World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: What to you think about Gingka and Ryuga?
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I think Gingka is uncool, and cute... and Ryuga is cool, and feel like unbeatable...
I personally do not like Ginkga, but Ryuga is independent and fierce
I dont like either of them. They are both annoying. If i had to pick, id pick ryuga cuz l drago is way cooler than pegasus.
Ryuga, because his voice actually sounds believable. As for Gingka......I'm not sure if he's even a guy. WHAT KIND OF TWISTED DUDE USES A BEY CALLED PEGASUS?!!?
(Jul. 09, 2012  12:53 AM)Beyniac Wrote: [ -> ]I dont like either of them. They are both annoying. If i had to pick, id pick ryuga cuz l drago is way cooler than pegasus.
I soooooooo agree.
I think you can discuss this in the Favorite Characters thread...