Sep. 16, 2012 4:42 AM
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Jason:"We're almost there"
Evan:"What do you think they did to austin"
Jason:"I dont know"
Evan:"I think austin is in the same room as aargo".Jason and Evan went to the room were austin and aargo was.Austin was training learnong how to use the dark power."You might want to take a look at this"
Jason:"What happen to him''."Aargo get your bey ready".
Aargo:"If you wish".Aargo ripped his bey crashing into eagle.
Jason:"You created a monster"
Aargo:"You know i'm way to strong for you so give it up"
Jason:"No way"
Evan:"How do we stop him"
Jason:"I don't know yet give me a minute".Eagle was growing weak
Aargo:"Nemesis strike once more".Nemesis hit eagle so hard eagle attacked the wall.
Evan:"No way"
Jason:"He's to strong"
Evan:"GO L-drag-----".Evan was cutt off.
Jason:"I must do this on my own"
Evan:"You could barely beat him before"
Jason:"I have to try".Aargo was just way to strong and made nemesis hit eagle making Jason and Evan fall to the lower level were austin was.
Austin:"Brother"."I thought no one would get hurt Aargo that's what you said"
Aargo:"I don't always keep my promises austin"
Austin:"You will pay".Austin ripped his bey hitting nemesis from destroying Jason and evan but Aargo just told austin it' wasn't their time to battle just yet Austin called variares back and went over to were Jason and evan was.
Jason:"Did you beat aargo"
Austin:"No he had left and said it's not time for us to battle just yet"
Evan:"Well what do we do for now"
Austin:"I know".Austin went to the beyshop and asked yukio if it was ok to stay there for the night.
Yukio went to talk to austin and asked if he could join the adventure and austin look at yukio and put his hand out.Yukio shook it and austin welcomed him to the team.
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Daisuke:"Well it looks like i'm up next..wish me luck"
Evan:"Watch out that kevin guy is really strong..are you sure you can beat him"
Daisuke:"I'm positive"
Announcer:"Next up we have Daisuke chidori with the beyblade Ray lyra VS Kevin shinobi with the beyblade rock libra"."Lets see who the winner will be"."Will it be Daisuke with his lyra or will it Kevin with his lyra there is only one way to find out".
Daisuke:"Kevin just to be clear im hear to win this thing"
Kevin:"Sorry Daisuke but thats not going to happen"
Announcer:"READY!!"."3..2..1..LET IT RIP".Both beys clashed feircly.Lyra tried to run away as libra began to attack it from behind.
Annoucer:"Whoa libra is taking the fight to lyra..Libra tried to attack lyra once more but lyra quickly dodged the attack.
Daisuke:"Now Lyra special move lyra flame tornado".Lyra began to create a tornado causing libra to go into the middle of the stadium then pushing libra into the sky."You're done for"
Kevin:"Wow that's pathetic".Libra hit the stadium then charged for lyra causing lyra to bounce back."Now its my turn libra special move shock wave".A wave was sent to lyra stunning it causing lyra to wobble.
Daisuke:"LYRA!!".Lyra began to attack making libra back up more and more each time."You're not winning"
Kevin:"We'll see about that".Libra began to run away.
Daisuke:"Oh no you don't".Lyra special move---.
Kevin:"No way im letting you use your special move".Libra started attacking Lyra more and more."There is just no way libra special sheild".libra created an air sheild."Send him flying".Lyra hit the sheild causing it to spin through the air.
Daisuke:"Stay strong"
Kevin:"Let him have it".Libra began to glow."Watch out everyone LIBRA special move fire blast".Libra sent fire blast hitting Lyra causing lyra to get a stadium out.
Daisuke:"No way i lost"
Austin:"That battle was intense"
Evan:"You got that right"
Evan:"Looks like i'm next".Evan began to hold l-drago in his hand."I can't lose"
Announcer:"Ok ladies and gentlemen next up we have Evan takeru VS James tendo"."Come on ladies and gentle time to count down 3..2..1 LET IT RIP"
Evan:"GO L-DRAGO!!.L-drago hit beat saggitario causing a big explosion.Saggitario was bounced back while l-drago charged for it.But saggitario began to charge for l-drago.
Evan:"That's not working".James grunted as l-drago pushed him back.
James thoughts:"How did i get myself into this".Saggitario was getting pumbled."I can't give up now"
Evan:"Go again l-drago".L-drago hit saggitario so hard that saggitario almost got a stadium out.But saggitario just charged for l-drago again and with both beys clashing l-drago changed it's rotation.
James thoughts:"I let my guard down now i'm really stuck"."SAGGITARIO!!.James stepped back."I gotta try to win"
Evan:"Don't make me laugh"
James:"GO SAGGITARIO!!".saggitario flew back then charged again.
Evan:"No way".Both beys clashed feircly harder and harder each time.
James:"I must win".Saggitario hit l-drago pushing him back.A minor explosion had to place causing saggitario to bounce back and strike again.James fell back.
Evan:"Now you've done it".L-drago began to strike making saggitario weak.A minor explosion took lace again making James fall back."Battling is'nt just about how strong you are kid is about the bond between a bey and a blader"
James got up immediatly."You're right GO SAGGITARIO!!".Saggitario used it speed to attack but didnt hit l-drago.
Evan:"Don't run from me!!.L-drago tried to catch up but saggitario flew up in the sky.
James:"Special move Blast of destruction".Saggitario came down puttting all he had into this attack."GO!".James unlocked his bey spirit.
Evan:"NO WAY!!''.Evan's bey spirit was unlocked.A firey blast from l-drago was shot at saggitario.Both beys meet each other in the sky with a feirce attack but l-drago pushed saggitario back even more.Making saggitario hit the stadium hard."It's over''
Announcer:"Whoa it seems as if saggitario is stucked in to the stadium"."Looks like the winner is EVAN!!!"
chapter 7
Announcer:"We have yukio masuki VS robbie makiro"."This seems like a heated battled"."3..2..1..LET IT RIP"
Yuki:"Ok storm pegasus lets show him who's boss".Pegasus used it's speed to attack dark lynx."You have nice defense but it's over".
Robbie:"Bring it".striker pushed pegasus back then charged for pegasus.
Yuki:"That won't keep me down".Pegasus and striker went back and forth clash after clash until yuki had an idea."Pegasus go".Pegasus flew upward.
Robbie:"No you don't".Striker tried to catch pegasus as he went up into the sky but pegasus disappeared."How in the world"."Stop hiding".
Yuki:"GO PEGASUS SPECIAL MOVE WING ATTACK".Pegasus used it's wings to cut through lynx metal makeing pegasus the winner.
Austin:"We won!!"
Announcer:"Team austin has won the tournament"
Evan:"What now"
Daisuke:"WE go all the way"
(somewhere in the distance)
Jason:"Good job bro".Jason disappeared
Austin:"I wish you could see this jason
Aargo:"So you've won but can you beat me".aargo ripped his bey in the stadium.
Evan:"We have to win as a team"
Announcer:"It seems as though another battle is about to take place"
Daisuke:"We have to work as a team if we want to beat him"
Aargo:"As if you could beat me"
Austin:"Let it rip!!"
Evan:"Attack now".All the beys attacked nemesis but nemesispushed them back as if nothing was there.
Daisuke:"How do we beat this guy"
Yukio:"It's impossible"
Austin:"I have a way".Austin unlocked his bey spirit.
Aargo:"Wow you're pathetic as ever and i thought if i gave you power you would be stronger"
Austin:"DON'T YOU TALK DOWN TO ME GO VARIARES!!".Variares tried to attack nemesis but couldn't get through .VARIARES DON'T GIVE UP GO!!"
Evan:"AHH!!".L-drago help variares by giving him a boost.Well don't just stand there HELP!!"
Diasuke and Yukio unlocked their spirits as well.
Aargo:"This battle is not a very interesting one"."Tell you what i'll give you all some time to train there's no telling when i'm going to visit again"."Nemesis special move electric vortex".Nemesis created a electrical vortex sucking Variares,Pegasus,L-drago,Lyra into it then sending a dark wave to destroy the beys.Austin,Yukio,Evan,Daisuke were knocked back along with their beys."Looks like you really need that training".Aargo left.Austin and the gang were hurt very bad.
Austin:"We almost had him"
Daisuke:"Austin is right we were so close to beating him"
Evan:"Only if we had jason we probably would of won"
Austin:"Well he's gone so it's just us"
Yukio:"Austin is right we need to become stronger"
chapter 8
chapter 9
Spoiler (Click to View)
Jason has left his brother austin to stop the dark force known as aargo.Ten years ago jason battled aargo. Jason was put in the hospital after sealing aargo inside the dark void. The battle was never finished but jason was so hurt that he was put in the hospital.Jason remembers nothing of his past but will do everything to remember.
chapter 1
Spoiler (Click to View)
(10 years later)
Austin:"THIS BATTLE IS OVER DO YOU HEAR ME!!".Variares began to strike fang l-drago making him get a stadium out.
Evan:*Whew*"You're strong I'll give you that".
Austin:"Same here"
Evan:"Earlier you said something about a guy named?"
Austin:"Jason kitaro"
Evan:"It just so happens he's entering in the tournament"
Austin:"Really then i gotta go".Austin ran off and evan followed.
Evan:"You mind if i join you"
Austin:"Why not".Austin went inside the WBBA looking at the list"."We're up next and my brother's here".
Announcer:"We have evan vs blaze in this battle"."Let's hope it will be a great one ladies and gentlemen"
Austin:"Make it quick evan"
Evan:"You bet i will"
Announcer:"3..2..1..LET IT RIP
Austin notices that jason is headed outside and looks at his bey."Looks like my time has come"
Jason:"That battle will take forever"
Austin:"Hey bro i missed you".Austin hugs jason.
Jason:"What the..kid who are you".Jason said removing austin.
Austin:"You dont remember"
Jason:"What are you talking about"
Austin:"I'll have to make you remember then".Austin got his bey ready."Dont you know how this battle ends"
Jason:"All i know is that i will defeat you"
Austin:"Let's see about that"
Jason:"What ever"
3..2..1..LET IT RIP
Austin:"Variares special move".Variarres creates a tornado
Jason:"Thanks kid"
Austin:"What are you talking about"
Jason:"Stay tuned".Eagle enters the tornado using the wind to get more rotation.
Austin:"What are you up to".Eagle hits Variares facebolt."This is not you,this is not how we battle".
Jason:"Look kid i dont know what you are talking about but you need to battle"
Austin thoughts:"He is right i can't focus on the past right now i gotta stay calm"
Jason:"Hey kid what are you doing"
Austin:"Special move". Variares Starts to glow."AHH YOU WILL UNDERSTAND DO YOU HEAR ME!".Austin unlocks his bey spirit.
Jason:"You're pathetic"
Evan:"This battle will keep up for ever".Fang L-drago and
cyber libra were both wobbling."Listen and listen good pal my friend austin will find his brother and i will make sure of it".."Special move".L-drago hit cyber so hard cyber flew up in the air and crash landed stuck inside the stadium."That will show you".Evan ran outside to find austin.
Jason:"Huh no way that will affect me.Austin is having a hard time trying to defeat Jason.But Evan comes to the rescue.
Evan:"Dont worry i'm here austin".Evan ripped his bey which landed right beside vaiares.
Austin:"You're helping me"
Evan:"What are friends for"
Austin:"Lets do this".Evan and austin both used there special move hitting eagle.Eagle had dashed towards l-drago trying to get knock l-drago out.Variares had saved l-drago by hitting him back inside the stadium."That was so close"
Jason:"Even with the both of still cant win"
Austin:"I will prove i'm strong"
Evan:"Whoa austin calm down"
Austin:"GO VARIARES!!".Variares covered itself inside a aura then charged for eagle."GO"
Jason:"That's right bring it"
Eagle hit variares so hard that it cracked and austin fainted.Evan picked austin up and took him to the hospital.Jason began to have some flashbacks and remembered austin's face and decided to tag along.
( The hospital)
Evan:" You were great"
Austin:"Not great enough to win my own brother back"
Evan:"I wouldnt say that"
Austin:"What do you mean"
Jason:"I had a flashback and remembered your'e face and decided to see if you were ok"
Austin:"I'm fine"
Jason:"I sure hope so i didn't mean to hurt you back there"
Austin:"Wish i could say the same for variares"
Austin:"THIS BATTLE IS OVER DO YOU HEAR ME!!".Variares began to strike fang l-drago making him get a stadium out.
Evan:*Whew*"You're strong I'll give you that".
Austin:"Same here"
Evan:"Earlier you said something about a guy named?"
Austin:"Jason kitaro"
Evan:"It just so happens he's entering in the tournament"
Austin:"Really then i gotta go".Austin ran off and evan followed.
Evan:"You mind if i join you"
Austin:"Why not".Austin went inside the WBBA looking at the list"."We're up next and my brother's here".
Announcer:"We have evan vs blaze in this battle"."Let's hope it will be a great one ladies and gentlemen"
Austin:"Make it quick evan"
Evan:"You bet i will"
Announcer:"3..2..1..LET IT RIP
Austin notices that jason is headed outside and looks at his bey."Looks like my time has come"
Jason:"That battle will take forever"
Austin:"Hey bro i missed you".Austin hugs jason.
Jason:"What the..kid who are you".Jason said removing austin.
Austin:"You dont remember"
Jason:"What are you talking about"
Austin:"I'll have to make you remember then".Austin got his bey ready."Dont you know how this battle ends"
Jason:"All i know is that i will defeat you"
Austin:"Let's see about that"
Jason:"What ever"
3..2..1..LET IT RIP
Austin:"Variares special move".Variarres creates a tornado
Jason:"Thanks kid"
Austin:"What are you talking about"
Jason:"Stay tuned".Eagle enters the tornado using the wind to get more rotation.
Austin:"What are you up to".Eagle hits Variares facebolt."This is not you,this is not how we battle".
Jason:"Look kid i dont know what you are talking about but you need to battle"
Austin thoughts:"He is right i can't focus on the past right now i gotta stay calm"
Jason:"Hey kid what are you doing"
Austin:"Special move". Variares Starts to glow."AHH YOU WILL UNDERSTAND DO YOU HEAR ME!".Austin unlocks his bey spirit.
Jason:"You're pathetic"
Evan:"This battle will keep up for ever".Fang L-drago and
cyber libra were both wobbling."Listen and listen good pal my friend austin will find his brother and i will make sure of it".."Special move".L-drago hit cyber so hard cyber flew up in the air and crash landed stuck inside the stadium."That will show you".Evan ran outside to find austin.
Jason:"Huh no way that will affect me.Austin is having a hard time trying to defeat Jason.But Evan comes to the rescue.
Evan:"Dont worry i'm here austin".Evan ripped his bey which landed right beside vaiares.
Austin:"You're helping me"
Evan:"What are friends for"
Austin:"Lets do this".Evan and austin both used there special move hitting eagle.Eagle had dashed towards l-drago trying to get knock l-drago out.Variares had saved l-drago by hitting him back inside the stadium."That was so close"
Jason:"Even with the both of still cant win"
Austin:"I will prove i'm strong"
Evan:"Whoa austin calm down"
Austin:"GO VARIARES!!".Variares covered itself inside a aura then charged for eagle."GO"
Jason:"That's right bring it"
Eagle hit variares so hard that it cracked and austin fainted.Evan picked austin up and took him to the hospital.Jason began to have some flashbacks and remembered austin's face and decided to tag along.
( The hospital)
Evan:" You were great"
Austin:"Not great enough to win my own brother back"
Evan:"I wouldnt say that"
Austin:"What do you mean"
Jason:"I had a flashback and remembered your'e face and decided to see if you were ok"
Austin:"I'm fine"
Jason:"I sure hope so i didn't mean to hurt you back there"
Austin:"Wish i could say the same for variares"
Spoiler (Click to View)
(The next day)
Evan:"Austin your'e bey is fixed i took it to a guy named yukio he didnt charge a thing.Evan handed the bey to austin"
Austin:"That's great".Austin tried to sit up but was to damaged to do so.
Jason:"I dont think if your'e ready to go out just yet"
Austin:"I'm fine"
Jason:"You cant even sit up"
Austin:"I just have to get use to it"
Evan:"Come on guys we gotta go"
Jason:"Yea i want to find this aargo guy"
Austin:"Me to he'll pay for what he's done"
Jason:"Well i'm here now that's all that matters"
Evan:"Yea i'm loving the bro moment but we really have to go"
Evan:"Because i seen the news and Aargo knows you're here"
Jason:"Say what".A beyblade breaks down the door that Austin,Evan and jason are in.The two guys ask for their names.Evan ripped his bey.
Evan:"Does this answer the question...L-drago".L-drago created wind pushing the two guys back.
Austin:"Lets go now!".Austin Zipps through the hospital heading for beypark.Jason tells austin and evan to go ahead.
Evan:"Aargo sent those goons after us"
Austin:"How do you know"
Evan:"It was on the news talkn about the battle we had at the WBBA".Jason catches up to austin and evan.Austin notices he has been hurt.
Austin:"What happened to you"
Jason:"Nothing".A masked figure had appeared infront of Austin,Evan and Jason.
Austin:"Who are you"
Jason:"THAT'S AARGO!!".Jason gets his bey ready.
Austin:"I should destroy you here and now"
Jason:"Back up bro he is to dangerous"
Aargo:"Austin you are coming with me"
Jason:"Over my dead body"
Aargo:"Ok i like those odds"
Evan:"Think this through are you sure about this"
Jason:"Of course im not losing my brother again"
Evan:"I understand"
Jason:"I will defeat you aargo"
Aargo:"What happened last time you did that".Jason ignores the comment.Austin was being taking away.Aargo leaves the area
Jason:"Austin noo"
Evan:"NOO!! this cant be"
Jason:"I will i get you back austin i promise"
Evan:"We gotta get him back"
Austin:"Aargo what do you want with me"
Aargo:"I want to make you a better you"
Austin:"What do you mean"
Aargo:"I will put a dark power inside you and make it apart of you"
Austin:"What no way"
Aargo:"You'll love it"
(Dark castle)
Aargo:"Put him inside the container"
Austin:''No way im not going inside there get off of me"
Aargo:" Put all of the dark power inside of him"
Austin:"AHHH!!!".Austin was being hurt really bad.
Aargo:"Open the doors".Austin had new spikey hair with a black sleeve less jacket and grey jeans."How do you feel"
Aargo:"That's good"
Austin:"Yea its great"
Aargo:"Show the world your power"
Austin:"Ok sure".Jason and evan had just reached the dark castle.
Jason:"You ready"
Evan:"Yea".Evan and austin began to run inside the castle.
Evan:"Austin your'e bey is fixed i took it to a guy named yukio he didnt charge a thing.Evan handed the bey to austin"
Austin:"That's great".Austin tried to sit up but was to damaged to do so.
Jason:"I dont think if your'e ready to go out just yet"
Austin:"I'm fine"
Jason:"You cant even sit up"
Austin:"I just have to get use to it"
Evan:"Come on guys we gotta go"
Jason:"Yea i want to find this aargo guy"
Austin:"Me to he'll pay for what he's done"
Jason:"Well i'm here now that's all that matters"
Evan:"Yea i'm loving the bro moment but we really have to go"
Evan:"Because i seen the news and Aargo knows you're here"
Jason:"Say what".A beyblade breaks down the door that Austin,Evan and jason are in.The two guys ask for their names.Evan ripped his bey.
Evan:"Does this answer the question...L-drago".L-drago created wind pushing the two guys back.
Austin:"Lets go now!".Austin Zipps through the hospital heading for beypark.Jason tells austin and evan to go ahead.
Evan:"Aargo sent those goons after us"
Austin:"How do you know"
Evan:"It was on the news talkn about the battle we had at the WBBA".Jason catches up to austin and evan.Austin notices he has been hurt.
Austin:"What happened to you"
Jason:"Nothing".A masked figure had appeared infront of Austin,Evan and Jason.
Austin:"Who are you"
Jason:"THAT'S AARGO!!".Jason gets his bey ready.
Austin:"I should destroy you here and now"
Jason:"Back up bro he is to dangerous"
Aargo:"Austin you are coming with me"
Jason:"Over my dead body"
Aargo:"Ok i like those odds"
Evan:"Think this through are you sure about this"
Jason:"Of course im not losing my brother again"
Evan:"I understand"
Jason:"I will defeat you aargo"
Aargo:"What happened last time you did that".Jason ignores the comment.Austin was being taking away.Aargo leaves the area
Jason:"Austin noo"
Evan:"NOO!! this cant be"
Jason:"I will i get you back austin i promise"
Evan:"We gotta get him back"
Austin:"Aargo what do you want with me"
Aargo:"I want to make you a better you"
Austin:"What do you mean"
Aargo:"I will put a dark power inside you and make it apart of you"
Austin:"What no way"
Aargo:"You'll love it"
(Dark castle)
Aargo:"Put him inside the container"
Austin:''No way im not going inside there get off of me"
Aargo:" Put all of the dark power inside of him"
Austin:"AHHH!!!".Austin was being hurt really bad.
Aargo:"Open the doors".Austin had new spikey hair with a black sleeve less jacket and grey jeans."How do you feel"
Aargo:"That's good"
Austin:"Yea its great"
Aargo:"Show the world your power"
Austin:"Ok sure".Jason and evan had just reached the dark castle.
Jason:"You ready"
Evan:"Yea".Evan and austin began to run inside the castle.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Jason:"We're almost there"
Evan:"What do you think they did to austin"
Jason:"I dont know"
Evan:"I think austin is in the same room as aargo".Jason and Evan went to the room were austin and aargo was.Austin was training learnong how to use the dark power."You might want to take a look at this"
Jason:"What happen to him''."Aargo get your bey ready".
Aargo:"If you wish".Aargo ripped his bey crashing into eagle.
Jason:"You created a monster"
Aargo:"You know i'm way to strong for you so give it up"
Jason:"No way"
Evan:"How do we stop him"
Jason:"I don't know yet give me a minute".Eagle was growing weak
Aargo:"Nemesis strike once more".Nemesis hit eagle so hard eagle attacked the wall.
Evan:"No way"
Jason:"He's to strong"
Evan:"GO L-drag-----".Evan was cutt off.
Jason:"I must do this on my own"
Evan:"You could barely beat him before"
Jason:"I have to try".Aargo was just way to strong and made nemesis hit eagle making Jason and Evan fall to the lower level were austin was.
Austin:"Brother"."I thought no one would get hurt Aargo that's what you said"
Aargo:"I don't always keep my promises austin"
Austin:"You will pay".Austin ripped his bey hitting nemesis from destroying Jason and evan but Aargo just told austin it' wasn't their time to battle just yet Austin called variares back and went over to were Jason and evan was.
Jason:"Did you beat aargo"
Austin:"No he had left and said it's not time for us to battle just yet"
Evan:"Well what do we do for now"
Austin:"I know".Austin went to the beyshop and asked yukio if it was ok to stay there for the night.
Yukio went to talk to austin and asked if he could join the adventure and austin look at yukio and put his hand out.Yukio shook it and austin welcomed him to the team.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Evan:"So who wants to go to beypark"
Jason:"Sure why not"
Austin:"I think i will stay here this power feels weird like the inside of my body is being torn apart"
Evan:"Come on austin it will be fun"
Jason:"I'm with austin one"
Austin:"Well i do have to learn to control it sooner or later"
Evan:"Hey who is that blader over there"
Jason:"Lets go find out".The blader went by the name was daisuke with the bey RAY LYRA.
Austin:"I want to battle him"
Evan:"I want to battle him
Austin:"What no way"
Evan:"Ok rock,paper,scissors then"
Austin:"Deal".Austin ran off before they could challenging the blader daisuke.
Daisuke:"So you wanna battle me?"
Austin:"You heard me"
Daisuke:"Ok sure but don't hold back"
-3..2..1..LET IT RIP-
Daisuke:"Wow variares huh nice bey"
Austin:"Check this out".Variares created a tornado which headed right for lyra.
Daisuke:"GO!!".Lyra headed straight for variares breaking the tornado.
Austin:"Huh no one has ever done that before besides jason"
Jason:"This guy is good but not better then my brother"
Evan:"Show him austin"
Austin:''Variares attack".Variares went from defense mode to counter attack mode.
Jason:"This battle has just got interesting"
Evan:"You bet"
Daisuke:"Special move lyra flame tornado".Lyra created a tornado causing variares to go into the center off the tornado then pushing variares into the sky."Looks like i won"
Jason:"Its not over yet"
Daisuke:"What do you mean"
Evan:"Look up"
Austin:"GO variares".Variares headed straight for lyra."New special move..Wind strike".Variares created a twister aiming for lyra facebolt.
Daisuke:"Special move fire tornado".Lyra created a tornado of fire heading for variares.BOOM!!! A big explosion took place with both beys barely spinning.
Jason:"Whoa that was big"
Evan:"They're still spinning but how"
Austin:"VARIARES!!!".Both beys clashed head to head each strike as powerful as a special move.
Jason:"This battle has been decided"
Evan:"What do you mean"
Jason:"Just watch"
Daisuke:"WHOA!!".Daisuke was surprised to see austin like this.
Daisuke:"You got that right pal"
Austin:"MY FINAL MOVE".Variares put all its power into one attack.
Daisuke:"Here we go".BOOM!! Another explsion took place.
Jason:"He won"
Daisuke:"I was a great battle austin"
Austin:"Yea i cant beleive i won"
Yukio:"cool is that variares"
yukio:"It has been hurt very bad"
Austin:"Can you fix it"
Daisuke:"What about my bey"
Daisuke:"Hey austin can i join you on your adventure also"
Jason:"Well it looks like we put a team together"
Evan:"What do you mean"
Jason:"Yukio the brains"
Jason:''The leader austin"
Jason:"Daisuke the muscle"
Jason:''Evan the funny guy"
Austin:"Then what are you"
Jason:"I have to go solo for awhile"
Austin:"No way"
Jason:"I will be back austin dont worry i have a reason to come back remember"
Evan:"Let him go its for good"
Jason:"Other people need me"
Austin:"I need you to"
Jason:"Sorry austin"
Jason ran off to finish something he had started.
Jason:"Sure why not"
Austin:"I think i will stay here this power feels weird like the inside of my body is being torn apart"
Evan:"Come on austin it will be fun"
Jason:"I'm with austin one"
Austin:"Well i do have to learn to control it sooner or later"
Evan:"Hey who is that blader over there"
Jason:"Lets go find out".The blader went by the name was daisuke with the bey RAY LYRA.
Austin:"I want to battle him"
Evan:"I want to battle him
Austin:"What no way"
Evan:"Ok rock,paper,scissors then"
Austin:"Deal".Austin ran off before they could challenging the blader daisuke.
Daisuke:"So you wanna battle me?"
Austin:"You heard me"
Daisuke:"Ok sure but don't hold back"
-3..2..1..LET IT RIP-
Daisuke:"Wow variares huh nice bey"
Austin:"Check this out".Variares created a tornado which headed right for lyra.
Daisuke:"GO!!".Lyra headed straight for variares breaking the tornado.
Austin:"Huh no one has ever done that before besides jason"
Jason:"This guy is good but not better then my brother"
Evan:"Show him austin"
Austin:''Variares attack".Variares went from defense mode to counter attack mode.
Jason:"This battle has just got interesting"
Evan:"You bet"
Daisuke:"Special move lyra flame tornado".Lyra created a tornado causing variares to go into the center off the tornado then pushing variares into the sky."Looks like i won"
Jason:"Its not over yet"
Daisuke:"What do you mean"
Evan:"Look up"
Austin:"GO variares".Variares headed straight for lyra."New special move..Wind strike".Variares created a twister aiming for lyra facebolt.
Daisuke:"Special move fire tornado".Lyra created a tornado of fire heading for variares.BOOM!!! A big explosion took place with both beys barely spinning.
Jason:"Whoa that was big"
Evan:"They're still spinning but how"
Austin:"VARIARES!!!".Both beys clashed head to head each strike as powerful as a special move.
Jason:"This battle has been decided"
Evan:"What do you mean"
Jason:"Just watch"
Daisuke:"WHOA!!".Daisuke was surprised to see austin like this.
Daisuke:"You got that right pal"
Austin:"MY FINAL MOVE".Variares put all its power into one attack.
Daisuke:"Here we go".BOOM!! Another explsion took place.
Jason:"He won"
Daisuke:"I was a great battle austin"
Austin:"Yea i cant beleive i won"
Yukio:"cool is that variares"
yukio:"It has been hurt very bad"
Austin:"Can you fix it"
Daisuke:"What about my bey"
Daisuke:"Hey austin can i join you on your adventure also"
Jason:"Well it looks like we put a team together"
Evan:"What do you mean"
Jason:"Yukio the brains"
Jason:''The leader austin"
Jason:"Daisuke the muscle"
Jason:''Evan the funny guy"
Austin:"Then what are you"
Jason:"I have to go solo for awhile"
Austin:"No way"
Jason:"I will be back austin dont worry i have a reason to come back remember"
Evan:"Let him go its for good"
Jason:"Other people need me"
Austin:"I need you to"
Jason:"Sorry austin"
Jason ran off to finish something he had started.
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Austin:"There is a tournament coming up soon up to four people so we have to win at least three battles"
Daisuke:"What time does it start and where is the tournament being held"
Austin:"It saids it's being held at the WBBA and it starts NOW!!"
Evan:"We gotta go now if we plan on entering"
At the WBBA there was long a line outside of the entrance but the line was moving quickly letting Austin and the gang get inside without a problem.
Austin VS Lee
Daisuke VS Kevin
Evan VS James
Yukio VS Robbie
Announcer:"Alright ladies and gentlmen first up we have Austin kitaro VS Lee kabasuki with the beys Variares 145WB and Storm lynx 125RF"
Evan:"Who do you think will win"
Daisuke:"well they are both strong bladers.Austin faces his opponents with a burning spirit and tremendous power.I've battled lee before also.Lee battles using technique so it's hard to say who is stronger".
Lee:''Get ready to lose austin because you will regret entering in this tournament"
Austin:"Are you gonna battle or are you just gonna talk"
Announcer:"3..2..1..LET IT RIP"
Austin:"Do it now go Variares"
Evan:"Go Austin"
Kevin:"Beat him lee".Both beys charged each other using a fierce attack.Both beys were locked in a fierce clash in the center of the stadium.
Austin:"Send him flying Variares"
Lee:"Lynx keep your stamina up".Lynx hit Variares which had gotten Variares to the end of the stadium.
Daisuke:"Wow they are both so strong but i wonder who is stronger"
Austin:"You're starting to get on my nerves.Send him flying NOW!! Variares".Variares hit lynx causing lynx to shoot up in the air.
Lee:"Go high lynx..Special move light slash attack".Lynx went for Variares gaining speed in the air
Austin:"What's that..That won't work on me..VARIARES!!".Variares created a tornado.
Austin:"Special move king of storms!!".Lynx attack had been blocked knocking him into the stadium.
James:"Wow i did'nt see that coming"
Robbie:"This guy's good..REALLY GOOD"
Austin:"To bad for you i know everything you're gonna do before you do it...You're predictable"
Lee:"Yea same here"
Austin:"What ever"
Lee:"Striker counter slash".LYNX went straight for the tornado breaking it.
Evan:"They're using to many special moves at once".The two beys began to clash once more.
Austin:"You showed me a good time but all good things must come to an end"
Lee:"I did'nt use enough power".Variares hit lynx under it's metal making lynx weak.
Austin:"Any obstacle in my way i will over come it".Variares hit lynx once again making lynx attack the stadium.
Lee:"DODGE IT LYNX!!".Lynx dodged variares attack making Variares hit the stadium.
Announcer:"Wow variares is attacking the stadium as if the stadium were it's opponent"
Austin:"Alright here we go variares".Variares went to the middle of the stadium and created another tornado.
Austin:"Hit him hard Variares".Variares tore up the stadium using the rocks to hit lynx.
Lee:"As if you could hit lynx..Run through it lynx!"
Lee:"I don't have time for this i will win and show the world the power of Lee".Lynx was zipping through the stadium but Variares had broke the stadium where striker was headed.Lynx was in the air.
Austin:"Do it Variares king of storms!!".A big tornado was created.Pushing lynx out of the stadium.
Austin:"this is Variares true power"
Announcer:"Is the battle over"
Austin:"Yes it is".Lynx had flew behind Lee landing on the floor.
Evan:"He did it"
Austin:"Well that was fun"
Daisuke:"What time does it start and where is the tournament being held"
Austin:"It saids it's being held at the WBBA and it starts NOW!!"
Evan:"We gotta go now if we plan on entering"
At the WBBA there was long a line outside of the entrance but the line was moving quickly letting Austin and the gang get inside without a problem.
Austin VS Lee
Daisuke VS Kevin
Evan VS James
Yukio VS Robbie
Announcer:"Alright ladies and gentlmen first up we have Austin kitaro VS Lee kabasuki with the beys Variares 145WB and Storm lynx 125RF"
Evan:"Who do you think will win"
Daisuke:"well they are both strong bladers.Austin faces his opponents with a burning spirit and tremendous power.I've battled lee before also.Lee battles using technique so it's hard to say who is stronger".
Lee:''Get ready to lose austin because you will regret entering in this tournament"
Austin:"Are you gonna battle or are you just gonna talk"
Announcer:"3..2..1..LET IT RIP"
Austin:"Do it now go Variares"
Evan:"Go Austin"
Kevin:"Beat him lee".Both beys charged each other using a fierce attack.Both beys were locked in a fierce clash in the center of the stadium.
Austin:"Send him flying Variares"
Lee:"Lynx keep your stamina up".Lynx hit Variares which had gotten Variares to the end of the stadium.
Daisuke:"Wow they are both so strong but i wonder who is stronger"
Austin:"You're starting to get on my nerves.Send him flying NOW!! Variares".Variares hit lynx causing lynx to shoot up in the air.
Lee:"Go high lynx..Special move light slash attack".Lynx went for Variares gaining speed in the air
Austin:"What's that..That won't work on me..VARIARES!!".Variares created a tornado.
Austin:"Special move king of storms!!".Lynx attack had been blocked knocking him into the stadium.
James:"Wow i did'nt see that coming"
Robbie:"This guy's good..REALLY GOOD"
Austin:"To bad for you i know everything you're gonna do before you do it...You're predictable"
Lee:"Yea same here"
Austin:"What ever"
Lee:"Striker counter slash".LYNX went straight for the tornado breaking it.
Evan:"They're using to many special moves at once".The two beys began to clash once more.
Austin:"You showed me a good time but all good things must come to an end"
Lee:"I did'nt use enough power".Variares hit lynx under it's metal making lynx weak.
Austin:"Any obstacle in my way i will over come it".Variares hit lynx once again making lynx attack the stadium.
Lee:"DODGE IT LYNX!!".Lynx dodged variares attack making Variares hit the stadium.
Announcer:"Wow variares is attacking the stadium as if the stadium were it's opponent"
Austin:"Alright here we go variares".Variares went to the middle of the stadium and created another tornado.
Austin:"Hit him hard Variares".Variares tore up the stadium using the rocks to hit lynx.
Lee:"As if you could hit lynx..Run through it lynx!"
Lee:"I don't have time for this i will win and show the world the power of Lee".Lynx was zipping through the stadium but Variares had broke the stadium where striker was headed.Lynx was in the air.
Austin:"Do it Variares king of storms!!".A big tornado was created.Pushing lynx out of the stadium.
Austin:"this is Variares true power"
Announcer:"Is the battle over"
Austin:"Yes it is".Lynx had flew behind Lee landing on the floor.
Evan:"He did it"
Austin:"Well that was fun"
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Daisuke:"Well it looks like i'm up next..wish me luck"
Evan:"Watch out that kevin guy is really strong..are you sure you can beat him"
Daisuke:"I'm positive"
Announcer:"Next up we have Daisuke chidori with the beyblade Ray lyra VS Kevin shinobi with the beyblade rock libra"."Lets see who the winner will be"."Will it be Daisuke with his lyra or will it Kevin with his lyra there is only one way to find out".
Daisuke:"Kevin just to be clear im hear to win this thing"
Kevin:"Sorry Daisuke but thats not going to happen"
Announcer:"READY!!"."3..2..1..LET IT RIP".Both beys clashed feircly.Lyra tried to run away as libra began to attack it from behind.
Annoucer:"Whoa libra is taking the fight to lyra..Libra tried to attack lyra once more but lyra quickly dodged the attack.
Daisuke:"Now Lyra special move lyra flame tornado".Lyra began to create a tornado causing libra to go into the middle of the stadium then pushing libra into the sky."You're done for"
Kevin:"Wow that's pathetic".Libra hit the stadium then charged for lyra causing lyra to bounce back."Now its my turn libra special move shock wave".A wave was sent to lyra stunning it causing lyra to wobble.
Daisuke:"LYRA!!".Lyra began to attack making libra back up more and more each time."You're not winning"
Kevin:"We'll see about that".Libra began to run away.
Daisuke:"Oh no you don't".Lyra special move---.
Kevin:"No way im letting you use your special move".Libra started attacking Lyra more and more."There is just no way libra special sheild".libra created an air sheild."Send him flying".Lyra hit the sheild causing it to spin through the air.
Daisuke:"Stay strong"
Kevin:"Let him have it".Libra began to glow."Watch out everyone LIBRA special move fire blast".Libra sent fire blast hitting Lyra causing lyra to get a stadium out.
Daisuke:"No way i lost"
Austin:"That battle was intense"
Evan:"You got that right"
Evan:"Looks like i'm next".Evan began to hold l-drago in his hand."I can't lose"
Announcer:"Ok ladies and gentlemen next up we have Evan takeru VS James tendo"."Come on ladies and gentle time to count down 3..2..1 LET IT RIP"
Evan:"GO L-DRAGO!!.L-drago hit beat saggitario causing a big explosion.Saggitario was bounced back while l-drago charged for it.But saggitario began to charge for l-drago.
Evan:"That's not working".James grunted as l-drago pushed him back.
James thoughts:"How did i get myself into this".Saggitario was getting pumbled."I can't give up now"
Evan:"Go again l-drago".L-drago hit saggitario so hard that saggitario almost got a stadium out.But saggitario just charged for l-drago again and with both beys clashing l-drago changed it's rotation.
James thoughts:"I let my guard down now i'm really stuck"."SAGGITARIO!!.James stepped back."I gotta try to win"
Evan:"Don't make me laugh"
James:"GO SAGGITARIO!!".saggitario flew back then charged again.
Evan:"No way".Both beys clashed feircly harder and harder each time.
James:"I must win".Saggitario hit l-drago pushing him back.A minor explosion had to place causing saggitario to bounce back and strike again.James fell back.
Evan:"Now you've done it".L-drago began to strike making saggitario weak.A minor explosion took lace again making James fall back."Battling is'nt just about how strong you are kid is about the bond between a bey and a blader"
James got up immediatly."You're right GO SAGGITARIO!!".Saggitario used it speed to attack but didnt hit l-drago.
Evan:"Don't run from me!!.L-drago tried to catch up but saggitario flew up in the sky.
James:"Special move Blast of destruction".Saggitario came down puttting all he had into this attack."GO!".James unlocked his bey spirit.
Evan:"NO WAY!!''.Evan's bey spirit was unlocked.A firey blast from l-drago was shot at saggitario.Both beys meet each other in the sky with a feirce attack but l-drago pushed saggitario back even more.Making saggitario hit the stadium hard."It's over''
Announcer:"Whoa it seems as if saggitario is stucked in to the stadium"."Looks like the winner is EVAN!!!"
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Announcer:"We have yukio masuki VS robbie makiro"."This seems like a heated battled"."3..2..1..LET IT RIP"
Yuki:"Ok storm pegasus lets show him who's boss".Pegasus used it's speed to attack dark lynx."You have nice defense but it's over".
Robbie:"Bring it".striker pushed pegasus back then charged for pegasus.
Yuki:"That won't keep me down".Pegasus and striker went back and forth clash after clash until yuki had an idea."Pegasus go".Pegasus flew upward.
Robbie:"No you don't".Striker tried to catch pegasus as he went up into the sky but pegasus disappeared."How in the world"."Stop hiding".
Yuki:"GO PEGASUS SPECIAL MOVE WING ATTACK".Pegasus used it's wings to cut through lynx metal makeing pegasus the winner.
Austin:"We won!!"
Announcer:"Team austin has won the tournament"
Evan:"What now"
Daisuke:"WE go all the way"
(somewhere in the distance)
Jason:"Good job bro".Jason disappeared
Austin:"I wish you could see this jason
Aargo:"So you've won but can you beat me".aargo ripped his bey in the stadium.
Evan:"We have to win as a team"
Announcer:"It seems as though another battle is about to take place"
Daisuke:"We have to work as a team if we want to beat him"
Aargo:"As if you could beat me"
Austin:"Let it rip!!"
Evan:"Attack now".All the beys attacked nemesis but nemesispushed them back as if nothing was there.
Daisuke:"How do we beat this guy"
Yukio:"It's impossible"
Austin:"I have a way".Austin unlocked his bey spirit.
Aargo:"Wow you're pathetic as ever and i thought if i gave you power you would be stronger"
Austin:"DON'T YOU TALK DOWN TO ME GO VARIARES!!".Variares tried to attack nemesis but couldn't get through .VARIARES DON'T GIVE UP GO!!"
Evan:"AHH!!".L-drago help variares by giving him a boost.Well don't just stand there HELP!!"
Diasuke and Yukio unlocked their spirits as well.
Aargo:"This battle is not a very interesting one"."Tell you what i'll give you all some time to train there's no telling when i'm going to visit again"."Nemesis special move electric vortex".Nemesis created a electrical vortex sucking Variares,Pegasus,L-drago,Lyra into it then sending a dark wave to destroy the beys.Austin,Yukio,Evan,Daisuke were knocked back along with their beys."Looks like you really need that training".Aargo left.Austin and the gang were hurt very bad.
Austin:"We almost had him"
Daisuke:"Austin is right we were so close to beating him"
Evan:"Only if we had jason we probably would of won"
Austin:"Well he's gone so it's just us"
Yukio:"Austin is right we need to become stronger"
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Austin:"Go variares".Austin shot variares a stone and broke it."Wow we're getting stronger i can feel it.
Daisuke:"Next we battle aargo.Daisuke ripped his bey at a mountain and put a hole in it."I'll be ready"
Evan:"I still don't know how we lost"
Yukio:"We were caught off guard thats all"
Austin:"We've been training up here for weeks i wonder how strong we've gotten"
Daisuke:"Only one way to find out..tag team battle so when the time comes to battle aargo we'll know who will battle him head on.
Evan:"Ok what's the teams"
Daisuke:"Yukio and I VS Evan and Austin"
Austin:"It's like you wanna lose"
Yukio:"Just get you're bey ready"
The beys were ripped from their launchers.
Yukio:"Lets combine our special moves"
Yukio:"Yea"."Special move tri beam attack".Pegasus Went up into the air shooting beams.
Daisuke:"My turn..special move wind strike".Lyra went into the middle of the stadium and used the wind to direct where the shots were headed.L-drago was caught off guard and flew toward Evan.
Austin:"You're not done yet".Austin used variares to hit l-drago back inot the stadium before he could hit the ground.
Evan:"I should of been paying attention".L-drago dodged all of the beam attacks and hit lyra from the middle of the stadium."My fang l-drago has both defense and attack i guess it's a balance type".L-drago used variares to hit storm pegasus out of the sky.
Yukio:"Special move blue light of fate".pegasus began to glow and circled around in the air.
Austin:"What's his plan".Austin used variares tornado move to gather all the beys in the air."It's you're turn Evan".
Evan:"Ok".L-drago used the wind to boost it's speed hitting both lyra and pegasus in the air.
Daisuke:"Lyra!!".Lyra hit pegasus out of the tornado and onto the stadium making pegasus weak.
Yukio:"This is all i've got so make it count pegasus".Pegasus charged for variares using all his strenght but instead of hitting variares pegasus hit l-drago causing both of the beys a staduim out.
Austin:"Well it's just you and me".Variares switched itself from counter attack mode to defense mode making it stronger.
Daisuke:"You got that right".Lyra used it's special power to regain stamina."Are you ready for this"
Austin:"We gotta find out who's the best somehow right".Both bladers had just went all out and clashed into each other making a big explosion.Lyra had total stopped spinning and as for variares,Variares had just lost a little stamina but was still completely spinning.
Daisuke:"How did you survive that"
Austin:"Remember i switched it from counter attack to defense mode making it stronger".Just as austin was about to pick up his bey another bey from shot from a distance knocking variares into the middle of the stadium while the bey just circled around.
Mysterious blader:"I hope i didnt miss out on the battle"."Twisted kerbecs special move flying counterwing".Kerbecs lifted into air waiting for variares to attack.
Austin:"Ok then lets do it".Special move king of storms.Variares created a tornado and charged for kerbecs but kerbecs wasn't affected at all instead kerbecs did the same move with 10x the power knocking variares out of the stadium."I wasn't aspecting that"
Evan:"Who are you"
Mysterious blader:"Wildson,Jim wildson i understand you're taking Aargo down i want in"
The gang began to exchange looks and finally came to a understanding
Austin:"Ok you're in we'll take down aargo tommorrow and we will win".And i want a remacth.
Evan:"Ignore him so w all are strong enough now so we will take him down and save the world".Whats you're name"
Jim told the gang his name and vowed to help save the world.
Daisuke:"Next we battle aargo.Daisuke ripped his bey at a mountain and put a hole in it."I'll be ready"
Evan:"I still don't know how we lost"
Yukio:"We were caught off guard thats all"
Austin:"We've been training up here for weeks i wonder how strong we've gotten"
Daisuke:"Only one way to find out..tag team battle so when the time comes to battle aargo we'll know who will battle him head on.
Evan:"Ok what's the teams"
Daisuke:"Yukio and I VS Evan and Austin"
Austin:"It's like you wanna lose"
Yukio:"Just get you're bey ready"
The beys were ripped from their launchers.
Yukio:"Lets combine our special moves"
Yukio:"Yea"."Special move tri beam attack".Pegasus Went up into the air shooting beams.
Daisuke:"My turn..special move wind strike".Lyra went into the middle of the stadium and used the wind to direct where the shots were headed.L-drago was caught off guard and flew toward Evan.
Austin:"You're not done yet".Austin used variares to hit l-drago back inot the stadium before he could hit the ground.
Evan:"I should of been paying attention".L-drago dodged all of the beam attacks and hit lyra from the middle of the stadium."My fang l-drago has both defense and attack i guess it's a balance type".L-drago used variares to hit storm pegasus out of the sky.
Yukio:"Special move blue light of fate".pegasus began to glow and circled around in the air.
Austin:"What's his plan".Austin used variares tornado move to gather all the beys in the air."It's you're turn Evan".
Evan:"Ok".L-drago used the wind to boost it's speed hitting both lyra and pegasus in the air.
Daisuke:"Lyra!!".Lyra hit pegasus out of the tornado and onto the stadium making pegasus weak.
Yukio:"This is all i've got so make it count pegasus".Pegasus charged for variares using all his strenght but instead of hitting variares pegasus hit l-drago causing both of the beys a staduim out.
Austin:"Well it's just you and me".Variares switched itself from counter attack mode to defense mode making it stronger.
Daisuke:"You got that right".Lyra used it's special power to regain stamina."Are you ready for this"
Austin:"We gotta find out who's the best somehow right".Both bladers had just went all out and clashed into each other making a big explosion.Lyra had total stopped spinning and as for variares,Variares had just lost a little stamina but was still completely spinning.
Daisuke:"How did you survive that"
Austin:"Remember i switched it from counter attack to defense mode making it stronger".Just as austin was about to pick up his bey another bey from shot from a distance knocking variares into the middle of the stadium while the bey just circled around.
Mysterious blader:"I hope i didnt miss out on the battle"."Twisted kerbecs special move flying counterwing".Kerbecs lifted into air waiting for variares to attack.
Austin:"Ok then lets do it".Special move king of storms.Variares created a tornado and charged for kerbecs but kerbecs wasn't affected at all instead kerbecs did the same move with 10x the power knocking variares out of the stadium."I wasn't aspecting that"
Evan:"Who are you"
Mysterious blader:"Wildson,Jim wildson i understand you're taking Aargo down i want in"
The gang began to exchange looks and finally came to a understanding
Austin:"Ok you're in we'll take down aargo tommorrow and we will win".And i want a remacth.
Evan:"Ignore him so w all are strong enough now so we will take him down and save the world".Whats you're name"
Jim told the gang his name and vowed to help save the world.
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Austin and the gang had been training all day yesterday and they had one thing on their mind defeating aargo.They ran as fast as they could to the dark castle.The sky was filled with dark clouds.The gang had made it to the entrance of the castle.
Austin:"Ready".Everyone shook their heads as if they knew what was about o happen.
Daisuke:"Today's the day guys..Lets go".Everyone ran inside the castle.Aargo was waiting for them as if he knew today was the day to decide who will win.Good VS Evil.
Jim:"You know why we're aargo"
Aargo:"Of course".Aargo had gotten his bey ready."Should we take this somewhere else".The gang agreed to take the battle to the WBBA."How about 5 against 1".
Jim:"Are you sure about that".the gang had arrived the WBBA entering the arena."Lets go"
-3..2..1..LET IT RIP-
Nemesis went into the middle of the stadium.
Aargo:"You wont win but first time for some arrangements".Nemesis took the roof off the WBBA and broken the stadium."That's better"
Evan:"Lets go l-drago".L-drago knock nemesis backward by a inch while pegasus used it's special move trying to get him a stadium out.
Aargo:"It's not gonna be that easy".Nemesis pushed both l-drago and pegasus back.
Jim:"KERBECS".kerbecs tried using it's special move but nemesis knocked it back down.
Aargo:"Are you guys even trying".Nemesis hit both beys so fast that they couldnt dodge it.
Austin looked at the ground trying to concentrate.
Yukio:"Austin whats wrong come one you gotta help us".The beys were being attacked feircly.
Nemesis and the beys went back and forth with a clash then charged for the opponent once again.Nemesis had used a little bit of it;s power making the beys weak.Everyone gave it their all putting up a fight almost using all of their beyspirit.Austin was still in deep thought.
Evan:"He's zapping out our energy with each strike"
Yukio:"Quick everyone special move now".Everyone had used their special moves and hit nemesis causing a big explosion tearing down the arena.
Jim:"Our bey spirit is gone we can't use it he took most of our energy"
Austin:"MOVE!!".Variares had knocked,L-drago,pegasus,kerbecs,Lyra out of the way."HAHA" it's over".Austin began to be taken over by his dark bey spirit.
Evan:"What do we do"
Yukio:"Let them battle..This battle is not for us"
Jim:"But we can take him"
Daisuke:"Austin's got this".Everyone called back their beys.
Austin's dark voice:"So its a battle you want huh..Variares dark move tornado of destruction".Varaires created a giant tornado sucking nemesis up and striking him."This is fun right..RIGHT"
Aargo:"Nice to see you using the dark power but this battle must end".Nemesis broke out of the tornado and aargo unlocked his bey spirit.
Austin's dark voice:"Lets go".Variares and nemesis attacked one after another making one explosion after another."Are you giving up"
aargo:"No way i must take back my power".Nemesis used his special move but variares dodged it.
A bey was ripped in the stadium.
Austin's dark voice:"Whats this".It was eagle jason had returned from his journey.
Jason:"Austin you need help".Eagle used it's special move absorbing all of austin's dark power making austin weak.
Austin:"What happened"
Jason:"It's ok bro im here"
Austin:"I can help you take him we all can"
Jason:"Sorry i must face this battle alone"
Aargo:"Whats makes you think you can beat me"
Jason:"My mom told me the whole story all i have to do is beleive".Eagle began to pumble nemesis into the staduim."Is'nt that right dad"
Austin and the gang was surprised as ever.
aargo:"Looks like you're mother remembered everything but you wont win son"
Jason:"Oh i've already beaten you".Eagle hit nemesis into sky then smash him into the stadium making nemesis attack the stadium.
Daisuke:"He's gotten so strong"
Austin:"Well thats jason for ya"
Yukio:"Will he win"
Jim:"He has to nemesis destroyed my family years ago he must pay"
Evan:"He will win"
Jason's eagle zipped through the stadium hitting nemesis back and forth.
Aargo:"What how are you doing that nemesis would of beaten you by now"
Jason:"Thats right it wouldnt beaten the old jason im the new and improved jason".Jason unlocked his bey spirit.
Aargo:"Bring it on"
Eagle and nemesis hit each other causing a very big explosion knocking everyone back.When the dust finally cleared eagle had won.aargo was destroyed leaving the dark spirit to corrupt some one else.The gang ran toward jason to celerbrate.
Daisuke:"Now that the dark spirit left him were is it now".Daisuke began to have a headache.
Yukio:"You ok"
Everyone went to celerbrate.The town made them heroes and gave them medals saying there name name as they walked across the stage in city hall.
Austin:"So do we go our seperate ways"
News:"A blader has taken over the city we need help to bring him down"
Austin,Jason,Yukio,Daisuke,Jim,Evan exchanged looks.
Jason:"Well it looks like we have a town to save"
The gang ran off to continue their next journey.
Austin:"Ready".Everyone shook their heads as if they knew what was about o happen.
Daisuke:"Today's the day guys..Lets go".Everyone ran inside the castle.Aargo was waiting for them as if he knew today was the day to decide who will win.Good VS Evil.
Jim:"You know why we're aargo"
Aargo:"Of course".Aargo had gotten his bey ready."Should we take this somewhere else".The gang agreed to take the battle to the WBBA."How about 5 against 1".
Jim:"Are you sure about that".the gang had arrived the WBBA entering the arena."Lets go"
-3..2..1..LET IT RIP-
Nemesis went into the middle of the stadium.
Aargo:"You wont win but first time for some arrangements".Nemesis took the roof off the WBBA and broken the stadium."That's better"
Evan:"Lets go l-drago".L-drago knock nemesis backward by a inch while pegasus used it's special move trying to get him a stadium out.
Aargo:"It's not gonna be that easy".Nemesis pushed both l-drago and pegasus back.
Jim:"KERBECS".kerbecs tried using it's special move but nemesis knocked it back down.
Aargo:"Are you guys even trying".Nemesis hit both beys so fast that they couldnt dodge it.
Austin looked at the ground trying to concentrate.
Yukio:"Austin whats wrong come one you gotta help us".The beys were being attacked feircly.
Nemesis and the beys went back and forth with a clash then charged for the opponent once again.Nemesis had used a little bit of it;s power making the beys weak.Everyone gave it their all putting up a fight almost using all of their beyspirit.Austin was still in deep thought.
Evan:"He's zapping out our energy with each strike"
Yukio:"Quick everyone special move now".Everyone had used their special moves and hit nemesis causing a big explosion tearing down the arena.
Jim:"Our bey spirit is gone we can't use it he took most of our energy"
Austin:"MOVE!!".Variares had knocked,L-drago,pegasus,kerbecs,Lyra out of the way."HAHA" it's over".Austin began to be taken over by his dark bey spirit.
Evan:"What do we do"
Yukio:"Let them battle..This battle is not for us"
Jim:"But we can take him"
Daisuke:"Austin's got this".Everyone called back their beys.
Austin's dark voice:"So its a battle you want huh..Variares dark move tornado of destruction".Varaires created a giant tornado sucking nemesis up and striking him."This is fun right..RIGHT"
Aargo:"Nice to see you using the dark power but this battle must end".Nemesis broke out of the tornado and aargo unlocked his bey spirit.
Austin's dark voice:"Lets go".Variares and nemesis attacked one after another making one explosion after another."Are you giving up"
aargo:"No way i must take back my power".Nemesis used his special move but variares dodged it.
A bey was ripped in the stadium.
Austin's dark voice:"Whats this".It was eagle jason had returned from his journey.
Jason:"Austin you need help".Eagle used it's special move absorbing all of austin's dark power making austin weak.
Austin:"What happened"
Jason:"It's ok bro im here"
Austin:"I can help you take him we all can"
Jason:"Sorry i must face this battle alone"
Aargo:"Whats makes you think you can beat me"
Jason:"My mom told me the whole story all i have to do is beleive".Eagle began to pumble nemesis into the staduim."Is'nt that right dad"
Austin and the gang was surprised as ever.
aargo:"Looks like you're mother remembered everything but you wont win son"
Jason:"Oh i've already beaten you".Eagle hit nemesis into sky then smash him into the stadium making nemesis attack the stadium.
Daisuke:"He's gotten so strong"
Austin:"Well thats jason for ya"
Yukio:"Will he win"
Jim:"He has to nemesis destroyed my family years ago he must pay"
Evan:"He will win"
Jason's eagle zipped through the stadium hitting nemesis back and forth.
Aargo:"What how are you doing that nemesis would of beaten you by now"
Jason:"Thats right it wouldnt beaten the old jason im the new and improved jason".Jason unlocked his bey spirit.
Aargo:"Bring it on"
Eagle and nemesis hit each other causing a very big explosion knocking everyone back.When the dust finally cleared eagle had won.aargo was destroyed leaving the dark spirit to corrupt some one else.The gang ran toward jason to celerbrate.
Daisuke:"Now that the dark spirit left him were is it now".Daisuke began to have a headache.
Yukio:"You ok"
Everyone went to celerbrate.The town made them heroes and gave them medals saying there name name as they walked across the stage in city hall.
Austin:"So do we go our seperate ways"
News:"A blader has taken over the city we need help to bring him down"
Austin,Jason,Yukio,Daisuke,Jim,Evan exchanged looks.
Jason:"Well it looks like we have a town to save"
The gang ran off to continue their next journey.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Appearence:spiky hair,white jacket,black jeans and red/grey shoes
Bey:variares 145wb
Special moves:tornado drive,invisible strike,tornado twister
Appearence:spiky hair,white jacket,black jeans and red/grey shoes
Bey:variares 145wb
Special moves:tornado drive,invisible strike,tornado twister
Spoiler (Click to View)
Appearence:short spikey hair,black short sleeve short,grey pants,black shoes
Bey:fang l-drago130rf
Special moves:fang dash,dragon rage,flying fang strike
Appearence:short spikey hair,black short sleeve short,grey pants,black shoes
Bey:fang l-drago130rf
Special moves:fang dash,dragon rage,flying fang strike
Spoiler (Click to View)
appearence:wavy hair(hair covers most of his face),long sleeved jacket,blue and black sweat pants,yellow and white shoes
Bey:storm pegasus
Special moves:storm strike,light absorb, blast of light
appearence:wavy hair(hair covers most of his face),long sleeved jacket,blue and black sweat pants,yellow and white shoes
Bey:storm pegasus
Special moves:storm strike,light absorb, blast of light
Spoiler (Click to View)
appearence:short hair,green jacket,black shorts,green grey shoes,
Bey:ray lyra
Special move:flame tornado,fire ball attack,flame wall
appearence:short hair,green jacket,black shorts,green grey shoes,
Bey:ray lyra
Special move:flame tornado,fire ball attack,flame wall