Astrality Wrote: [ -> ]I'm bored... so yeah. Count me in. Rules will come following all participant's arrivals right?

.... Oh chiz.
I'm so gonna lose now. XD
Anyways, I'm unsure of how I like the writing lengths suggestion for this...
That just kind of restricts me from showing my full potential.
(Nov. 10, 2012  1:08 AM)kyoyatategami Wrote: [ -> ]
we will see about that
Oh, the real competition has already been narrowed down to the top writers because of her entry Smile No matter, we will not be biased and good luck to everyone!!!!

Sorry for double post, but I think that the people should vote. Either that, or the entries are organized by the entrants and are sent in an anonymous way, or else we'll be judging them while knowing whose is whose.

yes and i put you on the list

its just that i dont want to spent an hour reading through 10 chapters worth of stuff

first off cool name change
second it will be one on one matches
and i hope no one gets biased
and me and you might be the only ones judging consdering snakebladetm hasnt posted
can someone pm him with the thread name and ask him if hes still judging
i can't right now bit busy and i am on my iphone so it is hard to get connection where i am right now
(Nov. 11, 2012  2:28 AM)kyoyatategami Wrote: [ -> ]
first off cool name change
second it will be one on one matches
and i hope no one gets biased
and me and you might be the only ones judging consdering snakebladetm hasnt posted
can someone pm him with the thread name and ask him if hes still judging
i can't right now bit busy and i am on my iphone so it is hard to get connection where i am right now
Thanks, it's also based off of my RP twitter account Smile
I realize that
No one will, hopefully Wink
I figure we should just drop him
Add me in as a judge if that snake guy isn't going to be on. I won't be able to write cause of schoo, and such.
- I believe that Kyoyatategami will let you be a judge, due to the reasons listed in my post on this topic on the first page. You're most likely in, but I can't promise anything because I don't run this.
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