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Not to me because she just wanted direction and then later said yes, I WILL MARRY U!
it look like every one was high on coffee that episode.
Did anyone else hear about the major GF spoiler that was recently released to the internet by some idiot who snapped a photo of an unseen scene at Disney Studios? The picture shows a character who I won't reveal on this thread writing one of the books. Its not the whole series, but it was one of the big mysteries. Though I doubt any Faller on the internet will be able to avoid it for long, whether or not you want to check it out on Mystery Shack and a few other sites is your choice. From what I've heard, Alex Hirsch tweeted about how upset he was(which almost guarantees its real), but deleted the post.
Yea, I heard about it and I saw it. Now I am spoiled for the whole entire season but there are still a ton of mysteries in the show even though I know who wrote the books.
In kinda wish I didn't see that now. It's kinda interesting to know that, that character (I'm not going to spoil it).
Thanks for not posting the spoiler dudes, I appreciate it.
Kinda sucks now cause I know who wrote the books and I wanted to solve the mystery myself.
So did anyone watch the episode with Several Timez and Robby hypnotizing Wendy? I thought it was pretty good. Mabel turned crazy near the end.
Loved the fact that they were naturally auto-tuned. That was a great touch!
That was a great episode, I loved it. It was hilarious and had a few mysteries in it too.
Sorry guys, Hiatus again. No new episodes this month. BOOO
Hopefully there won't be another long hiatus. But it's okay to take a break. At least me probably can look forward to another episode in the future.
WHOOP just got info that the new episode will be airing on June 28th.
Haven't seen much of this show but I have enjoyed the episodes I have seen. I watched like 3 or 4 that were on tv and they were interesting, and the animation was pretty cool.
The show's hilarious, you should watch more of it!
Looking forward to the 28th then. More so the 22nd though because birthdays are still more exciting.
A prehistoric beast snatches Mabel's pig Waddles and the Pines family must take a journey.
Fri 6/289:00pm-9:30pm

New episode called "The Land before Swine"
The episode tonight was amazing. Here are my thoughts
I LOVE the show!!Grin it's mysterious and funnySmile my favorite part in the show is when Gruncle Stan drinks that potion thing and he starts talking like an old grandma!XD LMAO!!XD
Guys! The season finale is on August 2nd! After a really great season that seemed to take forever, we are finally at the end of it. The only bad thing about this is that the season hiatus is gonna be forever.
After how long we've had to wait between episodes, do you honestly think we're gonna notice the hiatus?
I've seen the commercial for the season finale. Looks really good actually. I hope there's some type of magic/creature. Probably will be since all the episodes are like that. Anyone se curious about the dinosaurs underground in amber? I bet if they break out, it will be an interesting episode.
It was supposed to air friday but has been delayed a week. Still, it should be fun when it does :).
Can NOT wait for the season FINALE! TODAY YES YES YES!
OMG. I forgot about that. Changing the channel right now to be prepared.
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