World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: What is the best Zero-g synchrom?!?!
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Hi you guys, im asking what is the best zero-g synchrom?!?!?

here are the choices or you could make a synchrom.

1.Ifraid Dragoon LW160BSF
2.Saramanda Ifraid W145CF
3.Pheonic Ifraid W145GCF
4.Oroyja Leviser 160SB
5.Griff Pheonic E230GCF
6.Oroyja Ifraid W145CF
7.Griff Oroyja 160S
8.Leviser Griff 160BSF

This goes in the "Build Me a Combo! 2 Thread if you're wanting a combo... Use that next time...

If this is our opinion, this thread is not necessary...
I am not talking about combos just Zero-g synchroms

combos and synchroms are diffrent because combos mostly use the same parts such as a face bolt,energy ring, fusion wheel, spin track and performance tip.

Synchroms are mostly found in zero-g unlike combos the crystal wheel is replaced with a chrome wheel meaning there are two chrome wheels.
You're still customizing, so it counts. Heck, Beyblades out of the box are combos too because they're a combination of parts.

Please listen to DefStamina88. Smile
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