World Beyblade Organization

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Hello there members of the WBO!
I decided to try a non-beyblade story.
I want legit criticism please.
I hope to finish this story!
Characters in Chibi Form (Click to View)

Chapter 1 (Click to View)
Chapter 2 (Click to View)
Chapter 3 (Click to View)
It really has the stuff, King. 1 little thing that I see in stories everywhere that I hate... no character description.
Ooooh, a story like this! I've been looking for a good one of these lately. I hope it turns out good. I really like it! Good luck! Smile
Woa. At first, in the prolougue, I thought I was reading about a zombie apocalypse, heh. Keep it up!
Chapter 2 is up!
Sorry it's so short, I'm in a rush
Interesting... and in the future I see blood. I like it.
(Nov. 03, 2012  4:43 PM)ukdl123 Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting... and in the future I see blood. I like it.

It seems your hypothesis is partially correct
Character Descriptions and more chibi characters should be up by Wednesday!

Yay! I was right!! Blood.... yes.... Anyway, I like it!! KIU!!!
Chibi characters (flashback to chibi Batman) every girl at my school would fangirl if they read this post.
Chapter 3 is up!
BLOOD!!!! YES!!!!! BLOOD!!!!! It's just a little short in the chapters though...
(Nov. 10, 2012  4:26 AM)ukdl123 Wrote: [ -> ]BLOOD!!!! YES!!!!! BLOOD!!!!! It's just a little short in the chapters though...

Yes, you are right
I've been very busy and had to write chapters quickly.
Hopefully I will be able to make longer ones soon

Epic story!!!
Bad words King, bad words. But still, I love it!
(Nov. 10, 2012  2:09 PM)King of Misfits Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 10, 2012  4:26 AM)ukdl123 Wrote: [ -> ]BLOOD!!!! YES!!!!! BLOOD!!!!! It's just a little short in the chapters though...

Yes, you are right
I've been very busy and had to write chapters quickly.
Hopefully I will be able to make longer ones soon
Well, I AM a psychokenetic hedgehog. I can time travel. It may be cheating, but it's fun.
Well, Sorry for no chapters in like, MONTHS! I had really big school projects that took a lot of time and dedication. Then right after that, BAM! Another project and a big test. Ugh.
I'll be writing over break.