World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Typical beyblade story (Accepting character Request)
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chapter 1

It was an ordinary day for zeronie he was out with his bey poison fireblaze145SF looking for a new opponent he couldn't find any so he went to his friend Axels house to battle his twisted leonED145WB.Hey axel "says Zeronie"Wanna battle?Sure "says axel".
let it rip!!!!!
The 2 beys landed in the stadium.Leone "yelled Axel" charge.Leone hit Fireblaze with outstanding power but Fireblaze didn't budge.Awesome defense "said Axel" but it's not anywhere near done.I think i can change that prediction by saying this "said Zeronie" Fireblaze special move Venom Quake.Fireblaze Vibrated and created a sonic wave that only other sonic waves can break through.Let it rip yelled a voice in the distance this looks like a fun little battle he jumps off the roof of the building that he launched his bey from let me play too.When he launched his bey he broke through my sonic wave and made Leone stop.My name is jadon "said Jadon".I'm done i just wanted to show you my power.Jadon grabbed his bey out of the stadium Jadon had alot of freckles he wore a blue hoody and red pants.This is my bey"said Jadon" Beat Gemios D125CS
@ bladeshredder: I'm sorry to say, but this is the wrong place for a topic like this one.
tell that to S.D.C he started the team thing also its a beyblade team
Also putting your personal address on the internet isn't the best idea.
For your own personal safety, edit your post, so that your address is not included...never give away personal information like that
hey if anyone will try to steel me my fireblaze does great self defence you guys should try thinking outside the bey lol Tongue_out
actually instead i changed the subject completely so i don't have a safety problem
This has absolutely nothing to do with this forum ... I will move it to the Your Creations forum.
actually i thank you because i couldn't find out how to change the thing from teams to your creations
I have an idea for you: move to a different state. THAT was smart, dude. Plus, where is the rest? The detail?
It was initially a Team thread, but then he changed the OP into a chapter ...

I have no idea why he didn't just make a new thread here, but oh well ._.
srry i will fix that
I agree with SilverChronos. Where is the rest?
I was writing it and i couldn't finish it.