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I am sure you all were like, "What the Heck is this" when you read the title. But believe me, and I am sure other members would agree, we need to test basically every part in a Zero G environment. Why not start now?

Standard Procedure
Zero G Attack Type Stadium
BeyLauncher LR
Hasbro Launcher Grip
Launcher Rubber

Use in Sway Attack (Click to View)
Use in Smash Attack (Click to View)
Jeez, fail by Flash. I am not even sure if these tests worth enough to wear down my Flash, haha.

I figured for Defense and Stamina, it obviously has none.
CF>WF>Q (Zero-G)

The ranking ladder for Q in Zero-G. Q, again, not that useful, but an alternative to CF and WF if they are not available.

Also, you got an extra "s" in the topic title. :p
Haha, thanks.

Yep, I figured as such. Though what about GCF and XF?
Was Q in outer or inner mode? And can you try Revizer Revizer/Dragooon M145(Outer Mode)Q? I'm thinking that if it can manage to jump in the stadium, it can tilt it aggressively in one way, destabilizing the other Bey and/or sending them out of the stadium.
Sorry for ever writing this post. Cetus was right the whole time about this thing, sorry...
(Oct. 20, 2012  1:30 AM)*Billy* Wrote: [ -> ]Q does not have Modes You are speaking of M145 which is usually used with Q but if you look at the combos you would see the exact comboination Overlook things once or Twice before posting.

Actually, it does, it does:
It is a generally unknown "mode change" because it wasn't listed on the boxes, but think of it like how a few people view Rock as having two modes(when used with 3-sided CWs) because of the difference in texture on the sides of the MW.
EDIT: Removed same as above.
Yes, when I say mode change, I don't mean as in gimmick. If you have Q with the slant face toward the center of the Bey, then take the tip off, rotate it 90 degrees, and put it back on, the slant is now facing the outside of the Bey, changing performance.

EDIT: This works ONLY with M145 and unbalanced tracks/MWs. Other ones will have no effect. I apologize if this is what Billy was talking about.
I really do not remember what "mode" Q was in. Also, I can not do Revizer Revizer or Dragooon, but I can do Revizer Saramanda.
(Oct. 20, 2012  2:31 AM)*Ginga* Wrote: [ -> ]I really do not remember what "mode" Q was in. Also, I can not do Revizer Revizer or Dragooon, but I can do Revizer Saramanda.

That's fine, as long as its heavy and bounces.
OK then, I will test Revizer Saramanda M145 (which mode?) Q.
Against what?
Try both, although I think if you have the tip in the center then use a mw that puts the weight in the center and msf-h with m145Q, then m145 has the tip on the out side use a mw like phatom that puts the weight on the outside, feather face/normal face, The weight matching were the tip is would cause a greater push downward onto the stadium and cause it to sway.
New tests!

MSF-M Ifraid Ifraid M145 (Outer Mode) Q (Outer Mode) vs. MSF-L Revizer Saramanda 160 SB

Ifraid: 6 wins, 3 OS, 3 KO
Revizer: 14 wins, 9 OS, 5 KO
Q Win Rate: 30%

Not at all surprised.
(Oct. 20, 2012  12:38 AM)*Ginga* Wrote: [ -> ]Haha, thanks.

Yep, I figured as such. Though what about GCF and XF?
I am unaware of their difference in performance compared to CF/WF/Q in Zero-G stadia. I don't have any Zero-G stadia.
Yeah, from what I've seen and heard XF does good for sway, and I've heard GCF is good for control in Sway Attack.
Interesting results... what are your observations? How did Ifraid get OS's? Did it jump?
It did not really jump, unless I launched on its angle. Ifraid really just would hit Revizer a lot, and eventually with SB's horrible defense, won.
Q's true potential lies with M145, when moved. Too explain it a bit more in depth, Q (mold 2) is just a WF with a cut in it. Nothing special other than extreme stamina loss.
However, on M145, it can produce sudden (and quite severe) changes in weight distribution on the stadium, and depending on the opponent, can potentially result in a SKO. It usually works best against low grip tips (IE no rubber) but speaking competition wise, it's still outclassed, since rubber tips offer a huge advantage in battle.
(Oct. 23, 2012  2:34 AM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]Q's true potential lies with M145, when moved. Too explain it a bit more in depth, Q (mold 2) is just a WF with a cut in it. Nothing special other than extreme stamina loss.
However, on M145, it can produce sudden (and quite severe) changes in weight distribution on the stadium, and depending on the opponent, can potentially result in a SKO. It usually works best against low grip tips (IE no rubber) but speaking competition wise, it's still outclassed, since rubber tips offer a huge advantage in battle.

This is the very reason I asked for a heavy synchrome. Or maybe an unbalanced MW like Basalt will do the trick... Could someone try MSF Reviser/Gargole Dragooon M145Q? Or Basalt Cygnus/Aquario M145Q?
I came third at the last London tourney I went to with MSF Dragoon X2 TH170Q. I found that Q was better for sway attack than XF, WF or CF.
Other than my combo (which could have been a fluke as you said or just not launching properly) what did that lose to Enzo?
That's interesting... I hadn't even thought of reverse rotation.

btw, Instead of Basalt, I was thinking that maybe Duo(Attack Mode) M145Q would be cool to try out.
Tried it, doesn't work.
Can you try dragoon saramanda 85/90 Q
85 and 90 don't work in Zero-G.
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