World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Team Sonic Dash (Virginia only)
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Anyone wanting to join Team Sonic Rush, please post using the following format:
reason why you want to join:
Beyblades you use competitively (in order of attack, then defense, then stamina, then spin stealers, balance, and other such beys. Only attack, defense and stamina are required.)
Beylauncher you use:
What you want to do: (Example: help the managers of this team organize tournaments, participate in them, etc.)
Don't put it here, just pm me. As soon as the other organizers make a WBO account (:3), you can pm them, too.
If you don't follow the format, we shall not accept you. Smile
Dude doesn't this belong in the "TEAMS" Forum ???
Yeah, I don't know why it was here ._.

Moved to teams though ... Smile
My bad, I just thought it was supposed to be here, because I clicked on a link in beybladefoever's sig, and it led me to his team page. I thought it was inside the your creations forum, so it got me all mixed up. sorry again.