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when is the download link is coming ;o
(Aug. 05, 2012  1:31 AM)King4D Wrote: [ -> ]when is the download link is coming ;o

It will be up when DranzerX13 uploads it so just wait.
I did have to laugh. It looked like Zero would win with a Special Move, but it completely backfired and he self KO'd Ifraid. That Special Move didn't look like Burning Upper though...
(Aug. 05, 2012  12:44 AM)BH145WD Wrote: [ -> ]Did this episode mention who Sakyo got Dragooon from, cause it sure seems like it did...

From what I understand of the Japanese community's reaction, it just seemed, in the anime, to the characters, as if Sakyo had an aura of Ryuuga, or, at most, that he was Ryuuga's successor. It did not seem like he had gotten Dark Knight Dragooon from him or that he had any real relation with him.

However, I have not watched the episode myself yet ...
It's honestly nothing special. Sakyo barrages Zero, Zero barrages Sakyo back, Sakyo goes rage with darkness and barrages back harder, Zero tries to use a Special Move (Didn't look like Burning Upper, a ring of fire appeared around Ifraid while it stood still, that's all), the downforce shattered the rock under it and Ifraid lost all remaining rotations as it was stuck.

Although, Zero and Shinobu kept seeing silhouettes of Ryuga, which I still don't understand. It just makes me think that Sakyo is the new "Dragon Emperor", succeeding Ryuga.
dranzer hasn't uploaded it yet ;o
(Aug. 05, 2012  11:39 AM)King4D Wrote: [ -> ]dranzer hasn't uploaded it yet ;o

Do not rush him, whenever the episode is ready, DranzerX13 will add the links for it ...
You guys wrote very interesting things and now you made me totally curious about this episode Grin
The ending also suggested that Sakyo and Zero could possibly have a rematch but in a Zero G stadium so that Sakyo could show Zero the full power of his Dragooon... just saying
Episode added.
thanks Smile
(Aug. 05, 2012  5:41 AM)Manaphy12342 Wrote: [ -> ]Although, Zero and Shinobu kept seeing silhouettes of Ryuga, which I still don't understand. It just makes me think that Sakyo is the new "Dragon Emperor", succeeding Ryuga.

Imo Sakyo is nowhere near Ryuga. They're just trying damn too hard to compare them both. Sakyo even got his own "Kenta" already. I bet he will give his power to Takanosuke at last to beat the very final opponent @_@
I really do hope Takanosuke doesnt follow him. Uncertain I always found it really irritating when Kenta followed Ryuga in the previous series..
(Aug. 05, 2012  5:07 PM)Cannon Wrote: [ -> ]I really do hope Takanosuke doesnt follow him. Uncertain I always found it really irritating when Kenta followed Ryuga in the previous series..

Kenta following Ryuga was pretty fun the first episode it happened (When Ryuga's Mean Look scared off the Tiger XD). But i wish he wouldn't have a sudden change of heart. It would've been better if Ryuga would just beat Rago, sacrificing L-Drago and then Rago would come out in his "Full-Nemesis" form. Something similar to when Kai beat Brooklyn in G-Revolution.
Can someone understand that what's with Ryuga in this episode how is Sakyo related to him ?
(Aug. 06, 2012  3:52 PM)Feridf Wrote: [ -> ]Can someone understand that what's with Ryuga in this episode how is Sakyo related to him ?

I posted about it right above ...
I think that maybe they are just reminiscing about Ryuuga, and not actually comparing Sakyo to him at all.

I mean, these guys know about Ginga, and the Legend Bladers, so they must have seen Ryuuga battling at some point. Possibly doing one of the battles in the first season, or against Jack of team Star Breaker.

All they're really doing is seeing that Sakyo has a 'dragon' bey and thinking about Ryuuga and L-Drago. Maybe they don't even know who Ryuuga is/was?

Other than the fact that they both control beys with the power of a dragon in it, there really is no relation between the two other than their contrasting hair colours, and their love of addressing people with 'Kisama'.
TBH, i can't wait until Ryuga releases his damn soul out of Flash Sagittario in Zero-G, and shows Sakyo who's the True Dragon Emperor.
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