Oct. 29, 2012 10:32 PM
Zero G Developmental Top Tier Outline
I think that now we are starting to get more and more tournament results, an testing (but we need more of that), we need to start a tier list.
I must implore all of you to please be intelligent about what you post in here. If you are going to propose a brand new custom, you will have to provide actual test and/or tournament results to back your claim up. If there is something that isn't on the list that obviously should be (for example, it is clear E230 and Reviser Reviser should be added for defense) or there is something that you don't think should be on the list anymore, please still provide as much insight into your suggestions as possible.
Smash Attack
MSF/MSF-H Wyvang Wyvang W145/160 R2F/RF/XF
MSF/MSF-H Bahamdia Ifraid SA165 R2F/RF/XF
Zero-G Attack (Sway)
MSF/MSF-H Wyvang Wyvang E230/SA165/SP230 GCF/GF/CF
MSF/MSF-H Revizer Dragooon SA165 CF/GF/GCF
MSF-H Revizer Revizer E230 RS/RB
Sway Defense (Zero-G Defense anyone?)
MSF-H Revizer Revizer E230 BSF/MB/TB/RSF/RS
Duo Cancer/Cygnus/Aquario SA165 BWD/EWD
Duo Cancer/Cygnus/Aquario W145 EWD/BWD
Duo Cancer/Cygnus/Aquario SR200 TB
Duo Cancer/Cygnus/Aquario B:D
Genbull Genbull SR200TB/CS
Spin Stealers
MSF-H Killerken/Revizer Dragooon B:D
MSF-H Killerken/Revizer Dragooon SA165 BWD
MF-H Duo Cancer/Aquario/Cygnus F230 CF
MSF/MSF-H Genbull Genbull F230 CF
MSF/MSF-H Girago/Wyvang Dragooon F230 CF/GCF